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人教版七年级英语上册Unit 9单元测试题Written test part(共80分).单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. You have _ hour to watch TV.A. aB. an C. the D.不填( )17. Linda has a trip this week and its _ Saturday morning.A. at B. in C. for D. on( )18. We _ history and math this afternoon.A. play B. see C. need D. have( )19. I dont like this CD _ its boring.A. becauseB. butC. so D. after( )20. You look _ in this black sweater.Thank you.A. cool B. fat C. tidy D. short( )21. _ comes after Saturday.A. Sunday B. MondayC. Tuesday D. Thursday( )22. _ do you like this book?Because its interesting.A. Where B. WhyC. WhatD. When( )23. Its our first day of school and we have _ 1.A. Lesson B. ClassC. the Lesson D. the Class( )24. The dictionary is _, so you can buy it.A. boringB. smallC. useful D. difficult( )25. The baseball game is great._. Boys in my family all love it.A. Thank youB. Thats for sureC. Its very nice of youD. Have a great time.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Dear Nancy,Thank you for your last letter. Im happy you like your new school.I go to school from Monday26Friday and Im very27this term. I have28classes a day: four in the morning and three in the afternoon. After the29class, I always play tennis, and its for two30. I dont like it but I want to be healthy. I go back home (回到家) at 7:00. Then I have31with my parents. I can32my homework (家庭作业) at about 10:00. I must go to33before (在之前) 10:30, so I dont have any34time to play computer games or watch TV, but I like my busy life.What about35? Is it busy, too? Please write to me soon.Yours,Gina( )26. A. on B. toC. for D. at( )27. A. happy B. fineC. nice D. busy( )28. A. seven B. eightC. nine D. ten( )29. A. middle B. lastC. next D. first( )30. A. weeks B. daysC. monthsD. hours( )31. A. a test B. a tripC. breakfast D. dinner( )32. A. find B. askC. finish D. watch( )33. A. the room B. the libraryC. school D. bed( )34. A. free B. interestingC. great D. easy( )35. A. mine B. meC. yours D. you.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AMary: Hello, Gina. Do you want to have evening classes? On Monday evenings, there is a guitar (吉他) class.Gina: Im busy on Mondays. What about Tuesdays?Mary: Theres a class to teach you how to make bread. The teacher is Mr. Smith.Gina: The class is useful. And Mr. Smiths bread is great. And Wednesdays?Mary: That class is about clothes. You can learn how to make clothes.Gina: Its fun. What class do you want to take?Mary: Well, on Thursdays, theres one interesting class. I can learn how to make model planes.Gina: Oh, thats great. But Im busy those days.Mary: There is another (另一) interesting class on Friday evenings. You can learn about the stars.Gina: Its boring. Is there a class on Saturdays?Mary: Yes, you can learn how to take pictures.Gina: Great! I like this class. Ill take it.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )36. Mr. Smith gives (提供) lessons on _.A. Mondays B. TuesdaysC. Wednesdays D. Thursdays( )37. What class does Mary like?( )38. Gina thinks the class on Fridays is _.A. fun B. easyC. boringD. difficult( )39. Gina wants to learn _.A. with Mary B. on SundaysC. how to make clothesD. how to take pictures( )40.下列哪项陈述是正确的?A. Gina is busy on Thursdays.B. Mary likes Mr. Smiths bread.C. The guitar class is on Tuesdays.D. There are two classes on Saturdays.BIm Sara. Im a middle school student. At school, we have nine subjectsmath, English, Chinese, science, geography, history, art, P.E. and music. My mother is a Chinese teacher and she says Chinese is beautiful and important (重要的). I like Chinese. I always read Chinese books before I go to bed. I also like history. It is my favorite subject. Mr. Brown is great fun. In his history class, I can learn many interesting stories.Mr. Green is my math teacher. He says math is useful and interesting, but I think it is boring. My science teacher, Mrs. Smith, is
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