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同课异构 教学设计基本信息学 科英 语年 级三年级教学形式新 授教 师杨 琦单 位潜山县开发区中心学校课题名称Unit 5 Lets eat! (Lets talk & Lets play)学情分析. Analysis of Teaching Material: Students had learned some food and drinks in last class. In this period ,Wu Yifan, John and Chen Jie are having a picnic. From the scene of the picnic ,have students master the sentences “Can I have some -,please?“Here you are.” and polite sentences “Thank you .”、“You re welcome.”. Analysis of Students: Students have learned English for only two months ,but now they are more interested in English than before. They can talk with each other in simple English. So its easier for the teacher to use the knowledge learned to lead in the new lesson. And we can also do the group works easier.教学目标. Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge Aims: Have students master the new sentences and words .2. Ability Aims: To make students understand the meaning of the conversation and read the conversation with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Students can role play the conversation in groups and ask for food or drinks in English.3. Emotion Aims To develop students consciousness of cooperation. To teach students to be polite to others. Teaching Keys Points and Difficulties : Understand the meaning of the conversation. Develop students oral ability. Teaching Methods: Task based Language Teaching Method, the Situational Approach, Group Work. Teaching Aids: Multimedia computer assisted instruction, Real objects about food and drinks , Headwears教学过程Teachers ActivitiesStudentsActivitiesPurposeWARM- UP1.Greet students and get them to have a free talk with each other:Good morning/afternoon.Nice to meet you.How are you?etc.2. Play the game “Passing a message” with students to revise the sentence “Have some-”3. Show students my daughters favorite food: juice, milk, egg, bread and review the words.Talk with each other by using the language they learned before.Play the game with the students in the same line.Look and read each word.通过free talk 把学生的注意力快速转移到课堂上。活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣和热情。既复习了旧知识又自然导入了主题。PRESEN TATION1. Show the picture in Part B Lets talk on screen and ask students to answer the next questions:Who can you see?What are they doing?2. Play the song “ Lets have a picnic today” for students. Ask them to pick up the pictures about food and try to follow the song. 3. Ask students : What else can we have for a picnic? Teach the new words: water and cake4. Wear a headwear to present the conversation and help students to understand the new sentences : Can I have some - , please? Here you are. Youre welcome. Tell students that we should use the polite words as much as possible. Be polite, be the best. Play the recording for students to listen and repeat.Look at the picture carefully and answer teachers questions.Students listen to the song and pick up the pictures about the food they heard in the song Sing the song after tape .Answer teachers question and repeat the new words after tape.Listen to the teacher carefully and understand the meaning of the sentences. Listen to the tape first and repeat after the tape for several times.通过设疑导入新课。整体感知语境。Be polite, be the best.通过一些礼貌用语的学习,加强对学生文明礼貌等情感教育。先听后跟读,有效地遵循了小学生的学习规律 PRACTICE1. Practice the conversation with two students to give students a demonstration.2. Ask students to practice the conversation in group of three.3. Encourage some groups to perform the conversation in roles in front of the class.Students watch the demonstration carefully Role play the conversation in groups.Perform the conversation.小组合作,培养了孩子们的团结合作的意识。在互助合作中体验学英语的乐趣,增加学习的自信心。邀请自信的同学表演,也是分层教学的具体实践EXTENSIONLet playShow a picture of Mcdonalds. Take out some food and drinks bought from it on the teachers desk . Create a situation about eating at Mcdonalds . Have one student act as the waiter, the others act as the customers.Look at the screen and enjoy the picture.Enjoy the procedure of the performance.拓展视野,培养学生跨文化意识。创设模拟情景让孩子们更能轻松自如地展示自我,把所学语言灵活地用于实际生活中HOMEWORK1. Practice the conversation after class.2. Collect more words about food and drinks.学以致用,将任务延伸到课外以真正提高孩子们的实际语言综合运用能力。板书设计Unit 5 Lets eat ( the Fourth Period) milk Can I have some -, please? bread Here you are. juice Polite words and sentences. egg Thank you. water Youre welcome. cake Be polite , be the best.自我评价本课是小学三年级上册第五单元第四课时。从导入到新授,到巩固练习,到延伸,都围绕着野餐话题展开,借以突出重点,在活动中突破难点。抓基础,小步调,稳步前进,让学生有成就感,学得轻松而愉快。在教授新知环节前,我巧妙地秀出女儿喜欢
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