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八年级英语上册UNIT 10 Im going to be a basketball player第一课时教学活动设计Language goals:1.全体学生能认读、理解、掌握新单词:grow up computer programmer professional science practice90%的学生能正确拼写2.90%以上学生能掌握并运用以下词汇进行表达:1. Grow up 2. Be going to do = want to do 3. Computer programmer4. Baseball player 5. A professional basketball player 6. Computer science 7. Take acting lessons 8. Practice basketball3.90%的学生理解并掌握句型:1) what are you going to be when you grow up?2) i am going to be a computer programmer.3) how are you going to do that?4) im going to study computer science.Ability goals:1.90%学生能根据所给情景编写自问自答式的小对话。2.80%学生能根据老师所提供情境运用新句型编写新对话,并在全班展示交流。要达到“自编对话”的行为。Teaching important points1.语法:一般将来时态 (be going to do)用“be going to” 结构表示将来要发生的事,或打算、计划,决定要做的事情。 常于其搭配的时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon (不久), this afternoon , this evening , this year, in the future (将来), in the near future (在不久的将来),next week2.一般将来时态陈述句基本构成:主语 + be (am , is , are) + going to + 动词原形3.一般将来时态一般疑问句基本构成:Be ( am ,is ,are) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形Strategy goals:Conversation show, reportEmotional goals:1.通过对未来的谈论,对学生进行树立自己的远大理想的人生观与价值观的教育。教育学生从现在做起努力学习好科学文化知识,将来为社会为国家献出一份力量。2.通过谈论自己的梦想,认识到要想实现自己的理想就必须付出付出汗水与努力。一分耕耘一分收获。Teaching process:Step1.lead-in:1.using multi-media courseware to show :Teacher say boys and girls , this is a picture of an earthquake in wenchuan of china. They need some help . Would you like to help them?Students sayyes .Teacher say “ you are willing to help them.thank you.What are you going to do to help them?How are you going to do that?”Then write what are you going to do to help them? How are you going to do that? on the blackboard.设计思路:通过感人的画面启迪学生的心智,很想用英语去表达自己的想法 ,可怎样去表达呢?老师借机引出一般将来时态。Step2. Get to know the task:Using multi-media courseware to show the task:1.lets learn section a activity1a-1c2.after learning this unit, youll make your help plan how to help the pupils in wenchuan.3.talk about what are you going to be in the future? and how are you going to do that?设计思路:通过任务呈现,让学生明确任务,并为完成任务去思考和努力学习有关的语言项目和语法知识。Step3. Listen and practice:1. Listen to the tape. The first time, students only listen.2. Listen to the tape. The second time, students listen and repeat.3. Match the items in activity1b.设计思路:进一步培养学生的语感、听力和表达。Step4. Conversation show:1. Using multi-media courseware to show the pictures of yaoming and chenglong.2. Students write down the conversations and show them to class.A:what are you going to be when you grow up?B: i am going to be a professional basketball player/an actor.A: how are you going to do that?B: im going to practice basketball every day./ take acting lessons .3. Do activity1c in pairs.设计思路:进一步加强语言技能的训练,形成必需的运用语言的能力。Step5. Grammar focus:1.语法:一般将来时态 (be going to do)用“be going to” 结构表示将来要发生的事,或打算、计划,决定要做的事情。1. 常于其搭配的时间状语有:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon (不久), this afternoon , this evening , this year, in the future (将来), in the near future (在不久的将来),next week2.一般将来时态陈述句基本构成:主语 + be (am , is , are) + going to + 动词原形3.一般将来时态一般疑问句基本构成:Be( am ,is ,are) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形设计思路:加强语法教学,进一步巩固语言知识。Step6. Do the task1.Work in groups and tell your group what are you going to be when you grow up? and how are you going to do that?2Think:what are you going to do to help the pupils in wenchuan.then write it down and tell your plan to class.设计思路:任务的完成这一步骤,使学生真正将知识运用到现实生活中来。Step7:Summary:1.Check the new words and useful expressions.2 check the grammars.3.根据本节课个人的表现,同位互评。以激励个体的学习积极性。4. 根据本节课小组的表现,小组间互评,评出优胜组.以激励小组合作学习的积极性。5. 最后,师对学生课前预习情况以及课堂掌握情况作出评价,给予指导与肯定,增强学生的学习信心,提高他们的学习热情。设计思路:通过总结与评价,增强学生的自信心与兴趣。Step8:homework1.retell your plan to your parents.2.do some exercises in workbooks。设计思路:作业1在提高学生的表达水平的同时又可以得到家长的进一步鼓励,提高学习热情。作业2既巩固了新知识又可以提高运用能力
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