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课题Unit 1 Text A Attitude is Everything课时2教学目的与要 求Aims: 1. master the basic language and skills to use attitude words and phrases;2. Help students to have a clear idea about text A Requirements: 1. Enable students to know the structure of the text. 2. Master the usages of the important words and phrases教学重点与难 点Main points: 1. Structure of the text. 2. Usages of the important words and phrasesDifficulties: Understanding of complex sentences and words 教学过程主 要 内 容 及 步 骤备注Teaching stepsI. Lead-in exercise: Everyone had times of darkness and unhappiness. When you find yourself faced with difficulty or troubled by something, what do you usually do? Talk to your classmates and exchange your solutions to such problems. II. Understanding and learning of the text:Detailed study of Para. 1-2Questions About This Paragraph1) How would you describe Jerry according to the text?2) Why did some waiters follow Jerry around from restaurant to restaurant?Language Points 1. be/mean everything (to somebody): be the most important thing in someones life 是某人最重要的东西或事情e.g. Money isnt everything. 钱不是最重要的。I love him. He means everything to me. 我爱他。他对我最重要。2. he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. 他从一家餐馆跳槽到另一家餐馆时,有几个服务员一直跟随着他本句中的restaurant应当理解为杰里受聘担任经理的餐馆, follow (sb.) around 解释为“到处跟随(某人)”。又如:follow (sb.) around 到处跟随(某人) 3. Seeing this style really made me curious. Detailed study of Para 4-10Questions About This Paragraph3) What was Jerrys answer to the writers question about how he managed to keep a positive attitude all the time?4) How did Jerry sum up his attitude about life?5) What made the writer about his reaction at the time of the robbery?Language Points 4. on top of the world: very happy or proud, esp. because of success or good fortune (尤指因成功或好运而)非常高兴,非常幸福;心满意足5.something positive: 积极的话语或东西。英语中 something, anything, nothing 等代词被形容词修饰时,该形容词应后置。6. get it: understand 懂,理解I dont get it it doesnt make sense.Im sure youve got it wrong. Kate isnt like that.V. Summary: VI. Homework: 1. Remember new words and expressions of this text.2. Do all the exercises of Text A3. Preview Passage B授课效果.分析总结课题Unit 1 Text B What Makes a Good Attitude?课时2教学目的与要 求Aims: 1. Help students to understand the main idea of Text B 2. Master the useful sentence structures in the text and relevant exercises. Requirements: 1. Enable students to know the structure of the text. 2. Master the usages of the important words and phrases教学重点与难 点Main points: 1. Structure of the text. 2. Usages of the important words and phrasesDifficulties: Understanding of complex sentences and words教学过程主 要 内 容 及 步 骤 Teaching stepsLead-in exercise:Offer a question for students to answer:What can make a good Attitude in your idea? II. Understanding and learning of the text:1. Detailed study of Para. 1-2 Questions About These Paragraphs1) What makes a positive, happy attitude?2) What do you think is the most important one among the four characteristics?Language Points 1) Happiness is an attitude: the one attitude that most people strive for.快乐是一种心态:是大多数人所努力追求的那种心态。本句中的one为形容词,意为“特定的,唯一的”。the one attitude that most people strive for可以看作是对上文an attitude所作的解释。2) have little/much to do with: have little/much connection or relationship with 与没有什么 / 有很大关系 3) regardless of: without worrying about or taking account of, paying no attention to 不顾;不管;不理会Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to take his orders.不管他是对还是错,我们必须服从他的命令。He does what he wants, regardless of what I say.他想做什么就做什么,而不理会我所说的话。4) have sth. in common: share interests, characteristics, etc. 有共同之处, 有共同的兴趣、特点等2. Detailed study of Para. 2-7Questions About These Paragraphs3) How many characteristics does Dr. David Myers list about happy people? What are they?4) What is the suggestion the writer gives while talking about the first characteristic about happiness?Language points:5) think of: produce or put forward (an idea, etc.) 想出,想到Can you think of a good place for the holidays? 你能想出一个度假的好地方吗?I cant think of any reason why he would do that我想不出任何他会干那事的理由。6) at all: 完全,根本(常用于否定句中) I dont know him at all. 我根本就不认识他。She cannot see or hear anything at all. 她根本就看不见也听不见。IV. Summery:V. Homework: 1. Remember new words and expressions of this text.2. Do all the exercises of Text B3. Preview Grammar and Practical Writing. 授课效果分析总结课题Unit 1 Exercises课时2教学目的与要 求Aims: 1. Learn how to write a resume by doing exercises of Practical Writing.2. Con
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