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扬州市江都区张纲中学八年级英语教案八年级上册英语教案总课题Unit 6 Birdwatching总课时7第 1 课时课 题Comic strip & welcome to the unit课型新授课教学目标知识目标To learn the common names of birds 能力目标To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.情感目标To arouse the students interest in birds in the wild教学重点To learn the common names of birds教学难点To talk about birds on two aspects: characteristics and appearance.教学设计Teaching aids: recorder and pictures Teaching methods: Communication and description 教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1 Presentation 1. Talking about birds Show the pictures of different kinds of birds and talk about them focusing on whats special about the birds. Learn the new words (Revise some old words at the same time, like wing/ feather/ beak) 2. Do Part A on Page75.Read and talk about the picturesLead-in and present Step 2. Practice 1. Show the pictures together and then get the students to give their names. Make sure all the students can read the names correctly. 2. Play a game: reading and guessing (guess what bird it is.) e.g. I live in wetland. I am very tall. I have long beak, long neck and long legs. I have black and white feathers. Who am I? (a crane) 3. Ask the students Which is your favorite bird? Why? Practice Part B on Page75 in pairs Give each picture a namePlay games Answer Learn some birds from the picturesGameStep 3. Production Make up new conversations using Part B as a model and act them out. Make up dialoguesProduceStep 4. Presentation 1. Say: We love birds. Eddie loves birds, too. Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions. 1) What is Eddie going to do? Answer questionsPresent教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)2) Does he really love birds? 3) What kind of birds does he like best? 2.Practice reading in pairs and try to act it out.Read in pairsAct it outStep 5. Production 1. Choose a kind of birds and describe its appearance using the new words.2. Do some exercises.1) I hope to go _ (birdwatch) someday.2) Among all the birds, I like cranes _ (good).3) How many _ (type) of tigers are there in the world?4) The other _ (wing) of the bird was hurt. Describe one birdDo exercises ExercisesStep6 HomeworkWrite a short passage about your favorite bird (5-6sentences) .Finish the homeworkHomework板书设计 1) I hope to go _ (birdwatch) someday.2) Among all the birds, I like cranes _ (good).3) How many _ (type) of tigers are there in the world?4) The other _ (wing) of the bird was hurt.八年级上册英语教案总课题Unit 6 Birdwatching总课时7第 2 课时课 题Reading I课型Reading教学目标知识目标1.To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. 2.To revise and expand vocabulary in the context wildlife and conservation. 能力目标1.To reinforce students ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details. 2.To encourage the students to join Birdwatching Club.情感目标To make sure the students know the importance of wetlands and nature reserves教学重点To develop the ability to infer the general meaning from title and context. 教学难点To reinforce students ability to skim text for overall meaning and scan for details教学设计Teaching aids: Recorder and picturesTeaching methods: Reading and skimming教 学 过 程教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Step 1: ReviewShow some pictures and guess the name of the bird.ReviewRevisionStep 2: PresentationShow some pictures and teach the new words in the article.Learn the new wordsPresentStep3 PracticeReorder the following sentences Millie said.1.We left the park quickly.Reorder the sentencesPracticeStep 4: New lessonListen to Sandy and answer the following questions:1. Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2. Why is it a perfect place for wildlife? 3. Why are more and more birds in danger? Listen and answerPresent new lessonStep 5 ComprehensionDo part B1、B2 on the Ss textbooks. Check the answers one by one.Do part B1、B2Comprehension教师活动内容、方式学 生 活 动备注(个性化设计)Read the article then do True or false. Check the answers.Read the articleStep 6 SummaryComplete their conversation with the words in the article.(B4)Complete conversationSummarizeStep 7 Language pointsLearn language pointslanguage pointsStep 8 Exercises Do exercisesExercisesStep 9 Homework1. Describe Zhalong Nature Reserve. 2. Make a plan how to protect the endangered wildlife with your classmates or family.Finish the homeworkHomework板书设计 1. Where is Zhalong Nature Reserve? 2. Why is it a perfect place for wildlife? 3.
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