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驻欧盟大使在中国欧盟商会晚餐会上的演讲在中国欧盟商会晚餐会上的演讲中国驻欧盟使团团长 宋哲大使2010年9月22日Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Song Zhe at the EUCCC Dinner尊敬的戴杰会长,女士们,先生们:President Jacques de Boissson,Ladies and Gentlemen,大家晚上好!Good evening.很高兴再次参加中国欧盟商会在布鲁塞尔组织的活动,与企业家朋友们见面。此次是戴杰先生首次作为会长,代表中国欧盟商会,向中欧有关机构提交欧盟企业在华建议书。我代表中国驻欧盟使团,对戴杰会长和中国欧盟商会表示衷心的感谢,并向长期以来为促进中欧友好做出重要贡献的欧洲企业家们,表示诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿!I am very happy to once again meet our friends from the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC). Today is the first time for Mr. Boissson to submit the Position Paper to relevant authorities both in China and the EU in the capacity as the Chamber President. On behalf of the China Mission, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to President Boissson and the Chamber. I would also like to express my sincere greetings and best wishes to European entrepreneurs for your long standing contribution to China-EU friendship.再过十多天,布鲁塞尔将迎来第13次中欧领导人会晤和第6届中欧工商峰会。这是近期双边关系发展的高潮,将延续近年来中欧战略互信增强、互利合作扩大的良好态势,并为今后一个时期中欧全面战略伙伴关系发展指明方向。经贸合作一直是中欧关系的重要组成部分,也是历次领导人会晤讨论的重要议题之一。The 13th China-EU Summit and the 6th China-EU Business Summit will be held here in Brussels in a few days. As major highlights of our recent bilateral relations, these events will help us boost strategic mutual trust, expand mutually beneficial cooperation, and point out the future direction of our relations. Business cooperation, as an all-time integral part of China-EU ties, has always received constant attention during previous China-EU Summit discussions.近年来,中欧经贸关系取得长足发展,即便是在国际金融危机最严重的去年,中欧贸易和投资仍然保持了基本稳定,没有出现大幅下滑,体现出很强的抗风险能力。今年以来,中欧经贸合作保持强劲发展势头,实现了恢复性增长。据中方统计,今年1-8月,中欧双边贸易总值同比增长36.2%,欧盟对华投资增长18.9%,双双超过危机前水平。欧盟是中国最大贸易伙伴、出口市场和技术引进来源地;中国也是欧盟第二大贸易伙伴,并上升为欧第二大出口市场。In recent years, we have witnessed huge progress in China-EU business ties. Our trade and investment cooperation has shown strong resilience against the financial crisis even in the most difficult moments of year 2009. There was no major tumbling falls. This year, with the recovery growth in place, our economic and trade cooperation has maintained a strong momentum of growth. Chinese statistics shows that our bilateral trade grew by 36.2% in the first eight months this year, and EU investment in China increased by 21.8%, both exceeding the pre-crisis level. The EU is Chinas largest trading partner, export market, and source of technology transfer. China is EUs second largest trading partner and export market.在全球贸易投资缓慢复苏的背景下,中欧经贸合作之所以能显示出如此强劲回升、高速增长的喜人形势,我认为应归功于以下几点:The strong and rapid growth in China-EU business cooperation against the slow world recovery is attributable to three factors.一是中欧经济的互补性奠定了坚实基础。欧盟科技发达,资金雄厚,国际营销经验丰富,高科技制造、高档品牌、节能环保等产业具有明显的优势。而中国劳动力资源丰富,生产成本低,日用消费品等劳动密集型工业具有较强竞争力。目前,欧盟经济已进入了主要依靠知识创新拉动的“后工业时代”,而中国还处在工业化、城市化加速发展的进程中,双方这种互补的经济结构为经贸合作提供了广阔空间。First, economic complementarity constitutes a solid basis for China-EU business ties. Europe enjoys remarkable advantage in science and technology, capital market, international marketing, hi-tech manufacturing, exclusive brands, energy conservation, and environment protection. In China, the abundant labor resource and low production cost make us competitive in consumer goods manufacturing and other labor intensive industries. While the EU is already in the period of post-industrialization, featuring innovation-driven economy, China is still in the process of speedy industrialization and urbanization. Such structural complementarity provides a huge room for the growth of our business cooperation.二是中欧合作的互利性提供了强劲动力。欧盟企业通过资金、技术的投入,推进了中国工业化进程,拉动了经济增长和就业,加快了经济发展方式转变和国际竞争力提升,同时自身也获得了巨大发展。中国出口物美价廉的商品,为欧洲消费者节省了大量开支,帮助欧洲企业降低了生产成本,欧盟市场也成为不少中国企业发展壮大的重要依托。互利互惠的合作激励着双方企业进一步开拓对方市场,成为中欧经贸关系不断向前发展的最主要推动力量。据6月份中国欧盟商会的调查,64%的欧盟在华企业将中国列为未来首选或前三位投资目的地,如巴斯夫计划4年内对华投资20亿欧元。Second, mutual benefit provides a strong driving force for the China-EU economic and trade cooperation. Capital and technology investment from Europe, while making corporate profits for European companies, has also benefited Chinas competitiveness, industrialization, economic and job growth, and the upgrade of economic growth pattern. With the low-price quality goods from China, European households are able to make huge savings on consumer goods, and businesses could cut a bulk of their production cost, creating a favorable market for Chinese business growth. Such mutual benefit, acting like a strong driving force, encourages businesses from the two sides to further expand each others market. BASF plans to make 2 billion Euros investment in China over the next four years. In fact, as the survey released by the EUCCC in June suggested, 64% of European companies in China ranked China as their first or among top three destinations for future investment.三是中欧政策的协调性创造了重要条件。全球化加深了世界经济的融合程度,各国经济组成了一个相互之间联系紧密的链条,形成了你中有我、我中有你的格局,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。在维护世界经济稳定方面,各国尤其是主要经济体有着越来越多的共同利益,也需担负着越来越大的共同责任。在过去的两年时间里,中欧双方无论在双边
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