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高二英语高考班导学案(1)Unit Four拓展模块)April, 2013No.学习目标1. 学生能在听力中识另4 apply for,universityign up, course,intermediatcpoking,training, register, g等词luate2. 能听懂关于教育咨询,教育项目介绍的内容。3. 能听懂有关课程选择和课程安排的对话并提取有关课程名称,选课方式等信息。学习重点1. 能向别人咨询并回答教育方面的话题,如:培训内容,出国留学,学校活动等。2. 学生能在有一定准备的情况下简单描述培训,求学或学校生活的经历。学习难点1. 能识别句中出现的不同形式的形容词和副词。2 学生能使用 when, after, before, go to bed, ride to school, lilted撤。the news述自己的日常生活。导学案过程师生互动探究过程教学内容(请试着在文中找出这些组和句型,并翻译成中文)4. 词司 汇:.apply for, university, sign up, course, intermediate, cooking, training, rgraduat等词。5. 词 组:。when, after, before, go to bed, ride to school, listen to the news6句型:1 You seem to be much busier these days.2 Im applying for a university in France.3I want to sign up for a Chinese curse.4 What s your major课前预习1. 学生自己找出生词,并查找其大意。2. 学生自己拼读单词。教学过程:Step1 Duty reportThe student gives a report and the teacher greets the class.Step2 listening1. Let students listen to the tape, and match the name with the course.Listen again and check the answer.2. Listen to the tape and choose the right answer. According to the questions to chthe right answers.Step3 listen and completePlay the tape and complete the form about class registration.First let students lookf orm and fill in the blanks. Then let them listen to the tape and complete it.listand check the answers.The importances:1 Id like to register a class for American history.2 be e*pected to do sth.3 I can put you on the waiting list.4 That s why I have to register this class.Step4 readingLet the students read the conversation and choose the right answer.Then practice in pairs.Read it again and use the sentences to make new conversation.Do you offer any scholarshipsHow much do you charge every yearWhat courses are openHow many students can get the scholarshipHow old is your sonStep5act and practiceChoose one situatioto make a new conversatiopthenpracticwith your partner.Choose three pairs to act out.课程选择和安排的句型:1 You seem to be much busier these days.2 Im applying for a university in France.3 I want to sign up for a Chinese curse.4 What s your major5.I d like to register a class for American history6.I can put you on the waiting list.高二英语高考班导学案(2)Unit Four拓展模块)No.April, 2013学习目标学生能在阅读中理解 report, contact, improve, skill, confident, qualification, cont indevelop, emphasis, academic, place, cert 等词ate, levelup, sightsee等nS司汇。2能提取阅读材料中的关键信息,如:课程名称,上课方式,上课时间等3能读懂学校课程介绍。4能通过整合相关信息,在阅读材料中找到和人物要求匹配的课程。学习重点1 学生能记住 report, contact, improve, skill, confident, qualification, continue, devemphasis, academic, place, certifi等词t, level2 学生能使用 when, after, before, go to bed, ride to school, l等词描述 the news自己的日常生活。学习难点1能向别人咨询并回答教育方面的话题,如:培训内容,出国留学,学校活动等。2学生能在有一定准备的情况下简单描述培训,求学或学校生活的经历。导学案过程师生互动探究过程教学内容(请试着在文中找出这些组和句型,并翻译成中文)词 汇:reportc,ontact,improve, skillconfidentqualificaticoptinue,develop,emphasis, academic, place, certificate, level词 组:when, after, before, go to bed, ride to school, listen to the news句 型1.课前预习1学生自己找出生词,并查找其大意。2学生自己拼读单词。3找出疑难得句子。教学过程:Step1 Duty reportGreet the whole class and let the student on duty give a report.Step2 readingRead the five te*ts and choose the right title.Then teach the new words.and let them read the te*ts again.Ask five students to translate the te*ts and write the importances on the blackboard1. focus on2. plan to3. be placed on4. one-to-oneStep3 readingLet the studentreadthe passageand findout thenew words and writethem on theblackboard.Then the other studentsgive the pronunciations.Rethe words andremember the words. then read the passage again and complete two forms.Check the answer and let them translate the passage.1 Studying one of the above courses will enable you to use English more confidentlya daily basis.2 Try our free online test to see which levCLjICK HEREat3 Emphasis is also placed on pronunciation.4 Offer one-to-one class.Step4 read and completeLet students read the passage again ,and complete the schedule.:Then check the answer.Step5 consolidationTranslate the sentences into English.1选择上面任意一门课程都可以帮助您在日常使用英语过程中更加自信。2您可以使用我们的网上免费测试系统确定你现在的水平一点击此处。3本课程着重帮助学员改善自己的英语发音。4提供一对一课程。高二英语高考班导学案(3)Unit Four拓展模块)April , 2013No.学习目标1. 能识别句中出现的不同形式的形容词和副词2. 能理解形容词,副词同级比较,比较级和最高级的意义3. 能在常见话题的表述中正确使用形容词,副词的不同形式表达自己的观点学习难点1能在常见话题的表述中正确使用形容词,副词的不同形式表达自己的观点。2. 能根据提示简要描写自己的生活习惯。导学案过程师生互动探究过程教学内容1. 学生能使用 when, after, before, go to bed, ride to school, li等t词描:o the news述自己的日常生活。2. 能根据提示简要描写自己的生活习惯。课前预习1. 观察活动9中的句子,总结描述个人生活习惯应该使用的时态2. 将活动9中的句子组织成篇教学过程:Step1 Duty reportGreet the whole class and let the student on duty give a report.Step2 read and completeLet studentscomplete the sentences.Then check the answers.1. in the morning2. While having breakfast3. After breakfast4. after supper5. When I go back home6. after school7.
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