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Unit 4 Growing up 班级 姓名 得分 【学习目标】:1、学习如何描述人物及其事迹 。2、完成一篇描述对自己人生影响最大的人物的短文 。【自主学习】:ReadthearticleonP60andanswersomequestions:1.WhohasinfluenedherinherIife?2.Whatdoesherfatherlooklike?3.Whatisspecialaboutherfather?4.Whathasherfatherdone?Giveoneortwoexamples.5.Whatdoesshethinkofherfather? 翻译下列短语;1、in his fifties 6、医学研究 2、care for 7、关心 3、in need 8、有一颗充满爱的心 4、to ones surprise 9、献血 5. full of 10、对我影响最大的人 【合作交流】1.in ones + 数词复数: 表示某人年龄处于某段时间。 in the + 数词复数:表示在某个年代。2. in need 意为“有需要的”,其中need 为名词,in need of sth/sb需要某物或某人 in time及时 in trouble处于困境 in fact事实上 in fear 害怕 【点拨拓展】:to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是be surprised to do sth 做某事感到很惊讶be surprised at sth 对某事感到很惊讶be full of 与be filled with 区别:两个短语均表示“充满”,有时可以换用。区别是(be)full of 指的是“充满的”这一状态,而(be)filled with 通常指动作。The theatre is full of people. 剧场里人慢慢的。The theatre is filled with people. 剧场里挤满了人。【达标检测】:. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.WhenIthinkofmylittlecats_(die),Ialwaysfeelsad.2.Wheneverhehassomemoney_(leave),healwaysgivesittosomeoneinneed.3.Hismotherissopoorthatshecantafford_(buy)anewcomputer.4.Thepersonwhohasinfluencedme_(much)ismother.5Millieseemed_(be)alittlestressedfromtimetotime. .用方框中所给词适当形式完成句子。donateto, surprise, be ready to, the meaning of, in ones teens 1. My cousin is . He is interested in singing. 2. Can you guess a word by its formation? 3. He has blood cells save some people with blood cancer. 4. Hes to see the beautiful things in the shop. 5. Li Gang is kind and helpful. He help anyone . 单项选择()1._Lindalastnight?-Shehasabadcoldandcoughedalot.A.Whathappenedto B.WhathashappenedtoC.Whatwashappenedto D.Whatshappeningto()2.Thebusdriveralwayssaystous,Dontgetoff_thebusstops.A.whenB.whileC.until D.If()3Theblood_hehasdonatedisenoughtosavethelivesofover70people.Awhat Bwhile Cwho Dwhen()4.HowlonghasyouebestfriendAmydonatedblood?A.Since1991ago B.20yearsagoC.Since1991 D.For20yearsago()5.Icantunderstand_A.whyweremyparentssostrictwithmeforthreeyearsB.whymyparentsaresostrictwithmethreeyearsagoC.whymyparentsweresostrictwithmethreeyearsagoD.whyaremyparentssostrictwithmeforthreeyears ( ) 6. He wrote his novel when he was .A. five; fifties B .fifth; fifty C. fifth; fiftieth D. five; fifty()7. The fans were to know the death of their favourite singing star Whiteney Huston. A. glad B. angry C. excited D. surprised()8. About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the A. three five; 1996 B. three fifth; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997 D. third fifth; 1990s 、翻译下列句子1.使我惊讶的是,他已决定去世后捐出自己的遗体供医学研究。 , he . 2.无论何时,只要他还有一些钱,他就把他捐给有需要的人。 he has some money , he .3、现在我意识到他有一颗充满爱的心。Now I he . 【课外延伸】1
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