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冠词冠词分类冠词(Article)是一种虚词,主要用于名词之前,对名词起限定作用。不定冠词(Indefinite Article)a/an只能与单数可数名词连用。a用于读音以辅音音素开头的词。an用于读音以元音音素开头的词。例如:a university an umbrella a European一所大学 一把伞 一个欧洲人an ear一只耳朵 a hot dog一个热狗an hour 一小时a B 一个B an S一个S定冠词(Definite Article)the可以用于任何名词前。有时名词前不用冠词,在现代语法中也称为零冠词(Zero Article)。冠词的用法1. 类指(1)表示事物的类别“a(n)/the+单数可数名词”或“零冠词+复数名词”均可以用来表示事物的类别。例如:A snake is a cold-blooded animal.The snake is a cold-blooded animal.蛇是冷血动物。Snakes are cold-blooded animals.三种方法各有侧重。“a(n)+单数可数名词”表示一类事物中的任何一个或一个实例,a(n)相当于any。这种表示方法常用于对事物下定义。例如:A thermometer is an instrument which measures temperature.温度计是测量温度的工具。“the+单数可数名词”强调一类事物的整体与其他类事物的区别。例如:The compass was invented by the ancient Chinese.指南针是古代中国人发明的。The computer is a necessity in the modern world.电脑在现代世界中是种必需品。“零冠词+复数名词”表示事物的全体,多用于口语中。man/mankind作“人类”解,表示类指,前不用冠词。例如:Man is fighting a battle against pollution.人类在与污染作斗争。The book deals with the history of mankind.这本书论述了人类历史。(2)表示身份不定冠词常用于补足语前表示身份或职业。例如:Dont you know Nancys father is a sea captain?你不知道南茜的父亲是个船长?He is known to be a good maths teacher.人们都知道他是一位出色的数学教师。在表示某人的职务或头衔时,常不用冠词。例如:Every boy was eager to be chosen as monitor of the class.每个孩子都渴望被选为班长。Lincoln was reelected President of the United States in 1864.林肯于1864年再次当选为美国总统。表示家庭成员的名词前常不用冠词。例如:Father is going to have dinner with us tonight.父亲今晚和我们一起吃饭。动词turn(=become)后的单数可数名词作补足语多不用冠词。例如:Jimmy used to be a taxi driver, but he has now turned writer.杰米从前是出租车司机,可现在成了作家。(3)the与形容词连用the用于某些形容词前表示一类人或物。例如:一类人 the rich 富人 the poor 穷人the young年轻人 the living活着的人the sick病人 the unemployed 失业者the blind 盲人 the injured 受伤者东西the beautiful美的东西 the ugly 丑的东西the new 新的事物 the right正确的东西the wrong 错误的 the true真的东西the false 假的东西“the+以-ese,-sh和-ch结尾的表示国籍的形容词”表示民族整个群体。也可以用“the或零冠词+表示国籍的名词复数”表示整个群体。例如:The Chinese are industrious and brave.中国人民勤劳又勇敢。The English are fond of ball games.(The)Englishmen are fond of ball games.英国人喜欢球类运动。常用国籍或地区名词用法见下顺序依次为国或地区名 形容词 单数 国(地区)人复数 总称China Chinese a Chinese Chinese the ChineseJapan Japanese a Japanese Japanese the JapaneseEngland English an Englishman Englishmen the English 或(the) EnglishmenSweden Swedish a Swede Swedes the Swedish或(the) SwedesFrance French a Frenchman Frenchmen the French 或(the)FrenchmenSwitzerland Swiss a Swiss Swiss the SwissAmerica American an American Americans (the)AmericansCanada Canadian a Canadian Canadians (the) CanadiansAustralia Australian an Australian Australians (the)AustraliansGermany German a German Germans (the) GermansGreece Greek a Greek Greeks (the)GreeksItaly Italian an Italian Italians (the)ItaliansRussia Russian a Russian Russians (the)RussiansEgypt Egyptian an Egyptian Egyptians (the)EgyptiansIndia Indian an Indian Indians (the)IndiansEurope European a European Europeans (the)EuropeansAfrica African an African Africans (the) Africans(4) the+集体名词the用于集体名词前表示特指的群体。例如:the public 公众 the government政府the working people 劳动人民 the working class 工人阶级The novel was welcomed by the reading public.小说受到读者大众欢迎。The government won the support of the working people.政府赢得劳动人民的支持。(5)不确定概念“某一个”的表示1)用不定冠词a(n)。例如:Gay was attracted by a pocket calculator on show.盖伊被展出的一种袖珍计算器所吸引。不定冠词用于人名前表示“某一个”。例如:A Mabel came and left you a message.一个叫梅布尔的人来过,并给你留了个口信。2) some/a certain+单数可数名词。例如:The Curies were sure that there was a certain/some radioactive element in the mineral.居里夫妇确信矿物里存在某种放射性元素。2.数量与量度(1)不定冠词表示数量不定冠词可以表示“一个”。例如:The married couple expected to have a daughter.这对夫妇希望有一个女儿。The boy drew a big circle on the paper.这个男孩在纸上画了个大圆圈。与one的区别在于,a(n)侧重于事物类属,而one侧重于数量。例如:The path is just wide enough for a car to pass through. (强调的是小汽车,不是别种车辆)The path is just wide enough for one car to pass through.(强调的是一辆汽车,不是两辆)这条路的宽度刚好够一辆小汽车通过。(2)冠词表示量度不定冠词用于表示计数单位的名词前,表示“每一”。例如:He earned only twenty dollars a day.他每天只赚20英镑。He drove his car at 70 miles an hour.他一小时行车70英里。定冠词the也可以与表示计算单位的名词连用表示量度。例如:The truck does thirty miles to the gallon.一加仑汽油可使卡车开30英里。These apples sell two pounds the kilo.这些苹果1千克售价2英镑。The worker is paid by the hour.这个工人按小时计酬。有时常用per表示“每一”(=for each)。例如:The workbook is only three yuan per/a/the copy.这本练习册每本3元。3. 泛指与特指不定冠词或零冠词用于名词前用来指某一类人或物,或是一类中的任何一个,称为泛指。定冠词用于名词前用来专指某一或某些特定的人或物,称为特指。泛指和特指主要用于以下一些情况。(1)名词带修饰语时冠词的使用名词表示一般概念时具有泛指意义,可用不定冠词或零冠词,如果名词后有修饰语加以限制具有特指意义,前面须用定冠词。例如:You need a hammer to drive the nail in.你需要一把锤子把钉子敲进去。The hammer you are using now is mine. 你现在用的那把锤子是我的。We were taught how to use forks and knives before going to America.去美国前我们学过如何使用刀叉。The forks and knives on the table are made of plastic.桌上的刀叉是塑料做的。但是当名词后的修饰成分只有描绘作用而不具有限制作用时,那么名词仍具有泛指意义。例如:Music is an art nearly everyone enjoys.音乐是一门几乎人人喜欢的艺术。Einstein was a physicist,who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.爱因斯坦是位物理学家,1921年获得诺贝尔物理奖。物质名词和
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