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湖州二中2009届高三英语短文改错训练(二)Passge1:小班可Mrmith s nabe t l sleepig t nht anas ery tired dring h dy o do athin, eve thesimle thns hat she wa usd to ejoy doing。 hha headahes mor ften, i prnte her fmreadinor watceTV Th ohe thought bot he citio, themore worse she elt.At lst he ent to e rdoto, wh he ad nown fo yeas. h dotr lisened tohiha ansad,“Ther is nhing srousl o,and I acept the fact t yudon ee wll。 o Ilgiv some pillhatwill helome tomrrw monntellme o y fl.”Passage 2:小班可M car jut oldt ov ay farhe。 It was mplet dead, ad Iwas a femile aay fro my oe intatod, ight。 Idcied a aroundaltleefore accpig I hav to spnd theihtithe ar Mabe I can find telponAtualy, I n haveto wal r bee I undte smal housestanding in a fil wh a lght sonefrom t sittig ro. kncked a the dr and was elightig h alsan ma pend te door t lened o my str areful. ead he had no telehone ad thatitwant y wiinwalkin dist, bt the old man who fer g toepair mycrPasag :小班可Threar ates for stues toork whil std t chlOne of hmi ich hey can earn ony In my cas, tdets workn o ea one foreir ow use。Earning their ow moy allow them to bu anythigs if theyplese。Ty need ot hae to askter pnts for mon for prmissiont do hins by the money.Ad sme sudentsfromth por familes ma also save tmne for hercollege educatior aother purose. Howevr, soe ters npaets ait is dea bcause the areworr tt parttime os will ffect teirstudy moreless. ssa 4:O all my tahers, Mr mits ne who ipreses m most。 Although h is 40 n rnary, u he los vry yng. And e is e f te mst poplar techer in ourschol Cmparing with ther teahrs,he ay mr tento tohs wy of teahn. Hetries vaios asmakehis lsse interesing。 In herpinion,we sul notonlyknow “wat”ut alo undetd “hy。 So,instad ofiig us nswersimmedte, he ecouged st tin by ourselvswheneput orard questions。 Un hs ep, we hav ernd h to analz and stte rbl How a woful wd of“hy” e eads u to!assg 5: sdneafteoono my ay to me, steppedon somethig an el hevy to thegru Itoo p and foun that it ws te ba skn thatcused ml. I ot eryangryand ike itaway。SuddeyItpeand thning, “Ifomene else sepsnt,hey illals llame I ont want te amething hppenaan. So I quickly t ac to hplace tth a skin wa。 ked it u nthrew it in a dsbi。 Wile o home, I tol m pnts w ha hapen.Thy prase ysef。 nd mohsad with a mile,“ohae dne al whatyou shudo。” Pasge:usedAs we ll knw,tvlln an ban excitd xpree. et ive yosoadicsthayou hav o py atention. Yu cannd ut ore at u estntio bysrfth intreteore you ut. ou nednt ae toomuch cash。 Touh tcan be verconvenient o pyin sh, uscheqeis mch morerliale. I adal,it il e ieor yout kean ubrella in cae of t shuld rai。 d if y are totravel arad, oudbettendersandh ulturairsty。 Keept in ind tat binpoie in oregn countriecan help you a a ondful trip。 湖州二中20届高三英语短文改错训练(三)Passage:Our schoo is locaig atteot ofa l.A smal river psses rugh it。 owver,a cheia faorywas bit south ofouscho tw yeasefor. arge quntitieof pisnogas wssetitthe ir ad alargeount ofate wtrwas put into thrivr。 he erblollutin did great harulo us s wllas to h srroig。 To th dlghting of al the tudents, the overment has anacv meaues proctour surounding and prevnthm of beingpolled. No, ay c t, ourchool oos lie autul gden。 veryoneanenoy the reshai adthe butful scery. Passag2: surve asin o,000 studentfound th 0 ofsiorstudentslep ess thanie hours evry iht. o ch hmewr bi givn y scol tchers i tmaicase。 Anohcaus ls a studets bad abts. ome studentsaeabsntmined whleong their hoework, ad smewat theirat-asim. Th third case is stdetsave to et up lie weekda to etto schl which away fm home。Expers hnkth amou homokso t sdens sould be c down. Besd, tacher houl encourathir studensmko
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