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Unit 4 Lesson 21 Jennys Family 习题 2一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。( )1. A. grandma B. grandpa C. ice-cream( )2. A. water B. hot dog C. hamburger( )3. A. dad B. teacher C. mom( )4. A. boy B. girl C. student( )5. A. and B. elephant C. squirrel二、判断下列字母是不是相应的大小写字母,是的打“”,否则打“”。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。 Model: A B C a b c1. 2. 四、根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。 ( )1. Whats your name? A. Sure. Here you are.( )2. Where are you from? B. Great!( )3. Whos that man? C. My name is Tutu.( )4. May I have a look? D. Im from China.( )5. Lets watch TV! E. Hes my grandpa.五、看图,选择下面的句子,把对话补充完整,将序号填在( )内。( )1. A. Im four. B. Four. C. Im fine, thank you.( )2. A. Shes my mother. B. Hes my father. C. Hes my brother.( )3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon. ( )4. A. Hes my father. B. Shes my sister. C. Hes my brother.六、这是Ann的家谱树,请帮她把相对应的人物名称的序号填在( )内。A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother E. grandmother F. grandfather参考答案一、C A B C A二、三、略四、C D E A B五、B A A C六、(从上到下、从左到右)E F C D B A
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