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高二英语选修6单词拼写Unit 11.The word “honesty” is an a_ noun.2.Which do you like better, his paintings or s_?3.There are many art g_ in New York.4.They are put on an e_ of French paintings next week.5.An a_ country is always ready to start a war6.His a_ is to be a successful writer.7.Youll soon be c_ that she is right , though you think not now.8.The prisoners a_ to escape, but failed.9.The keys are in the p_ of the boss.10.She was the f_ of everyones attention at the party.11.In the picture the tree is the s_ of live while the snake stands for evil.12.He has lost his b_ in the God.13.The expert p_ that there will be an earthquake in that area in the near future.14.He made a r_ drawing of a horse. (他画了一匹栩栩如生的马)15.Im afraid I have never been much of a _(学者).16.You look r_ (可笑的)in those tight jeans.17.The professor made a _ speech. ( 可能引起争议的)18.Was Johnson _ (同时代的)with Shakespeare ?19.Would you please let me know your p_ address( 固定地址 ) ?Unit 21.If you taste some seawater, you will find it s_-2.We must consider a problem in all its a_.3.She lives in a charming c_ in the countryside.4.Li Shizhens Bencaogangmu has been t_ into many languages.5.Most girls like wearing a d_ ring.6.Her face become red with_(生气), and she couldnt say anything.7.The deep _(悲伤) she felt was obvious in the expression_r of her face.8.A voice came from _(黑暗), but she couldnt see anyone.9.My friends were wearing two or three sweaters for extra _(温暖).10.If you are easy to get lost, youd better take a _(指南针)with you.11.No word can c_ my thanks to you at the moment.12.We have learned a new sentence p_ in this unit.13.The _(背诵) habit must be formed when you are young.14.An _(合适) method must be found to deal with such situation.15._(分析)the difficult sentences helps to understand the text well.16.The music is written in a _ (节奏) of three beats to a bar.17.Im _ (等待) their reply.18 The songs of birds _ (唤醒) me.19. Dont take it seriously, he was only _ (开玩笑)20. English is a _ (分支) of Germanic family of languages.Unit 31.The accident is d_ to your careless driving.2.My children have become hopelessly a_ to television.3.She found it necessary to a_ her child to getting up early.4.He was a_ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.5.With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of s_.6.M_ health is as important as physical health.7.Now that I am p_, I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.8.So I did the wrong thing! Well, nobody is _(完美的)9.My father has q_ smoking.10.The door opened _(自动地) as we approached.11.Some _ (年青人)have got into the habit of taking drugs.12.In spite of the heavy rain, she m_ to get there on time.Unit 41.A _(广泛传播的)flu epidemic affected eighteen western states.2.There has been serious _(分歧) between the two political over the question.3.He couldnt stand terrible English _(气候).4.The population had _(减少) from about 8,300,000 in 1845 to less than 6,600,000in 1851.5.The _(平均数)of 3, 6and 9 is 6.6.A child who can remember 3000 English words at the age of 3 would be called an unusual p_.7.The food was enough in q_, but not very good in quality,8.Though he is less than one year old, he is strong enough to walk s_.9.The tsunamis(海啸) smashing into India Ocean coastlines, which killed 125,000 people in 12 different countries was a terrible c_.10.In c_ of a terrible earthquake the whole city was destroyed.Unit 51.The story _(使兴奋)the little boy very much.2.On hot days we often go _(洗澡) in the river.3.I cant _(评价) his ability without seeing his work.4.I got into a _(惊慌) when I found the door was locked.5.The studied the German market to find the _(可能性) there for investment.6.It was a cold, wet day and the children were b_.7.Its many years since Mount Vesuvius e_.8.He drew f_ animals with two heads and large wings.9.Im a_ to get home to open my presents.10.They had to c_ tomorrows football match because of the bad weather.KeysUint 11.abstrcat 2.sculptures 3.gallerys 4.exhibition 5.aggressive 6.aim 7.convinced 8.attempted 9.possession 10.focus 11.symbol 12.belief 13.predict 14.realistic 15.schoolar 16.rediculous 17.controversial 18.contemporary 19.permanentUnit 21.salty
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