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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.Period 2 Section A(3a-3c)一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词1.Yesterday the doctor _(检查)her but found nothing wrong.2.I believe that knowledge is _(力量)because it can change our situation.examinedpower3.The king and the queen live in the _(宫殿)happily.4.Which do you think is more important,health or w?Of course,health.5.Why does your face look so p?Whats wrong with you?palaceealthale二、根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子二、根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子6.在这个时候我们最好叫一个医生来。We had better _ a doctor at this moment.call in7.我们所需要的是一颗善良的心。有了它,我们的社会会变得更加美好。_ is a kind heart.With it,our society can be more beautiful.What we need8.我的宠物狗毛毛生病了。但是兽医发现它的身体没有任何问题。My pet dog Maomao was sick.But the vet found _ his body.nothing wrong with9.我父母和我都不想住在大城市。_ my parents _ I want to live in a big city.Neither nor10.武老师今天病了。我来替他给你们上一节课。Mr Wu is ill today.Ill _ to give you a lesson.take his position/place三、三、2023 广安广安 完形填空完形填空A young man went for a job interview(面试)in a big company.The boss found that the young mans college grades were excellent.Then he asked the young man who _11 for his education.11.A.paid B.costC.spent D.took【点拨】根据“for his education”可知此处是短语paid for 表示“支付”。故选A。AThe young man told the boss that his parents did and they _12 as laundry(洗衣店)workers.12.A.moved B.workedC.studied D.taught【点拨】根据“as laundry(洗衣店)workers”可知年轻人的父母在洗衣店工作。故选B。BThe boss noticed _13 the young mans hands were smooth and perfect.13.A.what B.whether C.when D.that【点拨】what 什么;whether 是否;when 什么时候;that 引导各种从句。空后是宾语从句,且从句是陈述句,用that 连接,不充当成分。故选D。DHe asked,“Have you ever helped your parents wash _14?”14.A.clothes B.shoes C.dishes D.cups【点拨】根据“as laundry(洗衣店)workers”可知询问是否帮父母洗过衣服。故选A。A“No.My parents always make me study.Besides,they wash clothes _15 than I do.”15.A.worse B.shorter C.faster D.slower【点拨】根据“Besides,they wash clothes.than I do.”可知父母除了总是让年轻人学习之外,他们洗衣服也比他快。故选C。CThe boss asked the young man to go back home and wash his parents _16.When he got home,he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands.16.A.arms B.hands C.legs D.feet【点拨】根据“When he got home,he told his parents that he wanted to wash their hands.”可知是帮父母洗手。故选B。BHis parents felt _17 but happy.Then the young man began to wash their hands slowly.17.A.sorry B.sad C.surprised D.angry【点拨】根据“but happy”可知年轻人要给父母洗手,父母很惊讶但是很高兴。故选C。CHe was in tears.He _18 his parents hands were so rough(粗糙的)and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water.18.A.warned B.expected C.hoped D.found【点拨】根据“.his parents hands were so rough(粗糙的)and pale because of washing a lot of clothes in the cold water.”可知年轻人发现父母的手粗糙苍白。故选D。DThere were also many injuries(伤口)in their hands._19 washing his parents hands,the young man quietly washed the rest of the clothes.19.A.After B.Before C.When D.Until【点拨】根据“washing his parents hands,the young man quietly washed the rest of the clothes”可知在帮父母洗手之后,年轻人把剩下的衣服洗了。故选A。AThe next morning,the young man went to the _20 again.The boss noticed the young mans pale hands.He said to the young man,“Welcome to join us!”20.A.school B.hospital C.cinema D.company【点拨】根据“A young man went for a job interview(面试)in a big company.”可知年轻人又去了这家公司。故选D。D
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