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12-13学年新课标高一上学期1册Unit5测试Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)1. We should plant more trees to make our city greener. . If so, well have a healthier environment. A. Im afraid notB. Its my pleasureC. Thats all rightD. Im with you2. Tonys family is said to be in serious trouble. Yes, his parents have been out of work for half a year. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; the D. the; / 3.To pass the important exam, I very late every night over the last three months. A. studied B. have been studyingC. was studying D. study4. Nelson Mandela was the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for what he had done for the people in South Africa. A. rewarded B. awarded C. won D. voted 5.What he did put himself into a position he had to give up his well-paid job. A. which B. why C. when D. where 6.You are lucky enough to escape by the car. Be careful next time while crossing the street! A. being killed B. killing C. to be killed D. killed 7.Mrs. Brown is a kind-hearted and generous lady. She often helps those who her for help. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn to D. turn in8.Only when they were put in prison and lost freedom its importance. A. they realizedB. did they realizeC. they realize D. do they realize9.Do you still remember the days we studied together in the library before graduation? A. which B. / C. when D. where 10.For many years, he has devoted much of his time money for the poor children in the west.A. collected B. to collecting C. to collect D. collecting 11.After graduating from college, he and his two classmates a small company in Beijing. A. took up B. held up C. set up D. made up 12. the opinion of most people, the young man shouldnt be sentenced death for what he had done. A. In; to B. In; for C. On; to D. On; for 13.Its generally believed that people should have more over the decisions that affect their lives. A. quality B. request C. identity D. power 14.Children from the countryside should have education opportunities as those born in the city. A. equal B. common C. frequent D. normal 15.Nelson Mandela is a leader of high quality, we can learn a lot. A. who B. whom C. to whom D. from whom二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)The King of Kamera was a proud and strict man, feared by all his people. One day while sitting in his palace, he 16 declared that he was 17 of the world and that all men were his servants (仆人).“You are 18 ,” said an old man, leaning (靠在) heavily on a stick. “All men are servants of one another.” “Who are you?” the king asked 19 .“Im Boubakar,” said the man. “We have no 20 in our village. I come to ask for a well to be 21 there.”“So you are a 22 !” said the king. “How can you call me a servant?”“We all 23 one another,” said Boubakar, showing no 24 , “and Ill prove it to you before nightfall.”“ 25 me to wait on you,” said the king. “ 26 you can do that, Ill have three wells dug in your village. But if you 27 , youll lose your head!”“In our 28 ,” said the old man, “when we 29 a challenge, we touch the persons feet. Now, let me touch your feet. 30 my stick.”The king took it and the old man bent down and touched his feet.“Now you may give it back to me,” he said, 31 . The king gave him back his stick.“Do you want any more proof (证据)?” asked Boubakar.“Proof?” asked the king, looking 32 .“You held my stick when I 33 you to and gave it back to me when I asked you for it,” said the old man. “As I said, all 34 men are servants of one another.”The king was so 35 with Boubakar that he not only had wells dug in his village but also kept him as an adviser.16.A. calmlyB. bravelyC. loudlyD. quickly17.A. scientistB. farmerC. doctorD. master18.A. foolishB. wrongC. carelessD. lonely19.A. angrilyB. sadlyC. slowlyD. hopefully20.A. foodB. waterC. timeD. field21.A. changedB. foundC. dugD. moved22.A. friendB. leaderC. soldierD. beggar23.A. serveB. helpC. visitD. teach24.A. fearB. hopeC. worryD. patience25.A. ExpectB. AdviseC. ForceD. Invite26.A. WhenB. UnlessC. BeforeD. If27.A. escapeB. failC. stopD. care28.A. palaceB. cityC. villageD. factory29.A. acceptB. checkC. refuseD. forget30.A. BreakB. ThrowC. UseD. Hold31.A. giving upB. standing upC. passing byD. going away32.A. surprisedB. frightenedC. tiredD. worried33.A. persuadedB. agreedC. askedD. allowed34.A. richB. braveC. tallD. good35.A. boredB. pleasedC
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