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有关小升初英语每日一练习题有关小升初英语每日一练习题一、选出不同的词( ) 1. A. tomato B. pear C. cabbage D. potato( ) 2. A. Brazil B. Norway C. Chinese D. Spain( ) 3. A. usually B. today C. tomorrow D. now( ) 4. A. chalk B. paper C. water D. book( ) 5. A. a B. an C. the D. you二、阅读理解题When someone asked me what business I am in, my face feels 1 I envy (嫉妒) people who can say that they are writers, bookkeepers and doctors. All these job speak for themselves.I go through life quietly. I can 9 the laughter of others. I can laugh in many different ways. But Im not sure that I have ever heard the sound of 10 own laughter.( ) 1. A. warm B. cool C. hot D. cold第 页 共 页
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