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主题阅读 纸短情长话新年 学案-高考英语复习备考素养解读元 日宋王安石爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。元日是北宋王安石创作的一首七言绝句。这首诗描写了新年热闹、欢乐和万象更新的动人景象。尽管民族不同、区域不同、风俗不同,但全世界的人们都在用自己独特而又古老的方式庆祝新年。对新年的庆祝承载了人们对新的一年的美好向往,也承载了一个民族的文化和寄托。有新年就有希望,有新年就有盼头。视角拓展My New Year新年新气象。新的一年,让我们一起制订自己的新年计划吧!New Year for me is a new beginning. Every time, on New Years Eve, I would write down a list of a few resolutions for the coming year. I would review them a year later, before the beginning of the next new year, to see if those goals were achieved.However, my plans would rarely come to lifeno wonder! With the New Year celebration, holidays and family outings, it was hard to remember about them after holidays. It is like making a wish and hoping it will come true. This year Ive decided to take a different approach to my New Years resolutions.I have noted down a few resolutions that I would like to take this year and stick to them. The most important of all is to be organized. I never have the habit of organizing my work and therefore end up with incomplete homework and projects. So this year I plan to be more systematic and organized, so that I finish my work on time and do not put off the works assigned to me.Secondly, I would like to be a good reader, which must come first before any other resolution. I have been fully aware that reading makes a full man, but I hardly take the time to read, even if I have time. So this time I have decided that I would spent some time in a day reading a book that would enrich my knowledge and develop my interest in reading.Another area that I would like to improve myself is dealing with the excess time spent on the Internet. Hours together I sit in front of the system, though I know it is just wasting my time. I have decided to cut down the time I use for surfing and make it more productive, rather than just visiting social networking sites and chatting.Along with the Internet, the other electronic item that has addicted me is the cell phone. I spent hours talking over the phone not realizing the harmful effects it causes, and it wastes my time and money. I have decided to cut it down only for essentials like my poor mathematics and to spend more quality time with my classmates.This time, I am determined to stick to my resolutions and get myself corrected to be a much better person, both for myself and to the society.Reading check1. Which word can describe the authors emotion at his previous resolutions?A. Amazed.B. Excited.C. Hopeful.D. Disappointed.2. What is the authors first consideration for this years resolutions?A. Being specific.B. Being organized.C. Being periodic.D. Being measurable.3. Which of the following is the authors first specific resolution of this year?A. To be a good reader.B. To spend time wisely.C. To surf the Internet less.D. To be with classmates more.4. What could the author be according to the text?A. A worker.B. A parent.C. A student.D. A singer.Cultural Background用Smart原则制订新年计划同制订其他计划一样,制订新年计划应突出Smart原则。SSpecific。目标要有明确性,具体、翔实。MMeasurable。目标可以衡量,可以评价。AAcceptable。目标要具有可接受性,符合自己的能力。RRealistic。目标要符合实际,能通过积极努力得以实现。TTimed。目标要分阶段实施,限定时间完成。我们为什么要庆祝新年?新年代表著新的希望、新的起点。不管过去的一年是成功或是艰辛,新的一年即将到来,这是新的希望与憧憬,我们要加油鼓气,对未来充满信心。The New Year is itself new which brings new light on the face of people, birds, and plants. Everything looks new in the New Year, when people throughout the world spread happiness and love. They join hands for consistency of peace and hope on the earth.The first reason for celebrating the New Year is to make planning chart for the year. As the New Year comes with lots of fun and entertainment, a person also thinks for the whole year in the New Year. The 365 days is not a minor thing that can be spent without making planning. Setting new goals helps to reach yourself in your destiny. So it will be your big deal and right opportunity to make plans for the year according to your goal or target.The second reason for celebrating the New Year is to get more fun and entertainment. The New Year will also be the boring day if there is not entertainment in first January. Every person wants to make this day special and the New Year memorable. Days of the life cant be wasted.Another reason for celebrating the New Year is to forget about the past. People take part in the celebration of the New Year to forget about the past and make the present hopeful and enjoyable. They forget all the past bad memory and events that have recurred and make the new year more special and memorable. This is one of the best reasons why we celebrate the New Years day.The final reason is to greet a new start of year and life. As we know, the first impression is the last impression. People celebrating the New Year hope to make a change and a difference just from the very beginning.Therere also some other reasons for celebrating the New Year. We celebrate it to remember our ancestors, to inherit ou
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