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教 案Chapter ILayout of Business Letter【Teaching Aims】 As China opens wider to the outside world, its foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. Meanwhile, competition is becoming keener and keener. To attract more customers, well-written business letters often play an important role besides good quality and reasonable price. So it is of the utmost importance for the students who want to be engaged in international trade in future to learn how to keep in touch with firms or merchants abroad by correspondence and how to draft effective business letters. Millions of business communications which were transmitted by cable or telex are now being sent by fax or e-mail. Business letter-writing is also experiencing a rebirth. This part deals mainly with the layout of and the parts contained in a business letter. Through study of this part, students will master two layout styles, seven principal parts, seven optional parts and different ways of addressing an envelope.【Main & Difficult Points】1. Two styles of layout2. Seven principle parts and seven optional parts3. Addressing envelopes【Key Words & Expressions】letter-head inside name and address body of a letter salutationattention line blocked style indented style 【Teaching Contents】Brief Introduction Business letters are the principle means used by firms or companies to keep in touch with their customers. They send business letters to ask for or to convey information; to make or to accept an offer; to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business, etc Although formality in business letter writing is rapidly giving way to a less conventional and more friendly style, the layout still follows a more or less set pattern determined by custom. Choice of layout is a matter of individual taste, but it is better to follow established practice, to which the business world has become accustomed. It is good to adopt one form of layout and stick to it. 【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, practice【Time Arrangement】Step 1: Brief Introduction (10m) Step 2: Layout of business letter in details (2h)Step 3: Revision (5m)Step 4: Homework (5m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, practice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media 【Teaching Procedures】Step 1. Layout of business letter in details 、The writing of business letter 商业书信的撰写 商业书信的特点: 1、完整 2、具体 3、清楚 4、简洁5、礼貌 6、体谅 7、正确、 Styles of layout 1. Indented Form / Style 缩头式,缩行式2. Blocked Style 齐头,平头式3. Modified Style / Semi-Indented Style 混合式 Modified Block with Indented Paragraphs 段落缩头式Modified Block with Blocked Paragraphs 段落齐头式、The Structure of a Business Letter () Seven Main / Principle Parts 七个主要部分1 The Heading or Letter-head 信头 公司名称和地址(name and address of the company) 电话、电传、传真号码、电报挂号(telegraphic address)、e-mail 2 The Date / Date Line 日期1) 年份应完全写出:eg. 19982) 月份应用英文,不用数字3) 月份名称可缩写:Aug. , Oct.4) 24th March, 2007 (Br. Style)March 24, 2007 ( AmE. Style) 3 The Inside Name and Address 封内名称,地址(1) Generally, the inside name and address in an English business letter should include the following: 1) the name of the firm or company addressed to 2) number and street 门牌号码和街名 3) name of city, state or country and its postal code 所在城市、州、县名及邮政编码 P.O. Box 信箱 4) name of country(2) C/O: care of 转交(3) 行名前(以人名为行名)冠以“Messrs”,表客气4 The Salutation 称呼商业函件多用Dear Sirs, 不能单独用Sirs.公事函件用Dear Sir. 半公半私用Dear Mr.美国人常用Gentlemen, 后用冒号Dear Sirs 后用逗号5 The Body1) The Opening Sentences 开头语2) The Body of the Letter 信的正文3) The Closing Sentences 结尾语a. 用分词短语开头 Awaiting your good news, we are, b. 用完整句子开头 We await your good news. 6 The Complimentary Close 结束语,结尾敬语1) The complimentary close is a polite way of bringing a letter to a close. It keeps in tone with the salutation. The most common used sets of salutation and complimentary close are: Formal : Dear Sirs, . Yours faithfully Gentlemen: Truly yoursLess formal: Dear Mr. Henry: Yours sincerely Dear Ms. Smith: Yours cordially2) Formal 顺序Very sincerely yours, Yours very sincerely,Yours sincerelySincerely yoursSincerely, 7 The Signature 签名The name of the firm that the writer represents should be written in capitals below the complimentary close, followed by the signature of the manager. To sign with a rubber stamp shows discourtesy. 商号名称用大写,再由负责人签名,用图章有欠礼貌。 () Seven Optional Parts 选择部分1 The Reference Number / The references 存档编号,案号The references may include a file number, department code or the initial of the signer of the writer. They are marked “Our Ref.” and “Your Ref.” to avoid confusion. They may be placed immediately below the letterhead. Eg. Our ref.: LGB / w.w. Your ref: JDM /
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