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Module 3 Part 4 Cultural Corner课前预习检查:I 背过下列规则指物时,下列情况下只能用that ,不宜用which。 (1)先行词为不定代词,如all、much、anything、everything、nothing、something、none、the one等。 (2)先行词是序数词或被序数词、修饰时。 The first book that I read last night was an English novel. (3)先行词是形容词最高级或被最高级修饰时。 (4)如果有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时(先行词既有人又有物),定语从句的关系代词用which和who都不合适,只能用that。 (5)如果先行词被the only、the very、the last、the same、any、 few 、little、no、 all 、one of、 just修饰时。 (6)当主句是以which开头的特殊问句时,关系代词只用that。 指物时,下列情况下只能用which,不宜用that。 (1)关系代词放在介词之后 (2)非限制性定语从句中 (3)that,those作主语时 I. Everyday English Which of the following words indicates that the following sentences contains good news and which indicates that the sentence contains bad news .Luckily unfortunately thankfully hopefully sadly fortunately 1_ , we had plenty of warning .2 _, there are several villages in its path 3 _, no one was killed .4 _, it wont be long 5 _, hundreds of houses caught fire when the lava reached themII. Choose the best answers1 how many earthquakes happen in the world a year.A About two B More than 100,000 C About 400 D More than 120,0002 How many people were there in the eight provinces in Central China in 1556?A 800 million B 830,000 C 1,362,000 D 332.0003 What did the most damage in the California Earthquake in 1906?A Fire caused by the earthquake B The Earthquake itselfC 3,000 deaths in the Earthquake. D The movement on the San Andreas Fault.III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese . 1 The California Earthquake of the 18th of April 1906 is the worst earthquake that has ever happened in the United States_ 2 The most serious of these occurred in Hua County in Shaanxi Province in 1556. The earthquake affected eight provinces in Central China _3 However, it caused the worst natural disaster in the nations history._ IV Translate the following sentences into English .1 由加利福尼亚地震引起的大火引起了最严重的损失._2 这场大火持续了3天,造成25000幢楼房被毁._V Fill in the blank according to the text.1 Fire _ (cause ) by the California Earthquake did the most damage 2 The fires burned for three days , _ (destroy) a total of 25,000 buildings.3 China _ (situate) in one of the most active earthquake region in the world and there _ (be) many terrible earthquake.翻译句子1 那是我经历过的最可怕,最危险的情况,我将永远忘不了它。_ 2 为了防止沙漠进一步侵近, 政府已经采取了很多措施,例如植树。_ 3 他的粗心驾车使他送了命。(cause sb to do) _ 4 我十四岁的时候就已经自学完了数学。(by the age of)_ 学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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