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材料:带鱼 300克,黑胡椒碎或粉末5克,料酒15克,花椒10克,豆豉20克,干红辣椒5-10支(按照喜欢辣的程度酌量),大蒜8-10瓣,酱油15克,盐适量,葱花10克,白糖5克。做法:1带鱼用水清洗干净以后,剪成大段,再用厨房纸擦拭掉表面的水分。2用刀将带鱼切成2根手指宽的段儿,放在盘子里,撒入黑胡椒碎拌匀。3加入料酒,用手或筷子搅拌均匀。4腌制15分钟,使带鱼提前入味。 5锅里倒入适量的食用油,凉油下入花椒粒。6待油温升高、油面微微冒烟时小心地放入带鱼段。7一面炸好后,转另一面炸。8捞出带鱼,滤去多余的油。 9在炒锅里倒入少许的食用油(平时炒菜用量的1/4即可),加入蒜瓣和豆豉,小火煸出香气。10放入步骤8里炸好的带鱼段,翻炒几下。11加入酱油和白糖,继续煸炒。12待汁收干后,加入少量的盐,翻炒均匀后关火。撒入葱花,盛盘即可,香喷喷的豆豉干煸带鱼就做好了。小贴士:1如果喜欢豆豉的味道,也可以在干煸前在案板上将豆豉用刀切几下,颗粒状的豆豉变成碎末后会更入味。2炸鱼时防止油花四溅或蹦油的小窍门:一是在炸鱼的油里放几粒花椒;二是炸带鱼一定要等油烧热了、微微冒烟以后再下入鱼段,这样既不会使油花四溅,也能保持鱼皮的完整、不破皮。3这样做出来的带鱼是外焦里嫩的,嚼起来味道十足,适合作为夏日餐桌上的小凉菜。如果喜欢软嫩口感的带鱼,也可以在炸之前将带鱼在鸡蛋液或面粉里裹一下,再进入油锅炸,做出来的鱼肉就很软嫩。Material: Hairtail 300 g, 5 g chopped pepper or powder, cooking wine for 15 grams, 10 grams Chinese prickly ash, tempeh 20 grams, dried chilies 5-10 (according to deliberate like spicy degree), garlic 8-10 disc,http:/www.yulematou.com/, 15 grams of soy sauce, salt, chopped green onion 10 grams, 5 grams of sugar. Practice: 1. Hairtail water after clean, cut into chunks and then wipe off the surface of the water with kitchen paper. 2. Use a knife to cut the ribbon fish into 2 finger width of canary wharf, on a plate, sprinkle the chopped pepper. Mix well. 3. Add cooking wine, with the hands or chopsticks stir to mix well. 4. Mix with marinade for 15 minutes, make the hairtail ruwei ahead of time. 5. The right amount edible oil pan, cool down to the prickly ash seed oil. 6. To be a burning high oil temperature, oil level slightly put hairtail section carefully. 7. After a good Fried, turn to the other side. 8. Scoop out the hairtail, filter the excess oil. 9. Pour into a little cooking oil into fry pan (1/4) cooking use at ordinary times, add the cloves and tempeh, small fire fanned out fragrance. 10. Add Fried in step 8 hairtail, stir fry a few times. 11. Add soy sauce and sugar, continue to stir-fried. 12. After being juice to dry, add a small amount of salt, stir evenly after turn off the heat. Into the chopped green onion, traying to sweat the savory douchi hairtail is ready. Tip: 1. If you like the taste of lobster sauce, also can be on board before stir-fry natto a few times with his knife,http:/www.yulematou.com/post/880.html, granular SSP after melted into a serving platter. 2. When the fish oil to prevent spray 4 splash or jump tips: one is in the fish oil, put a few grains of prickly ash; 2 it is Fried hairtail must wait for oil heat, smoke slightly later down to fish, so neither make spray 4 splash, also can maintain skin integrity, dont break the skin. 3. This made hairtail is outside the coke in tender, taste flavour is dye-in-the-wood, for summer small cold dish on the table. If you like soft tender taste hairtail, before can also be Fried to hairtail in liquid egg or flour wrapped, again into the pan fry, do fish is very tender.
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