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高考英语考纲词汇词形练习复习4( 1 ) 毒药,有毒,毒死 1. Not all snakes are _. 2. We can sometimes be _ by bad food. 3. Hate is a _ for which there is no antidote(解毒药). ( 2 ) 有礼貌,有教养 1. Bob _ stood aside and let the lady go through the doorway first. 2. The children from that school are known for their _. 3. It is _ to say Thank you and to open doors for people. ( 3 ) 政治,政治的 1. He left his own country for _ reasons. 2. _ is much more difficult than physics, said Einstein. ( 4 ) 弄脏,污染 1. All those waste products are _ the rivers. 2. The new law will reduce _ of the air. ( 5 ) 可能,或许,可能性 1. They didnt see any _ of improvement. 2. _ well meet again soon. 3. Ill help you if _. 4. When are you going to see him? As soon as _. ( 6 ) 力量,能力,权力,有力的,强大的 1. Knowledge is _. 2. Hes very _ built. 3. _ nations sometimes try to control weaker ones. ( 7 ) 实践,实际,练习,实用的,实际的 1. _ makes perfect. 2. Knowledge without _ makes but half an artist. 3. He is _ the piano now. 4. They are _ singing the new song. 5. The paper seems to me of no _ importance. ( 8 ) 压,压力,挤,按 1. Hes always been frightened of his blood _. 2. _ this button to start the engine. ( 9 ) 发音,读音 1. He _ his words clearly. 2. The b in debt is not _. 3. There are many words that have more than one _. ( 10 ) 真的,真正,确实,现实 1. This story is not _, it is only imaginary. 2. We _ must be off. 3. This is not imagination, but _ . 4. It is _ very good of you to do this for me. 答案: ( 1 ) 1. poisonous 2. poisoned 3. poison ( 2 ) 1. politely 2. politeness 3. polite ( 3 ) 1. political 2. Politics ( 4 ) 1. polluting 2. pollution ( 5 ) 1. possibility 2. Possibly 3. possible 4. possible ( 6 ) 1. power 2. powerfully 3. Powerful ( 7 ) 1. Practice 2. practice 3. practising 4.practising 5. practical ( 8 ) 1. pressure 2. press ( 9 ) 1. pronounces 2. pronounced 3. pronunciation ( 10 ) 1. real 2. really 3. reality 4. really
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