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七年级上册英语主要句型Starter1 I fine. = I OK.2 Whats this / that?Its a map.3 Whats this / that in English?Its an orange.4 Spell it, please. / How do you spell that / it?K-E-Y5 The key is yellow.6 They rulers are red.7 What color is the key?Its yellow.8 What color are the keys?Theyre yellow.Unit One1Whats your name?My name is Alan.2Whats your last name /family name?My last / family name is Hand.3Whats your first name?My first name is Jenny.4Whats your telephone number?My telephone number is 929-31. / Its 929-31.5Nice to meet you (here).Nice to meet you, too.Unit Two1This is my pencil.This isnt my pencil.2Is this your pencil?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.3That is ( = Thats ) a pencil.That isnt a pencil.4Is that a pencil?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.5Call Alan at 495-3539.Unit Three1These / Those are his brothers.These / Those arent his brothers.2Are these / those his brothers?Yes, they are.No, they arent.3Is this Jim?No,it isnt. Its Dave.4This is my friend, Lin Fang.5Thanks for the photo of your family.Thanks for your letter.6Here is my family photo.Here are your books7Here you are.Unit Four1 My hat is on the chair.Is your hat on the chair?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.2 Where is your hat?Its on the chair.3 Where are his keys?Theyre on the dresser.4 I dont know. = I have no idea.5 Please take these things to your sister.6 Please bring some things to school.Unit Five1I have a soccer ball.I dont have a soccer ball.2Do you have a soccer ball?Yes, I do.No, I dont.3She / Ed has a great sports collection.She / Ed doesnt have a great sports collection.4Does she / Ed have a great sports collection?Yes,she / he does.No,she / he doesnt.5Lets play volleyball.6That sounds good.7She plays sports every day.8He only watches them on TV.9Its boring / interesting / fun.Unit Six1I like bananas.I dont like bananas.2Do you like bananas?Yes, I do.No, I dont.3Sandra likes running.Sandra doesnt like running.4Does Sandra like running?Yes, she does.No,she doesnt.5She likes / has hamburgers for breakfast / lunch / dinner / dessert.7Does she like hamburgers for breakfast/ lunch / dinner / dessert?8What does she like for breakfast/ lunch / dinner / dessert?9An apple is a fruit.Unit Seven1How much is the red sweater?Its eight dollars.2How much are these black pants / blue socks?Theyre ten dollars.3Can I help you?Yes, please.4I want a sweater.5I want to go to a movie.6Here you are.7Ill take it.8The blue sweater is seven dollars.9Thank you .Youre welcome.10We have sweaters at a very good price.11I need bags for sports.12We have great bags for only 12 dollars.13You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each.14Anybody can afford our prices.15Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.16Come to Mr Cools Clothes Store!17We sell pants for only RMB 30.18The green shorts are on sale for 25dollars.Unit Eight1 My birthday is January fifteenth./ January 15th.2 When is your birthday?Its March 21st.3 How old are you?Im fifteen / fifteen years old.Unit Nine1I want to go to a movie.2Do you want to go to a movie?Yes, I do.No,I dont.3What kind of movies do you like?I like action movies and comedies.4I like thrillers and I like action movies.5Maria likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies.6June really likes action movies.7She thinks they are very exciting.8She doesnt think they are very exciting.9I often go to movies with my friend.10Jackie Chan is a great / successful actor.11Jet Li is in the movie.Unit Ten1I can swim.I cant swim.Can you swim? Yes, I can. No, I cant.2Tom can play the guitar.Tom cant play the guitar.3Can Tom play the guitar?Yes, he can.No, he cant.4I want to join the basketball club.5What club do you want to join?6Why do you want to join the club?7I can play the guitar well.8Can you speak English?Yes, (but)a little.9I am good with kids.10We need help for our school trip.11I can help kids with swimming / playing computer .12You can be in our school music festival.13We want two good musicians for our rock band.14May I know your name?Unit Eleven1I usually get up at five oclock.2What time do you usually get up?3She goes to school at eight oclock.4What time does she go to school at eight oclock?5What a funny time to eat breakfast!6People love to listen to him.7Can you think what his job is?8What time is it?Its eight-thirty.9When do people usually eat dinner?People usually eat dinner in the evening.10I want to know about your morning.11 Please write and tell me about your morning.12Please write soon.Unit Twelve1 My favorite subject is
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