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高二英语学案 M7U2(1) I. Translate the following phrases. (20)1. 开放 裂开 11. 在现代社会2. be fundamental to 12. 不能够做某事3. 以粉末形式 13. 大量地4. take the place of 14. 少数学生5. put into mass production 15. 发出一声喊叫 6. split up into groups 16. 预防心脏病发作7. bring relief to sb. 17. 最畅销的止痛药8. fill in the form 18. 降低血糖9. reduce the risk of 19. 对.做决定10. 为。工作 20. 延长人的寿命21 以。命名 22发挥潜能23 实验 24看穿25.开展,执行 26 毫无疑问27给。推荐。 28.难怪29.对。感到惊讶wonder 30.千方百计做。一、从方框中选择适当的词或词组替换句中的画线部分(必要时可改变形式)open up contemporary manage to decade focus on probability take place transparentbe able to help with1. There is no chance that he will succeed. There is no that he will succeed.2. The discovery of America started a new world to Europe. The discovery of America a new world to Europe.3. Modern-day Rome is the capital of Italy once again and one of the most visited places in the world. Rome is the capital of Italy once again and one of the most visited places in the world.4. Youre now at Liverpool. How did it come about? Youre now at Liverpool. How did it ?5. From that day on, I concentrated on studying and made progress step by step. From that day on, I studying and made progress step by step.6. Some questions are clear from the beginning. Some questions are from the beginning.7. We expect each schoolmate and social friends from all walks of life to aid with great strength heartily.We expect each schoolmate and social friends from all walks of life to great strength heartily.8. How can we succeed in keeping the news from her? How can we keep the news from her?9. Salamanders (火蜥蜴)once were thought to be capable of living in fire.Salamanders (火蜥蜴)once were thought to live in fire.10. Prices have risen steadily during the past ten years. Prices have risen steadily during the past .二、根据下列句子进行转换句型,注意不能改变原句意思1. There is no probability that he will succeed. There is_ probability_ _ _.2. The doctor strongly recommended his taking a holiday. The doctor strongly recommended that_ _ _ a holiday. The doctor strongly recommended him _ _ a holiday.3. I really dont know where in the world I had my money stolen.I really dont know where I had my money stolen.4. He enjoys not only TV, but also movies.He enjoys movies _ _ _TV. 5. Today, Abraham Lincoln is considered as one of the greatest of all American presidents. Today, people_ Abraham Lincoln _ _ one of the greatest of all American presidents.6. You can find whatever you need at the shopping centre, always busy at the weekend. You can find whatever you need at the shopping centre, _ _ always busy at the weekend.7. The villagers didnt realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river did._ _ all the fish died in the river_ the villagers realize how serious the pollution was. 8. China will spend about ten years in sending a manned spaceship to the moon._ _ _ about ten years_ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon.9. If it hadnt been for the fog, we should have reached the top of the hill. _ _ the fog, we should have reached the top of the hill.10. The television station apologized for the interference, which was because the weather was really bad.The television station apologized for the interference, which was _ _a bad weather condition.三、根据中文,用本单元中所学的句型完成下列句子。1. Hard work is _ _ (基本的,根本的) success.2. 多吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜能够减少肠癌的危险。Eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can _ _ _ _ bowel cancer.3. 不只是增加你的生命的长度,提高质量也是!Dont just _ _ _ _ your life, increase the quality of it too!4. 不听不传小道消息。订一条规矩,不背后说人,除非说好话。Never engage in gossip. _ _ _ _ to say nothing about another unless it is something good.5. 据说那种植物可用来治心脏病。It is _ that the plant can _ _ _ treat heart disease.6_ _ the news was the broadcast, _ I know the result of the election.(直到才)Grammar quiz语法小测四、选择所给动词短语的适当形式填空1. He came in and _ some magazines. (call for, call on)2. No matter what difficulty you will m
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