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(一)D1. I have got six colour pens. One is red, another is blue and _ four are all green.A. other B. the other C.other D. the otherC2. His joke sounded _ , and it made all the people there laugh a lot.A. amazing B. clearly C. amusing D. wellD3. His idea _ to be right though some people complained much about that at firstA turned over B. turned down C.turned up D. turned out (二)D4. This new type of iPhone is _ one that I have ever seen.A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapestC5. I _ basketball with my friends from three to four oclock yesterday afternoon.A had played B. played C. was playing D. playB6. Betty, physics isnt so difficult. You _ be disappointed. Im sure youll pass it next time.A. mustnt B. dont have to C. cant D. dontA7. - Do you mind turning down the radio a bit? Its too noisy. - _A Of course not B. Yes, of course C. Never mind D. All right(三)A8. The bowl of fish smells _. It has probably gone bad.A. strange B. well C. nice D. terriblyC9. Linda often has a poor memory _ she receives most of her knowledge in a passive way.A. though B. so C. because D. so that(四)D10. You seem to have caught a cold. Youd better go to _ hospital.A. a B. an C. the D. /D11. There is nothing but some _ in my pocket.A. coin B. key C. bill D. moneyB12. There are only _ hours of sunlight every day in Norway.B. few B. a few C. little D. a little B13. Many people like to visit Yu Garden _ the evening of the Lantern Festival.A. in B. on C. at D. ofB14. Many streets in Shanghai _ in the past few years because of the World Expo.A. have widened B. have been widened C. widened D. were widenedB15. Students often find it hard to _ the difference between the two words.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak(五)B16. With the help of TV programmes, many of the worlds top designers names are _ us.A. similar to B. familiar to C. similar with D. familiar withA17. _ fun it is to go skating in such a chilly weather!A What B. What a C. How D. How aB18. My uncle _ Xian for more than two years.A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to D. has leftD19. We will have a _ holiday in May soon. What about going to the West Lake?A. three days B. three-days C. three-days D. three-dayB20. Nowadays my parents _ a walk around our estate after supper every day.A. used to taking B. are used to taking C. used to take D. are used to takeB21. -May I speak to Judy, please?-Speaking. _A. Who are you? B. Whos that? C. Im Judy. D. Are you Tom?(六)B22. _ sad news it is! We must try our best to help the workers out of danger.A. What a B. What C. How a D. How(七)A23. Because of the terrible weather, the football match had to be _ till next Saturday.A. put off B. put out C. put on D. put upB24. Although the doctors did everything they could _ the sick boy, they failed at last.A. save B. to save C. was saving D. had savedA25. _ better to learn how to do the experiment right now.A. It is B. It had C. You had D. You wouldD26. Could you tell me _?A. when has he come back B. when he would come back C. when will he come back D. when he will come back B27. He took up a language course while staying in Paris last summer. The underlined part means _.A. began to carry B. began to learn C. began to select D. began to holdC28. -To make sure the food we eat every day is safe, the government should do more.-_A. That sounds nice. B. That is not ture. C. I cant agree more. D. You are welcome.(八)A29. I know there is a pen in your right hand. But whats in your _ hand?A. other B. another C. the other D. othersD30. Nick didnt do very _ in the final exam, but his scores are _ than last years.A. good, better B. bad, worse C. well, worse D. well betterA31. As Im the only child in the family, my parents give me most of the things _ I ask for.A. that B. what C. which D. whenD32. Ask him if the work _ tomorrow.A. finishes B. will finish C. is finished D. will be finishedB33. Please dont get off the bus _.A. before it will stop B. till it stops C. after it stops D. until it will stopA34. -Are you going to see that film tomorrow?-I have no idea. If you dont, _. If you do, _.A. nor shall I; so shall I B. nor do I; so do I C. nor I shall; so I shall D. I dont; I doD35. Could you tell me _?A. where were you at seven last night B. hows your memory-improvement courseC .when you had seen the performance D. if there are three kinds of memory(九)D36. The workers of the company wont go on doing the job _ they get their pay raised.A .after B. when C. because D. unlessA37. The engineer will go sightseeing
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