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WORD格式2003年全国攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试英语试题Section IUse of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C OR D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Teachersneed tobe awareoftheemotional, intellectual,andphysicalchangesthatyoungadultsexperience.And they alsoneed togiveserious1tohow theycan best2such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 3 , but not justin ways that emphasize competition.4they are adjusting to their new bodiesanda wholehostofnewintellectualandemotionalchallenges,teenagersareespeciallyself-consciousand need the 5 thatcomes fromachieving successandknowing that their accomplishments are6by others. However, the typicalteenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be7to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers,8, publishingnewsletterswithmany student-writtenbookreviews,9studentartwork,andsponsoringbookdiscussionclubs.A varietyofsmallclubscanprovide10opportunitiesforleadership,as wellas forpracticeinsuccessful11dynamics.Makingfriendsisextremelyimportantto teenagers,and many shy studentsneed the12 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult 13 visible in the background.Inthese activities,itis importantto remember thattheyoung teens have 14attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized15 participantscan remain activeas longas theywant and thengo on to 16elsewithoutfeelingguilty and without letting the other participants17. This does not mean thatadultsmust acceptirresponsibility.18 theycan helpstudentsacquirea senseof commitment by19 for roles that are within their 20and their attentionspans and by having clearly stated rules.1.A thoughtB ideaC opinionD advice2.A strengthenB accommodateC stimulateD enhance3.A careB nutritionC exerciseD leisure4.A IfB AlthoughC WhereasD Because5.A assistanceB guidanceC confidenceD tolerance6.A claimedB admiredC ignoredD surpassed7.A improperB riskyC fairD wise8.A in effectB as a resultC for exampleD in a sense9.AdisplayingBdescribingCcreatingDexchanging10. A durableB excessiveC surplusD multiple11.AgroupBindividualCpersonnelDcorporation专业资料整理WORD格式:/club.topsage/forum.phpgid=27专业资料整理WORD格式12.A consentB insuranceC admissionD security13.A particularlyB barelyC definitely D rarely14.A similarB longC differentD short15.A if onlyB now thatC so thatD even if16.AeverythingBanythingCnothingDsomething17.A offB downC outD alone18.AOn the contrary BOn the averageCOn the wholeD On theother hand19.A makingB standingC planningD taking20.AcapabilityBresponsibilityCproficiencyDefficiencySection IIReading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Inter net. The American spymaster whobuilttheOfficeofStrategicServicesintheWorld War andlaterlaidtherootsfor the CIA wasfascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatevertoolscame tohand in the“ greatgame ofespionage spyingasa “profession.These days theNet,whichhas alreadyre-made such everydaypastimesas buyingbooksand sending mail, is reshaping Donovan s vocation as well.Thelatestrevolutionisn tsimplyamatterofgentlemenreadingothergentlemen s e-mail.Thatkindofelectronicspyinghas been goingon fordecades.Inthepast threeor four years,theWorldWide Webhas givenbirthtoa whole industryof point-and-click spying.The spooks callit“opensource intelligence, and astheNet grows,itisbecomingincreasinglyinfluential.In 1995 theCIA helda contesttosee who could compilethemost dataaboutBurundi.The winner,by a largemargin,was a tinyVirginiacompany calledOpen-SourceSolutions, whose clear advantagewasits mastery of
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