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关于霍金的英文简介 斯蒂芬;威廉;霍金,英国剑桥大学著名物理学家,是现代最伟大的物理学家之一,也是2世纪享有国际盛誉的伟人之一,下面是小编为你整理的关于霍金的英文简介,希望对你有用!斯蒂芬;威廉;霍金学术思想 TimeMache Britisms astrohysi Stphenilliam Hawingfollowing h rentin f te exisnce aien, buso issueastunning dicussion: hclaimed ha wth the uman flin no e future f th timeahie, thrticaly feaibl,the requiedcontoicudespace I theomhoe or peed cl to th speed o lihtof he spacecraft. However, Hwkigalso wand not o tak time o o bck to hisoy, case &uot;only zy sientits, wll wntogoack t th pst 39;uside down cual&39;ysiit awking,ia documentaryabouth unve,ns hat manknd n bi aeratcse othe ee of lgtan be ale etr thfuture. kn evn sad tate was woied buter as ";weird&qot;, so he did ndar o speak,o nwantto talk abouthe timemachne ings,until he ocmenary fterth genou discuson.im gaAs for the key point f time mahie, awkin sssed hat the s-alld &uo;four eesof pac", scentsts name &uo;worhoe.quo;Hwkin esse tha qot;worhol&qut; i o souding, but mal thenad eyean notee, they exis i spce nd timcae potedout tatthe univrse iot fl or slid, clo to te bservation willfind all objects will aper salles orikes, which is the aicphysicllw, and applyto ime. Time also as subtle cras, wrnle an oids, thn e oleue, omsalsosmlacis ameduot;antu bubble", quot;ormhole"exis n tem rturn t theasawking poned ou that he theoy timeunlor &qu;wormhe";can not nly carry humans oother ets, if t whoe ah ens of hesame lotin, antmerth hn tnce, en t saeaft can fly nto,fter flying still Cose t heearth, ust int e le&quo;isant pasqo;. Becausin the4degree ac, 0 mnues my be n hours. BuHawingwarned, nttake ieo go back tohity.Fly to t futureSteve Willia Hawg shat f cinttscanbuild spacecraft loe t theseed f iht, then the spaerat wi nevitabybecaue tcan not ilatethespee oflight is te maimumspeedlimit a, ruli in hecabin timslwdown,n te igh s equal to awk 00 years e ground, it is equivalent to ly to thfutue.Hawking lt atificilellie,for exae, refers t thesellite rbi, deto the imaco the Erth'graviy issll, the satellte ime is slightly fastr tha the gruntim. A slt, akig nvisioneda la pd nirse shp, can beacceleated in1 seond t 7,00 k per hor, yearsto acceleratet 9.99% ofthe seed of ligt, fater han the hisorof the astest ship Aollo0 tie. he asngs on boarthe p iuie to the fte,making ealtime trve. Four egrees of spacEven ispce,evryighas a lenth of ti, ii roaing, mns thougthe&qut;4degressae.&ut;Hawking, for xamle, pinted out tha driing straight line i equal tot "1 degreespace&qu; in teroad,andturn eft r rigt i equa t plus &uot;2 deres spacequot;, s in t mandeigounti road p and n, it s equvalent enter th &uo;3 dgresuot;ossing t ime tunnl is to entrthquot;4 deges pac.&qut; Aie theory Stehenawkng inth UitedStes telor he annelrl 2, 202X broacstdoumetay &uot;ollow Stephn Hawking inothe uivrse,&qut; a tat the sibiliyo len exstence s great, but mns shoul no tkeeintiative t idthem, ake eey effortAvid contctwththe. Hwking eeves tat, i vie of healie be looted he Earth'resurcesanthn sped aay, the humannitativ toek contact ith te &uo;ome to risky.&qot; &qot;If the alins visited , thuht he rlscodbe similar t that f Cristopher Columbs n themrican cotinent, whch was n a godhing fr he oc Indians. Hoer,there e many xersn theuot;lthret theoy&t;xpressedoubts Thy fo te alien#3;s wisdom andtecnloy, ad evhmn efaienpchooical rle to illustrte thalien peope o not poe atht to theearth. Chinese linuitand mamtician h Haizhn id that if alens can coe o Eth, tathe viizatiis far oreha r hmn; the iher he dereeof ciiliztion, the lrthe psbility ofviolettenenies H blieves that the treat falinsis competely unncessry, beause as lg as thewisom oflfe, thir tioait determin h thytrat oher intlien l;alies nd te u oth eath isablto eacful oxstenc,fiendly cooeation Ad comm delment.oinciden
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