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Allegro 和 ADS 的联合仿真Allegro软件版本16.6.ADS的软件版本:ADS20121,采用ADS自带的工具Allegro DFI files将PCB导入到ADS中,具体的步骤如 下。1,在Allegro中使用ADS的脚本插件。点击file-Script,出现如下的对话框。在打开文件的路径中输入:C:AgilentADS2012_08ialscripts (其中c: Agilent为软件的安装路径)注意需要选中change direc to ry。3,点击 replay聲 Scripting ,. _ 芙II.cript File |Browse.Name: |C: /Agil ent/AD S 2 012_ 08/ial/scriptsyee m Loca ICi厂 Mdcro record modeLlUldPr1.Generate.neuord/nupidjr11RecordReplayC ancelHElp=1出现如下的对话框item:Setupbefore |Which Allegro Platfornn Tools doou want to configure?7 Enable in Allegro PCB and all the Allegro based tools that use only allegrailinit Files(comma separated list of Allegro SPB tool names)Standalone (no ADS availableC ancelC:VgilentThe Allegro DFI setup script will configure _your local Allegro Platform environment in the directory: C: /U sers/Adminis trator/A ppD a ta /R oani ng/S PE!_D at/pctienvHow dovj jjou warit to use lhe Allegro DFI?( Integrated with Advanced Design Siistem (ADS)_Export_StateStart Advanced DesieEnable in Package Designer, SiP or other Allegro based tools when specific .ilinit files are active 厂 Allegro Package Designer (apdj厂匚adence SiP (ednsip)I- ther 尸_冷 Agilent EEs of EDA, A legro Design Flov; Integration Al egro DFI) Setup臣 Add menu item to strt Advanced Design System17 Specif ADS_LICENSE_FILE (needed to start ADS):Select ycur Allegro DFI menu load setting?审 Enable automatic load of the Allegro DFI menu(* Use default location before 厂 Select a specific position in the menu structuref cli |戶丫二hi-inSelect directory path to Advanced Design System 2Q0S Updated or later; |C:/AgileH/ADS2012 08在标红的地方写入 ADS 的 LICENCE 的地址。点击 setup 后,出现如下的对话框点击确认,关闭Allegro,重新启动后,看到Allegro的目录中出现Eile Edit View Add Display1 口git Place Flowan Eoute Analyze anutacDjre loo為丰 A fi-gro P匚P C-signe-r l-a-5 Pi-r+ai-fflanEff L;: RADID_V1 -1 -gra und_iest brd Frajet:匚:.ADS.2O1 JjDS/ial/scripts2,将 PCB 文件导入到 ADS 中。1,对导入工具进行设置。点击Export to ADS-set up,弹出如下的对话框。选择sample finesetting B.2,选择需要导入的走线,过孔和焊盘。点击Export to ADS-Select Traces。弹出如下的对话 框。1,选择走线,采用Pick Nets。将需要仿真的走线选中,同时需要选择射频走线的参考地。2,选择层叠的对应关系。3将需要仿真的部分从PCB中挖出来,不需要做整版的仿真,鼬 Select Geometry Place PortsCockie CutterPick Shape and BuildInitial shape:Expansion distance MIL:Display line width (MIL):G elect 2 Layfar Signal NeUcookie cutter around itcutter around the signal nelsEdit Cookie CutterMove vertices and sidesi to start right click Done to finishid能Hove I Click cut|r-EHi-beudary by卫釧Edit J Click cutterpolygon tc start right click Dane to finish1) T races Ready3) Cuer Ns Ready5) Port?Nat Ready2 Layer s R eady4J Camponent/Pins Net Ready扌 AutcZcom I- Auto 匚訓引 K| Cancel为了能将区域显示出来,需要打开此层。I Options5itd=ty Find - 口 Dtmnm| Manuf-acturinq |口 Eem_S cratchBActive Class and Subclass:编辑需要仿真的区域如下:HE4,导入需要仿真的元器件以及PIN的管脚。iMln1jSjflSTElnssJ1iMzii聲 Select Geometry an- Plsc& Ports4) Component/Pin SbIbgI | 5 Ports |1) Trace Select 2) Layer Select 引匚 ookie CutterSelect Comporients for Export to ADS or EMProAvailableSelected7 8 9 0 17 Q13111225122444 匚 c c c 匚CLLLLRRstate-save state.5,导出所选择的部分。Export to ADS-Export-Select as.保存为后缀为.ads的文件。3,在ADS软件中导入版图文件。打开 ADS 的 layout,选择 file-import,注意 file type 选择 ESG Archive Format.导入中选取后缀为a的文件。H RADIO_VL-l-groL nd_t-t My Libra ry_lib: RADIO_V1-1. -ground_l&tt layout (导入成功后如下图。囲 RADIQ_V 1-1 -grau nd_tetT |MyLibray_ ib 恥口1口_V1 l-gr-curtsTtyDj gyout.:l 1File* Edi? 5 削 sd: View nueH Opbcins gjk Schem-rtt EM Winder DeignGuide- Hlp. RADIO_Vl-l-groundj0sLa|_J RATIO_V1 -l-gn
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