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环境工程专业留学生本科培养方案(英文授课)(专业代码:081001)Teaching Program of Safety and Environmental Engineering (in English)For Four-year Foreign StudentsSpecialty Code: 081001I. Educational Objectives (培养目标)本专业培养适应现代工业发展需要,德、智、体全面发展、具备扎实的安全、环境科学基础理论和相 关学科知识,能够从事安全与环境工程相关的设计、研究、检测、评价、监察和管理等工作的基本能力和 素质的高级工程技术人才。The educational aim of Safety and Environmental Engineering specialty is to cultivate qualified personnel with advanced technology and engineering knowledge of safety & environmental science and related disciplines. To develop all-round morality, intellectuality and physical fitness, they can adapt to the needs of modern industrial development. They can be engaged in the design, research, monitoring, evaluation, supervising and management related with safety and environmental engineering when they graduate from the university.II. Requirements (业务要求)毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:Graduates should acquire the following knowledge and capabilities.1. 具有数学、物理、计算机和化学的扎实基础,基本掌握汉语,能够较顺利阅读本专业的中文书刊、 具有听、说、读、写、译的技能;1. Graduates will have solid foundation on math, physics, computer and chemistry. They are able to use the basic Chinese to read Chinese books and magazines of their own specialty and have some skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation etc.2. 掌握水污染控制工程、大气污染控制工程及固体废物处理工程的基本原理及设计方法,具有污染 治理工艺、设备研究和开发的初步能力;掌握安全原理、安全系统评估、安全系统工程、职业健康、风险 控制、安全检测与监测等基本知识和技术,具备安全系统分析与评估、安全系统管理与监测方面的能力。2. Graduates will grasp the basic theory and design method of water pollution control engineering, air pollution control engineering, and solid waste treatment engineering etc. They will possess preliminary capability to treating pollution, research and develop equipments etc. They will also grasp the basic knowledge and technology of safety principle, safety system evaluation, safety system engineering, occupational health, risk control, safety detection and monitoring. They will possess preliminary capability to safety system analyses and evaluation, safety system management and monitoring.3. 能使用现代分析仪器及测试仪器,具有较强的实验和环境监测能力,具有HSE管理、环境规划与 管理、环境质量评价研究和应用的能力;3. Graduates will master the use of modern analytical and test instruments and have fairly strong abilities of experiment test and environmental monitoring. Simultaneously, Graduates will have the research and application abilities of HSE management, planning and management of environment, and environmental impact assessment etc.4. 具有较强的自学能力、工作适应能力、较熟练的计算机操作应用能力和创新意识,具 备使用计算机进行安全、环境系统管理和监测等方面的能力。4. Graduates will have a better self-study and work adaptation capability, computer operation and application ability and innovative consciousness. They can use the computer to do the safety environment system management and monitoring.5. 了解安全、环境工程技术的理论前沿和发展动态。5. Graduates will know the leading issues and development trend of safety and environmental technology.III .主干学科和学位课程(Main subjects and degree courses)主干学科:安全工程、环境工程Main subjects: Safety Engineering, Environmental Engineering学位课程:基础汉语(包括初级汉语口语、初级汉语精度、中级汉语)、中国概况、高级汉语、高等 数学、大学物理、大学化学、物理化学、有机化学、安全系统工程、风险评价、环境监测、大气污染控制 工程、安全工程信息化技术、水处理工程、环境质量评价、安全监测、固体废物处理工程。Degree courses: Elementary Chinese (Primary Oral Chinese, Primary Chinese Intensive Reading, Intermediate Chinese), A Survey of China, Advanced Chinese Advanced Math, Physics, Fundamental Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Engineering of Safety System, Risk Assessment, Environmental Monitoring Technology, Air pollution Control Engineering, Information Technology of Safety Engineering, Water Treatment Engineering, Environment Quality Appraisement, Safety monitoring, Solid Waste Treatment Engineering.IV. Graduate Requirements and Distribution of Class Hours and Credits (毕业要求及学时、学分分配)分类(Classification)学分Credits学时Hours备注(Note)必修Required理论(Theory)1431976220 experiment hours and 9 on-line hours is not included.实验(Experiment)9148实践(Practice)8毕业要求Graduate requirements1. 本专业学生需修满教学计划要求的158学分,且通过HSK3级方可毕业。Students will graduate after they earn 158credits required in the teaching program of their specialty and get HSK 3 certificate.2. 符合条件,授予工学学士学位。Engineering Bachelors degree will be conferred to the qualified students.3. 本专业学生应使用英语撰写毕业论文,但需提供汉语论文摘要The students are required to write their graduation papers in English and should offer thesis abstract in Chinese.V、课程设置、教学环节及进程(Courses and Teaching Process)第一学年(The First Academic Year)秋季学期(Fall Semester)Semester 2 (required courses)CodeCoursesCreditsClassHoursExperimentTimeComputer TimeExamNote20901初级汉语口语2-1(Elementary Spoken Chinese(2-1)4.064Yes*20902初级汉语精度2-1(Intensive Elementary Chinese(2-1)4.064Yes*03203大学化学(Chemistry)3.5548Yes*04172安全工程概论(Introduction of Safety Engineering)2.032Yes07113计算机应用技术实验Experiments of ComputerApplication Technology1.02424Yes20920道德与法律Morality and law1.016Yes
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