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清新县何黄玉湘中学unit 2 topic 1学案 课型:新授课 主备人:黄丽梅审核人: 班级:_ 姓名:_ 学习目标:1.学习有关生病的话题和表达建议与劝告。 2.重点短语。.患感冒_ .休息 take _.在夜晚_ .日日夜夜_and_.关心_of .大量_.想要_ .检查、核对_.躺下 lie _ .担心、烦恼 worry _Section A【自主学习】I. 补全单词。1. I caught a f_ and had to lie in bed.2. - I have a pain in my teeth. - You should go to see a d_.3. Danny has a bad cold. He c _day and night.4. The man has a backache, he cant l_ the heavy.5. Xiao Lin likes reading in bed and playing computer games, so he often has s_ eyes.【合作学习】I. 选择题(1、2、题为1a听力内容)( ) 1.- Whats wrong with Kangkang ? - He has _.A. a fever B. a toothache C. a bad cold ( ) 2.Betty thinks Kangkang should _.A. see a dentist B. have a rest C. see a doctor( ) 1. - _? - I have a cold.A. whats wrong with you? B. Whats the matter with you C. whats the trouble with you ? D.A,B and C( ) 2. -Oh, I had a bad headache. -_.A. You should drink some cold water B. Im sorry to hear that C. Never mind D. whats wrong?( ) 3.- I hope your mother will be well soon. -_.A. It doesnt matter B. I think so C. Thank you D. Im afraid so ( ) 4.You _ be quiet when you are in the reading room ,Tom._ Oh ,I will.A. could B. should C. would D. shall【课后作业】I. 完成句子。1.很抱歉听到那个不好的消息。 Im _ to hear the _ _.2.彼得怎么啦? 他发烧。- Whats _ _ Peter? - He _ _ _.3.我希望你不久后会好起来。I hope you _ _ _ soon.4.你不该在太阳下看书。You _ read _ the sun.5.你最好在床上好好休息一下。You _ _ stay in bed and _ _ _ _.【中考链接】与【课后拓展】( )1.Mary with her sisters_ Chinese in China.A. are studying B. have studied C. is studying D. study( )2.- Its dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign. -Oh, I _ notice it. Thanks for telling me.A. havent B. wont C. dont D. didntSection B 【自主学习】I. 用所给的词的正确形式填空.1. Ill take some medicine and see how it _(go).2. I feel terrible. I dont feel like _(eat)anything.3. Why dont you _(brush) your teeth.4. Its cold outside .You had better _(put)on your coat when you go out.5. Ill you take you _(see)a doctor.【合作学习】I. 选择题(1、2、3题为1a听力内容)( )1.-Whats the matter with Bruce? - He has _.A. a cough B. a headache C. A and B ( )2.How long has he been like that? - _.A. One day B. Two days C. Three days ( )3.Will Bruce go to the hospital?A. Yes B. No C. It doesnt mention ( )4.- Mom ,I have a sore throat . - _.A. Youd better eat hot food .B. Youd better not eat hot food C. Youd better to not eat hot food ( )5.- Oh ,I have a high fever. I am feeling terrible. - I am sorry to hear that._.A. You need to take some medicine B. You need to see a doctor C.A and B( )6. - Where is Helen ,do you know? - Im not sure,_ shes in the classroom.A. Maybe B. May be C. I know ( )7.- My grandma is ill in hospital. - _.A. Oh, is she ok ? B. Im sorry to hear that C. whats wrong?( )8.You _ return the book now. You may keep it for a longer time.A. neednt to B. dont need C. dont have to 【课后作业】I. 完成句子。1.我带你去医院好吗?_ I take you to the _?2.今天你最好不要去上学了。You _ _ _ to school today.3.我们已经不小了,能照顾好自己。Were old enough to _ _ ourselves.【中考链接】与【课后拓展】come, word, talk, subject, shy, try, because, such, readHello, my name is Amy. I am a middle school student. I am good at English and English is my favorite 1 . I began to learn English when I was five years old. When I talked with foreigners, I was very 2 . When I was nine years old , I 3 to Bacui School. I studied English very hard. I think the most important thing about learning English is to learn new 4 .If you want to learn English well, you must remember a lot of words. And we should 5 to foreigners to practice our oral English. Another good way to learn English is to go to foreign countries, 6 as Britain, America and Australia .People there speak English as their 7 language. We can also watch English programs or 8 English books. I love English 9 its very useful and interesting. I will 10 my best to speak English and learn English well in the future. 1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._Section C 【自主学习】I. 汉译英1. 你今天感觉怎么样?_.2.吃药 _ 3.一天两次_ 4.好多了_4.呆在床上_ 5
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