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Tompkinsville Elementary School CSIP Executive SummaryMISSION STATEMENT:The mission of TES is to put kids first and help every child, every day reach his or her highest potential.Tompkinsville Elementary School is located at 420 Elementary School Road in Tompkinsville, Kentucky. With approximately 415 students in pre-school through fifth grade, TES is the largest elementary school in the Monroe County School District. TES believes the purpose of education is to provide meaningful experiences and opportunities for the maximum development of all students. We, along with home and community support, strive to ensure that each child reaches his or her potential to become a positive contributor and participant in our society. PROCESS OF DEVELOPING THE COMPREHENSIVE IMPROVEMENT PLAN:The 2008-09 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) was developed initially during the KCCT Analysis of Test Scores.Members/Representative Groups Who Served on Planning and Needs Assessment Teams:School administrators: Kirk Biggerstaff (Principal); Stewart Turner (Assistant Principal)Teachers: All TES TeachersParents: Doug Burks, Brian Copas, Maria Goad, Teresa Hale, Keith Maxey Pupil Support Personnel: Cynthia Williams (Family Resource Center Coordinator)Liaison with District Team: Liz Willett (Interim Superintendent)SBDM: All TES SBDM Council MembersHOW THE NEEDS OF THE SCHOOL OR DISTRICT WERE DETERMINED:The Comprehensive School Improvement Plan was developed by teachers and SBDM council members and parents (stakeholders). They have analyzed needs assessment information such as the KCCT results, parent, student, faculty, and staff survey information, in-house reports (i.e. discipline, attendance) and priority needs for our students.HOW THE GOALS AND STRATEGIES WERE DECIDED UPON:The stakeholders selected priority need areas through data analysis. Goals and strategies were then determined. Teachers met and discussed activities that will help students reach proficiency.WHAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN IS EXPECTED TO ACHIEVE:The plan is expected to put a focus on our priority needs for student achievement. This plan will help us maintain proficiency and assist in helping us reach an Academic Index of 106 or higher. WHAT PROCESS WAS USED FOR INTERNAL REVIEW OF THE PLAN:When the plan was near completion, each group met again to make any changes or additions to their component area. The final plan was adopted by the SBDM council and school staff.HOW PUBLIC COMMENT WAS SECURED AND WHAT RESPONSE WAS MADE:The SBDM Council was asked to revise the first draft of the CSIP and to solicit input from other parent and community members. The CSIP will also be posted on the school and district websites.HOW COMPREHENSIVE IMPROVEMENT PLANNING WILL BE ENSURED IN THE FUTURE:The Comprehensive Improvement Plan will be reviewed and discussed on a periodic basis at staff meetings and SBDM council meetings. This review will include Implementation and Impact Checks to ensure we are following the actions set forth in the CSIP.COMMUNICATION PLAN:How will the Comprehensive Improvement Plan and other important information be shared with stakeholders?All stakeholders will receive a final copy of the CSIP with final discussion of the CSIP being held during the monthly Faculty Meeting. Additionally, the CSIP will be made available on the school and district websites.How will input continue to be gathered from stakeholders?On a semi-annual basis, the CSIP will be reviewed. At monthly SBDM meetings, specific areas will be discussed.School: Tompkinsville Elementary SchoolAction Component: Social StudiesComponent Manager: Barbara BirgeDate: December 2008Team SMART GoalStrategies & Action StepsImpact on Student SuccessResponsibility/TimelineEvidence of EffectivenessOur Reality: Based on the 2008 KCCT results for our school in the area of social studies, non-free/reduced lunch students outscores free/reduced lunch students by 24 points.Our Goal: Our goal is to close the SES achievement gap to 5 points or less in the area of social studies.Routine implementation of hands-on, engaging instructional activities that actively involve each and every learner with an emphasis on Open Response practice.Engaging instruction will help target at-risk learners and make them more interestedand thus more successfulin social studies.Barbara Birge/OngoingTBDUtilization of technology resources such as United Streaming and various other websites that would appeal to male students.Technology integration will serve as a differentiation tool as well as a tool for student engagement.Barbara Birge/Ongoing TBDInvolvement from the community with the implementation of guest speakers and as many real world connections as possible with a focus on targeting male students.Involvement of the community will integrate real world experiences
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