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雅思阅读中的八大语法体现一、并列平行结构Co-ordination Constructions “并列平行结构”是一个比较笼统的提法。事实上,在一个较长的英语句子中,并列平行的部分可能是几个句子,也可能是几个并列的短语成分。但是,其构成规律都可用以下句型来表示:句型I. A;B ( 其中A和B代表两个并列分句,或是两个并列的短语)句型II A,whereas/while B(其中A和B代表两个并列分句,或是两个并列的短语,where as/ while 为联结词)句型III A(,)and /or B(其中和代表两个并列分句,或是两个并列的短语;逗号有时可以没有,在肯定句中,多用来连接,而在否定句中,多用or来连接)句型IV ,and/or(其中A和B代表多个并列分句,或是多个并列短语;在肯定句中,常用and连接,而在否定句中,常用or来连接)Insurance is compulsory and costly and parking both on and off campus can be problem requiring additional expense.译文保险是必需的而且费用很高;在校园内外停车可能是个问题,会要求额外的费用。Geologists believe that the warning signs for a major earthquake may include sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earths crust, changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in the electrical properties of underground rocks.分析Step 1从前往后阅读该句时,不难看出此句是由Geologists believe that + 宾语从句构成的主干结构,而且宾语从句的主语,谓语部分也很清楚,即:the warning signs for a major earthquake may include. 现在的关键是把include 后面的宾语部分弄清楚。Step 2 对于include 后面的宾语部分,即:sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earths crust, changes in the measured strain across a fault zone, and variations in the electrical properties of underground rocks,谁与谁是并列平行呢?我们不妨用上面所讲的方法来分析一下。很容易,我们能发现这种情况是属于句型IV. 也就是说,要先找到连接词and 之后的那一个成分,然后以该成分的意思为出发点,从后往前,以逗号为停顿段开点来倒着找,最终逐个找出与该词在意思上平行的其他多个各并列成分。Step 3 显然,连接词and之后的那一个成分是:variations in the electrical properties of underground rocks.然后,以该句的意思为出发点,从后往前,以逗号为停顿段开点来倒着找,我们分别找到了:sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity, tilting and other deformations of the Earths crust, 以及changes in the measured strain across a fault zone这三个相对独立的词群。这样,我们就找到了the warning signs for a major earthquake may include 之后的4个并列平行成分, 即:(1)sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity,(2)tilting and other deformations of the Earths crust,(3)changes in the measured strain across a fault zone,(4)and variations in the electrical properties of underground rocks. Step 4最后,我们把刚才的分析连起来理解,不难发现这个长句的结构是这样的:主语+ 谓语从句(宾语从句主语宾语从句谓语宾语从句宾语宾语从句宾语宾语从句宾语宾语从句宾语)译文地质学家们相信大地震的警告信号包括:当地地震活动的突然波动,地壳倾斜或其它的变形,跨断层处测出的张力的改变,以及地下岩石的电厂性质的变动。练习题:1. The medieval scholar made almost no attempt to investigate the anatomy of plants, their mechanisms of growth, or the ways in which they are related to one another 分析investigate 后所带的宾语是3 个平行并列成分,它们的排列类型符合句型IV,即:A,B,or C。具体来说这3 个成分分别是:(1)the anatomy of plants, (2) their mechanisms of growth,() or the ways in which they are related to one another.因为该句的谓语带有否定含词no,所以用or而不是and来把第个并列成分和前个连起来。译文那位中世纪的学者几乎没有尝试着去调查植物的解剖结构,生长机制,以及它们相互之间是如何联系在一起的。2. While some students are able to supplement their funds with money from part-time or vacation work, such work is not always regular even when available, and this can contribute to anxiety and study problems.分析先将while 所引导的从句部分略读,阅读主句时,可以发现它是由2个并列句组成,即(1) such work is not always regular even when available,(2)and this can contribute to anxiety and study problems.译文尽管一些学生能用兼职或者假期打I挣的钱老资助自己上学,但是 这样的I作即使能找到,也不能保证定期都有,这样就可能会给学生带来焦虑和学习上的问题。3. Already, waste paper constitutes 70%of paper used for packaging and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing.分析表面上看,该句中的第1个and 很容易被误以为是连接constitutes 和advances 这两个并列成分, 仔细看时,会发现那样的话,就有2个不妥之处:首先,如果constitutes 和advances真是并列平行关系,在该句中的waste paper 的谓语,那么waste paper advances 的说法在逻辑上不太恰当;其次,如果advances是前一句的谓语动词,那么其后的一系列谓语动词,如have allowed,就找不着相应的搭配关系了。所以该句中的第1个land不是连接constitutes和advances这两个词。这时,我们在这个and处画个记号,然后把constitutes和advances这2个词段开,constitutes往前一句里放,advances则往后面的内容里放。此时,我们才发现原来这个长句是由and连接起来的2个并列句,即:(1)Already, waste paper constitutes 70%of paper used for packaging(2)and advances in the technology required to remove ink from the paper have allowed a higher recycled content in newsprint and writing.译文废纸已经构成了70的包装用纸;纸张去墨技术的进步已使得新闻I出版和书写用纸的循环利用的合量更高。二、分词短语例1.When he was playing basketball, tom saw a stranger who entered the classroom.如上文所述,前一个分句的主语he和后一个主语tom指同一个人,并且前一个分句的主语he 之后是系动词was, 那么,前一个分句的主语和紧随其后的那个系动词was都可以一起省略掉,也就是说,此句可以省略成一个带有现在分词短语的单句,即:playing basketball, tom saw a stranger who entered the classroom.例3:Located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, it enjoys a mild climate, averaging 14.5 hours of sunshine per day in summer and 10.25 hours in winter.实际上,此句的完整说法应该是:(it is )located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, (and) it enjoyed a mild climate, (which averages) 14.5 hours of sunshine per day in summer and 10.25 hours in winter.因为(it is)located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, (and) it enjoyed a mild climate, 之间的主语相同,都是it,并且前一个分句的主语it 之后是系动词is,那么,前一个分句的主语和紧随其后的那个系动词is 都可以省略掉, 也就是说,此句可以省略成一个带有过去分词短语的单句,表示两者是被动关系,即:Located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, it enjoyed a mild climate.练习题:1. First established by the British as a convict settl
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