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AbstractCinderella is a character of fairy tale creating by Brother Grimm. It is about a dutiful and good-hearted girl who is abused by her stepmother and sisters, and she is working in kitchen day and night. Afterwards, she gets the help of divine power because of her treating friendly for animals and touching the god. After going through the obstruction of her stepmother and sisters, she lives a happy life with the prince. Later, people use “Cinderella” to describe those who are beautiful, kind and loyal. This essay analyses deep symbolisms from the process Cinderella getting happy life with the help of divine power that we can expound the deeper significance of Cinderellas image from three parts, pursuing of moral perfection, respecting for nature and making up the deficient feeling of human beings.Key words: Cinderella; divine power; symbolism; morality; nature摘要灰姑娘是格林童话中塑造出的童话人物形象,讲述的是一个孝顺且心地善良的女孩子,长期受到继母和姐姐们的虐待,在厨房里做女佣,每天都是灰头土脸脏兮兮的,后来由于善待小动物而且孝感动天,所以得到了神力的帮助,在历尽继母和姐姐们的阻挠后终于和王子快乐地生活在一起的故事。后来人们常用“灰姑娘”这个词去形容那美丽、善良和忠诚的女孩。本文在分析灰姑娘借助神力的帮助而获得幸福的过程中挖掘其深刻的象征意义,即从追求道德完善,尊重自然和弥补人类匮乏感三方面来解读灰姑娘更深沉意义上的形象。关键词:灰姑娘;神力;象征意义;道德;自然ii1. IntroductionThe story of Cinderella is well-known in the treasure trove of fairy tale in the world. Once upon a time, there was a poor girl, her mother died. Cinderellas father married a stepmother, and she had two daughters. The two daughters were very abominable; they took away the cloths from the girl, only giving clothes in rags for her and calling her “Cinderella”. One day, her father went to a distant place and gave her a branch of hazel tree. She planted it in her mothers grave. As time went by, the branch of hazel tree grew up. Every day, there was a strange bird parking in the branch to satisfy little girls will. One day, the king held a dancing party for choosing a wife for the prince. But, stepmother didnt allow Cinderella to attend, while her daughters would go. The bird gave a pretty dress for her attending party when she wished in her mothers grave. The prince was attracted by Cinderella. Finally, after several twists and turns, Cinderella has a happiness life with the prince. The beautiful, kindness, hard-working and loyal heroine was through the hard life of temper and with the help of divine to get the final happiness. For the research of divine power and the meaning of symbol in this work in domestic research, The Symbolic Significance of Divine Power in Cinderella of Lin Xiaowen is more comprehensive. As we know, the prototype of Cinderella is enjoyed popular support. Everyone loves and envies Cinderella. They image that they can get protection by divine and gain happiness life like her one day. At the same time, I also want to know deeply: Why Cinderella can get the help of divine? Why the lovely birds help her so many times? How the hazel trees can give her splendid dancing clothes and golden dancing shoes? This is the unique aesthetic thinking fairy tale brings to us. So, this essay attempts to analyze the divine symbolism in Cinderella for the three parts that pursuit of moral perfection, respect for nature and make up the deficient feeling of human beings, telling people that they should handle the relations between human and human, human and nature, human and society correctly. 2. The Symbolic Meaning of Divine PowerFairy tale is a kind of fantasy colorific fiction works in childrens literature. Also, fairy tale is the most symbolic meaning in style type, and its symbol and metaphor beauty is innate esthetics characteristics. Symbol of fairy tale is expressing by the fairy tales image or the whole activities of people even the whole contents of the story. The life reflects in fairy tale is not the real life itself. The symbolic characters in fairy tales although have the same feature in being a symbol of characters, things have a certain characteristic similarities to each other; in any sense are appropriate and consistent by no means. We dont put the feature, action, language and some details of fairy tales images into social life so simply and add assumption and analogy to it. We dont think something must have reasons so that determine one image to present one person, one plot allude to anything, even link some political concepts with class relations together. In fact, the symbolic image of fairy tale can only generalize a certain character, not including those who are the symbol of all. We should see the purpose of this fairy tale from the image, character, the whole meaning described about story of the fairy tale works, and we see what it sings, what it ironies, what it hints and what it reveals. We should see whether authors can catch a symbol of important features and characters of some people and things, and the symbolism he has taken have positive significance or not. Only in this way, can we correctly underst
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