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有关母亲节的英语作文:母爱如海“啊,母亲是儿女放不下的思念,儿女是母亲割不断的挂念”每当我听到这首歌的时候,我便想到了对我无微不至的妈妈,她对我是我爱就如同大海中的层层波浪,不断地涌入我的心田,也像露水,滋润着我,伴随着我健壮成长。 “Ah, my mother”s children not put thoughts, sons and daughters of mothers cut ceaseless care.“ Whenever I hear this song, I think of my meticulous mother, she told me that my love is like the waves in the ocean, pouring into my heart, also like the dew, moisten with me, with me grow sturdily. 有一次,我考试没有考好,心情糟透了,成天就躲在被子里,又是隔三差五地还不吃饭。妈妈很了解我的心情。到了深夜,我还没有睡着,妈妈就给我发了一条短信,说:“女儿,妈妈知道你心情不好,不想失败,但是你要知道,一个人的胜利就取决于他的失败。还有,你再怎么难受,也要按时吃饭,别饿坏了肚子。不然,自己难过,妈妈也会难过。盼望你明天可以恢复!”看了这条短信,我不禁哗然泪下,这是第一次这么深切地感受到了母爱,并且让我觉得它是这么的奇妙,这么的宏大。我也不再难过了,打算承受失败,连续努力。 One time, I didn”t do well in the examination, the mood is bad, all hide in the quilt, and from time to time to also do not eat. My mother is very understand my feelings. Late at night, I was still awake, my mother sent me a message, said: “my daughter, mother know you are in a bad mood, do not want to fail, but you know, a person”s success depends on his failure. Also, you again how sad, also want to eat, do not hungry belly. Otherwise, your mother will be sad sad. I hope you can recover tomorrow!“ See this message, I can not help but was in tears, this is the first time so deeply feel the love, and let me feel it is so amazing, so great. I will no longer sad, decided to accept failure, continue to work hard. 妈妈在生活中对我百般疼爱,在学习上她也是很关怀我的。 Mother in the life of my love in every possible way, in learning and she is also very concerned about my. 每个周六,妈妈都要带我去图书馆。走进图书馆,就可以闻到一股书香味。我顺手拿了一本假设给我三天光明这本书就读了起来。此时,我正在一旁津津有味地读了起来。此时,我正在书海中游览。不知不觉中图书馆中的空调吹得我有些冷,我不禁打了个喷嚏。妈妈急赶忙忙地把她的外套脱了下来,给我披上。那一刻,我为之一震,我好像感觉得到妈妈那双冰冷而又颤微微的手捧着的不仅仅是外套,还有的就是对我的爱。我结结巴巴地对妈妈说:“妈妈,你你不冷吗?你披披上吧。”妈妈却说:“只要你不冷,我就不冷了。快看书吧!”我嗯了一声,便低下头转过身去看书了,不听话的泪水已经滴到了地上。 Every Saturday, my mother would take me to go to the library. Walk into the library, you can smell the fragrance of books. I took a hand, “if give me three days light“ this book went up. At this time, I was in a eat with appetite to read. At this point, I”m your travel. Imperceptibly in Library in air conditioners have blown me some cold, I can not help but have a sneeze. Mother hurriedly put on her coat off, clothed me with. At that moment, I for one of the earthquake, I seemed to feel her cold, with a very tremulous hand holding is not just the jacket, there is the love for me. I”m hesitating in speaking said to his mother: “Mom, you. Aren”t you cold? Do you wear. Put on.“ My mother said: “as long as you do not cold, I will not cold. Look at the book!“ I am well a sound, then lower the head turned to read a book, disobedient tears drop to the ground. 多么宏大的母爱啊!只是,我恨自己无材,不能完全回报母亲对我的爱。但是,我又想何必呢,大家不都是在享受着人世间最美妙,最无私、最真挚的感情吗? How great maternal love! Just, I hate myself without material, can not return the mother”s love for me. However, I also think why, you are not enjoying the most beautiful in the world, the most selfless, the most sincere feelings?
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