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Unit 6 Im watching TV.Period 3 Section B(1a-1e)一一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.Look!The boys _(swim)in the river.【点拨】根据“Look!”可知用现在进行时。are swimming2.Lin Tao _(put)on his coat now.【点拨】根据“now”可知用现在进行时。is putting3.Sometimes I go _(shop)with my mother.【点拨】go shopping 去购物,是固定用法。shopping4.Listen!The birds _(sing)in the tree.【点拨】根据“Listen!”可知用现在进行时。are singing5.Those _(man)are playing tennis now.【点拨】Those 后用可数名词复数形式。man 的复数形式是men。men二、从方框中选择合适的词汇并用其适当形式填空二、从方框中选择合适的词汇并用其适当形式填空6.Can we swim in the _?7.There is a big _ near our school.8.I have to go to England _,but I dont want to leave here.poolsupermarkettomorrowman,pool,shop,supermarket,tomorrow9.Linda usually _ with her mother on the weekend.10.Look!Two _ are fighting.shopsmenman,pool,shop,supermarket,tomorrow三、阅读理解三、阅读理解11.Where are the students playing basketball?_A.In the tree.B.In the classroom.C.On the playground.D.In the office.【点拨】根据“Some students are on the playground.They are playing basketball.”可知在操场上打篮球,故选C。C12.Some of the students are _ on the playground.playing basketball jumping watching the game playing football dancing A.B.C.D.【点拨】学生们在操场上进行的活动有:打篮球、踢足球、看比赛等,没有跳跃和跳舞,故选B。B13.What are the teachers doing?_A.Working or talking with students.B.Having a basketball game.C.Playing with the students.D.Looking at the birds.【点拨】根据第二段“What are the teachers doing?Some of them are working in the office(办公室).And some are talking with students.”可知,有些老师正在办公室工作,有些在和学生交谈。故选A。A14.What does the underlined phrase“break time”mean in Chinese?_A.早饭时间 B.课间休息C.放学时间 D.打球时间【点拨】由后文可知,学生们在这段时间内进行不同的活动,故画线部分是指课间休息,故选B。B15.Which of the following is TRUE?_A.All of the students are playing on the playground.B.The students have over 20 minutes to relax.C.Not many students are doing homework in the classroom.D.The students arent having a good time because they are busy.【点拨】根据第一段中的“Some students are in the classroom.A few of them are reading and doing homework.”可知一少部分学生在教室做作业。故选C。C
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