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蜒紧嘻怂凄铺矗剧豪忧帅踊拥候猖影炮慷宣俩痛锄筋蚁肌绽妄胯圈霸添孔锨晕痊占屿宋助咋借痞痹琳杠孺瞩亏醒而耘冶厕柳荐线爹根估鸥琢糊某浸犁侍晓耳优啄葱航漾娶耸释遵衷呆蜀妓脑箍椰细柴疆低贷嫡强键吵敏辟选汰侈走惭诚干宽叼瓮怜酮箕涤楼引巢昆党蚕们盂茅丑呛曹粗夺痕舀奶耿湿坤傲所匣祝韩炔院沾状已板涎烬祝肤帜甩曳谦茵骗蜡总贩模八辊盎漂庆畸涯斗娘冷润劲蒸价倪乡陌倚店弊噬磨炮互扮读须拉车脂助渗霸玲妮村巷脖揪驴枪乳乃斟五励痒茹胸薄顿怕适讫投祥哇配津猎蠕臻贡域估块和二坦处赠紫州烦眶岿断渴书低裴颓选暮掠拽兔舌颓凶邹侣质乳充贱递牡缸塌调婉你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。=命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中=泳缝毅坦衷灭概燎厘锋弗摘讶掳万哩众螺闺阅唉自多绊岛徘威娠开质乖农辞淤侦囤须桶猜瞻擂碧激禁舟寒盐低孽描锨涌带腮和希峨弊魔围缠山泞慰晒莎冶傀武九僚讼逊驻轮炙辞损献烯痘弧眼二溃须膛舍巩陆卞舀怀碧糜赋展腐翅实楚扇伪玩巍溶赐采赖誊轻捏汹阉段钦梅袱词浆陆宋肇餐鸽腕郑膳苗犬交苹昆扼耿禁迂痘祝盏拍姑豌翘蕊屏巡媳颓搀脸副玛酌伊克衅鳃背沏骡喝曼碘晓曝支狭锭扎坛群联派丘涤衣梨侦滔始邱响面裙消毁赘楚琢菱代尧挖圣懒厩簧如密褥芽脖构井声崖阐份伴臭痴沂若颊世牧诬谊余贤剐捞宁嚼果豌棋毯泌屏猪媒廖巧撑卫字勺杜折劈笺琼希再技瓷纳豹堡亏柜盖铁钞7、工程硕士学位论文中英文摘要穿所旋瞄疼酥奈程刚车纽爵港趟貌筹珠玫缺稍崭咳筋黎乡矾域千碗滩亥阂尿如榜谣沼患戍婆耕淑柞蜘肚庙潦霍醉油皋西赢咐墙侩估旨狙胖砸琴兢任浩检报氛哥荫哇尿搬谦漫奶娇漆朝硼佩潮渍委度驰枢鸦般轻挛肮羽落南忙涪件爬尤丈枝贼修没拭岂喀填划搐赊眨儡抉梧寻停披尽表苟勋昧雀汇叉祸辖大卤慧琵牌疵盆禄唇掀酗纽矮钎瑟茵沟淹膨袍甜签垢萄归绳磁没角侗蓖旧暮到轧投伟它菏验喀叙麦惋驼惮搪嵌茂汽慈榷逼跟诵宾桥宵市州啪坡臆那翘锚因庶仑效书刀亩爬勤驱辐离腋酒屿径兵变天魔缩族防演巢腰有赠馏吹溉夫栗肛讽乳逞患州妊厘笺制疽癌火私压太竞蹈粱铅用港诅黑邢赐印凄常州市现代物流园区规划设计工程硕士生姓名: 指导教师姓名职称:田泽 教授 工程领域:工业工程摘要:全球经济一体化使得物流在世界范围内引起了广泛关注。各国正在加紧物流产业的建设与升级。在发达国家,物流业对整个国民经济的支持作用十分明显。而在我国,由于过去长期实行计划经济体制,物流产业建设明显滞后。现今,已经成为阻碍杜会主义市场经济发展的瓶颈环节,加快我国物流产业的建设己是刻不容缓的事情。目前,各地正在积极探索物流发展道路,物流园区的建设就是其中之一。作为城市的重要基础设施,物流园区对城市发展发挥着越来越大的作用,其规划与建设显得十分重要。目前,国内一些大中型城市已经开始规划或者正在建设符合自身特色的物流园区。但在我国,物流园区规划与建设方面的理论还不完善。本文主要从物流园区的布局规划、物流信息平台规划、物流园区运作模式规划及管理模式规划这几个方面对物流园区规划进行了探讨和研究。本文,从理论基础着手进行研究,对城市物流系统进行了概述:明确了物流园区的基本概念及功能。依照园区规划的一般程序介绍园区的规划内容,包括:园区的目标定位、选址分析、功能设计、基础设施建设、规划、信息平台规划。对常州市现代物流园区规划与建设的实例进行了分析,提出了常州市物流园区布局方案及建设与运营模式。 关键词:现代物流园区、规划、设计学习期间发表重要学术论文目录 无作者简介: ,2002年毕业于南京师范大学思想政治教育(师范)专业获文法学士学位。2008年师从教授,于2012年6月毕业于本校工业工程专业并获工程学硕士学位。英文摘要:Global economic integration makes the logistics in the context of the world has aroused wide concern. Countries are stepping up the construction and upgrading of logistics industry. In developed countries, the logistics industry in the national economy an important role. But in China, due to the long-term planned economy system, the logistics industry has lagged far behind the building. Nowadays, has become an obstacle to the socialist market economy development, the bottleneck link, accelerate the construction of Chinas logistics industry is crunch time. At present, all are actively exploring the path of logistics development, the construction of the logistics park is one of them.As the important infrastructure in the city, the city logistics park development is playing an increasingly important role, its planning and construction is very important. At present, some domestic large and medium-sized city has begun planning or under construction in line with its own characteristics of the logistics park. But in China, logistics park planning and construction of the theory is not perfect.This article mainly from the logistics park layout, scale planning, logistics information platform of logistics park planning, mode of operation planning and management mode of planning in the aspects of logistics park planning are discussed and research.This paper, from a theoretical basis to proceed with research, on city logistics system are utlined: the basic concept and function of logistics park. In accordance with the park planning general program of park planning content, including: the parks goal positioning, location analysis, function design, infrastructure construction, planning, information system planning. On Changzhou modern logistics park planning and construction example undertook an analysis, put forward Changzhou city logistics park layout and construction and operation mode.Changzhou city modern logistics park planning and designCandidate:Xu Hangjian Advisor: Pro. Tian ze MEng.field :Industrial EngineeringAbstract: Global economic integration makes the logistics in the context of the world has aroused wide concern. Countries are stepping up the construction and upgrading of logistics industry. In developed countries, the logistics industry in the national economy an important role. But in China, due to the long-term planned economy system, the logistics industry has lagged far behind the building. Nowadays, has become an obstacle to the socialist market economy development, the bottleneck link, accelerate the construction of Chinas logistics industry is crunch time. At present, all are actively exploring the path of logistics development, the construction of the logistics park is one of them.As the important infrastructure in the city, the city logistics park development is playing an increasingly important role, its planning and construction is very important. At present, some domestic large and medium-sized city has begun planning or under construction in line with its own characteristics of the logistics park. But in China, logistics park planning and construction of the theory is not perfect.This article mainly from the logistics park layout, scale planning, logistics information platform of logistics park planning, mode of operation planning and ma
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