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石寺二中问题五步教学法教案课题Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B课型新授课主备人李娜参与人王小伟邹坤组长签字教学 目标1. (1) Learn some new words about school things: eraser, pencil, desk, pen, ruler, book, blackboard(2) Learn other new words and a phrase:English, in English, an, a, map, spell, can, please, apple, double, toy, car, orange, egg 2. Learn some useful sentences:(1) Whats this/that in English? Its an eraser./Its a map./Its a toy.(2) How do you spell it?E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.(3) Can you spell it, please?Yes. M-A-P, map.(4) Thank you./Thanks.Thats OK./Youre welcome.(5) Is this/that a ruler?Yes, it is./No, it isn t.学法 E力教具 准备录音机/照片/教学挂图教学 划、节教学过程修改意见导入 新课 展小 问题师生互动。复习上节课的对话,导入新课。)T: Excuse me, whats your name?S:My name is Li Jie.T: How old are you?S:Im twelve.T: What class are you in?S:Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.T: Are you in Class Four, too?(面向另学生。)S2: Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im in Class Seven.T: What grade are you in?S2: Im in Grade Seven.T: Are you in Grade Seven, too?(囿向另学生。)S3:Yes, I am.T: Whos that?(出示 Section A, 4a 中的挂图。)S3: That;s Nancy.T: How old is she?S3:Shes fourteen.T: What class is she in?S3: Shes in Class Eleven, Grade Eight.T: Well done! Thank you. Sit down, please.T: Just now we asked and answered personal information. Now I ll show you some pictures of things.自主 探索 提出 问题1 .自主学习1a,完成1b.2 .让学生听本课1a的录音并跟。3 .自主学习1a,找出文中重点。(1) 这用英语怎么说?它是一个橡皮擦。(2) 你怎样拼写它?(3) 你会怎样拼写它?,是的,我会。(4)4 .让学生观察a/an的区别。合作 交流 解决 问题1.引导学生区别a/an,教师归纳a/an的用法。)(引导学生仔细观察、发现规律,教师最后总结并板书。)a map/pen/pencil/car/desk (用辅首首林 前。)an apple/orange/eraser/egg/English book (用 丁兀自首,标前。)2.(教师把实物卡片放在远处,师生对话练习that。)T: Now whats that in English?(教师指着远处的黑板问所有的学生。)Ss: Its a blackboard.T: How do you spell it, please?Ss: B-L-A-C-K-B-O-A-R-D, blackboard.T: Thanks.Ss: Youre welcome./Thats OK.教学 划、节教学过程修改意见练习 实践 巩固 问题1 .播放1a录音,让学生跟读,然后两人一组模仿1a进行对话。2 .同桌之间用不同的实物,如 pencil, desk, ruler, pen, book等练习1a,并 到讲台前表演。T: Please practice the dialog in pairs using different things and act it out.Si: Excuse me, whats this in English?S2: Its a pencil.Si: How do you spell it?S2: P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.Si: Thank you.S2: You re welcome.(对于表演好的学生,给予表扬。)3 .让学生完成1b练习,并核对答案。4 .拿出一幅电话的图片挂在较远处,让学生两人一组用that进行对话。然后,请一组学生到台前表演。T: S5, S6, use “that to make a conversation, please.S5: Excuse me, S6. Whats that in English?S6: Its a telephone.S5: How do you spell it?/Can you spell it?S6: (Yes,)T-E-L-E-P-H-O-N-E, telephone.55: Thank you.56: You re welcome./Thats OK.整体 感知 拓展 问题试一试()1. What s thisEnglish? It segg.A. to; aB. to; anC. in; an D. in; a()2. - Is that an orange?.It s an apple.A. YesB.NoC.It isD.It isn t()3. Whatsover there(在那边)?It s a bus.A. theseB.thoseC.thisD.that()4. 一do you spell your name? -T-I-N-A, Tina.A. WhatB.HowC.WhoD.Where()5. My mom isteacher. She sEnglish teacher.A. a; anB.a; aC.an; aD.an; ann .情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,后两项多余。A: Hello, Jingjing.11B: Im fine, thanks. And you?A: 12 Oh, Whats that?B: It s a car.A: 13B: Yes, it is.A: How do you spell“ orange ?B: 14A: Thank you.B: 15反思 与 收获
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