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Module 6模块说明一、 知识目标:1、 本模块重难点:1)学习一般过去时的结构: A:He was a student last year. B:I bought a book about America.2)学习动词的过去式:A;be动词 is,amwas arewereB:规则动词 playplayed plantplanted/id/ C:不规则动词 riderode seesawD:以e结尾动词 loveloved livelived2、 掌握本模块的单词。二、 情感目标:培养学生要注意亲情和友情,在过生日和重大节日时,可以给朋友和家人送贺卡、礼物、写信,以表达情谊,联络感情。Unit 1I bought you this book. Teaching aims:1、 New words: Baseball棒球 team队,组2、 past tense: buybought givegave3、 Important point:1) I bought you this book.2) Simons family gave it to me.Step 1、Review. 1Ask questions:1) What was the weather like yesterday?2) What is the weather like today?3)What did you do yesterday?Step 2、找规律。1、 给动词过去式归类。2、 教口诀Step3、Read about Daming.Vse the words in the boxes.(P23 number 4)1、 Read past tense.2、 Complete the sentences.3、 Read it.Step 4、Listen,point and find“bought,gave“.1、 Close books,listen to the tape.Then ask:What did you hear?2、 Open your books,listen and repeat,then find“bought,gave”3、 Ask questions:1) where is Daming now? (in china)2) What did Daming buy his mum? (a book)3) What did Daming buy for his friend? (caps)4、 Listen and repeat.Step5、Listen and say.1、 Listen and read.2、 Read it togetherStep 6、Homework:1、 读课文(3遍)。2、抄句子。Step7、板书设计:Unit1 I bought you this book.1、 am,iswas arewere2、 playplayed plantplanted3、 buybought givegave winwon4、 loveloved hopehopedStep 8、课后反思:本课学生对过去式掌握还可以,但动词过去式学生掌握不好。
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