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南昌正茂培训学校四年级上册英语期末试卷考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 Cls_ ae_听力部分 (30分)一 、听句子,圈出你所听到的单词。(10分 )1. bra ed rw2 hair chen kichen 3. beef fish frer pear encil peclcase. ml musi os 6. ciee Chiese Engli. bathroom bedrom clasoom. twent hrt ifty 9. . 1 58 8810. . 5 3 6二. 根据听到的内容,选择正确的图片完成句子。(5分)( ) 1. Ican e . . ( ) 2. This s my . A B.( ) . Idlik some A. B.( )4 M fmil hs memrs. A B( ) 5. M fter i . A. B.三、听录音,选出你所听到句子的答语。(5分)1. ( )A . Hes a teacher. . Yes, se i. C . Yes, ss my eache2. ( ) A. Mynme isTom. B . He am is rh. C.This isSarah.3.( ) A. N,the arn. B. s, tyaent. C. No, ey re. ( ) A.Its scobag. B.oe bks and pens. C I d.5( ) A hee r 9 B. There n e oom C.t i 9.四、听录音,填单词,使句子意思完整。(10分) brt schoolbg hise book he bred tdnt notebook ecil-cse eggs berom1. Idiesoe_and_frdnne.lcom t my _. Ts is my_.3.Wha in yourscholba?Tere i a _ nd a _4.The bo i m _.H is a _5.Putyour _oyou_.笔试部分(7分).一在一线格上抄写下面单词,并译成中文.( 8分 ) ort( ) thirty( ) twenty-e( ) Egsh bok( )_ _ _ _ noteboo( ) scholba( ) Cinse o( ) mt bo( )_ _ _ _二、抄写下列字母。( 2分 )L Jj m K Oo Qq P n Rr Ii三、默写字母从Aa 到Zz。( 分 )_四、.写出所给字母的相邻字母,注意大小写。(4分)1 _ Q _ . _r _ 3. _s_ 4. _ _ ._ H _ 6._ M _ 7._ P _ 8._ K _ 五、看图写单词。(6分) 六选择题。(10分)( )1、hats in t? _A、hnk o. B、Good ide. C、8 penciand0 hrpenrs.( )2、May I hae a lo? _A. Su. Here you ae. B、Yes. 、Hwne! ( )3、ow many_d youhve? 、mah oos 、math bo 、a mah bok( ) 4、 hat olour i yr Cnese book?_. A、Itswhite nd pnk. 、It eautiul. C、Itsour ( ) 、 A:How n glish booksdo yo have?: _A、 I hae en. 、Tey e irtyua. C、Its ornge.() 、How anycan yu se? appleB cts C g( ) 7、Gve e pens. A twBaa() 8、Can I me noodles.ease ? ikeB ha Chve( )9、Letcleante wdow. A I Bme or( ) 10、wats ane? Hi name zha prg.A His B her Cou七句子配对.(5分)( )1What colouisit? A. hae 6( )2.Howmayboks do y ve? B. Is yw( )3.ow a nglih okan o see? CGood ia.( ).Wts in your ag? D. I cn ee t.( )5. Lets clanthe wiow. . 3 pecilsnd many bos.八将单词进行分类,并把它们抄写在四写格上。(5分) knife istr farmer dcr sofautfrk ric beef ch 家庭人物 职业 餐具 食物 家具九选择正确的答句(5分)( )1.Ar they inth living room? . He is doct( )2.Whats your father? B. d ik some cen.()3.Whatshis nae? C. No, thy arent( )4 Can I hv someoods? D. His nae Mke.( )5. ht wod you lior dinn? E. ure.Here you .十.看图片,补全单词(7分) satlb _. an e a _ _ _ in th pictr. Id liksomf _ and r_ _ . ncle a f _ _ . elcome turs _ _ _ Tis isd _ _ . M f _ _ _ a _ _ _() (2) () () (5) (6 ) ()十一.根据上下文和图画,填上句子所缺的单词,使句子完整。(5分)1Were . 2. Chen Jeis a .Shes quet. 3. his is y Englis . H nae i Mi Whte
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