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供应商: 你好!由于近期我司对人员及工作进行了一些调整,从本年度*月份*日开始,将由 我的同事*(Tel. No.),邮箱*负责我司和贵司日常业务的联系和沟通, 她|他近期会与您联系。非常感谢一直以来贵司对我的工作给予的支持和关照, 对此我心存感激。在日后的合作中,还请继续一如既往地支持我们的工作。祝*!商祺!*部门:你好!由于人员变动及工作调整,从本年度*月份*日开始,姓名(Tel. No.),邮箱*将接替我的工作。非常感谢一直以来对我的的支持和关照。祝*!商祺!Dear *This is * from *. Currently I am in charge of the business with you. Since our clientele base is increasing rapidly,* is transferred the position for more works.From date, I will in charge of your business. If you have any concerns, feel free to contact with us. We sincerely hope the transition is smooth based on the previous long term cooperation between * and our company.The fowling is my contact information.*Thanks and best regardsDear *I ve resigned my work due to my private resons and will leave since date, all my left work will be handled by my colleague *, pls contact tel* email aaabb.com, she/he is very kind and responsible and will sure deal with future business.Sorry for the unconvenience caused to you, and thanks for your great support and cooperation in the past days.Wish you good luck!B.RgdsXX
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