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RAW264.7细胞株的相关信息X/ATCC细屋库商家诚信度:*联系人:ATUU细胞咨询乌电话:1.800.638.6597邮件:biomartdxy.com地址:395 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite国该商羸已通过实名认证RAW 264.7价格:$431.0商 家:ATUU细胞库技术资料:免费索取技术资料民索取报价母丁香通采购保障计划,让您的采购更放心查看详時Designations: RAW 264.7Depositors:WC RaschkeBiosafety Level:2Shipped:frozenMedium &See PropagationSerum:Growth adherentProperties:0rganism:Mus muscuiusmonocyte/macrophageMorphology:Strain: BALB/cTissue: ascitesSource:Disease: Abelson murine leukemia virus-induced tumorCell Type: macrophage; Abelson murine leukemia virus transformedCellularlysozymeProducts:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of Fermits/Forms:this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits.Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.Biulogical responseApplications:transfection hostReceptors:complement (C3) 1207 AntigenH-2dExpression:Age:adultGAnrlnr-mainThis line V/as established from a tumor induced byAbelson murine leukemia virus. They are negative for surface immunoglobulin (sig-), la (la-) and Thy-1.2 (Thy-1.2) This line does not secrete detectable virus particles and is negative in the XC plaque formation assay. The cells w pinocytose neutral red and 训ill phagocytose latexComments:beads and zymosan. They are capable of antibody dependent lysis of sheep erythrocytes and tumor cell targets. LPS or FFD treatment for 2 days stimulates lysis of eiythrocytes but not tumor cell targets. Data communicated in Feb. 2007 by Dr Janet W. Hartley, indicates the expression of infectious ecotropic MuLV closely related, if not identical, to the Moloney MuLV helper virus used in the original virus inoculum. The cells also express polytropic MuLV, unsurprisingly based on the mouse passage history of the virus stocks PubMed 18177500, ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium, Catalog No. 30-2002. To make the complete growth medium, add the follov/ing components toPropagation:the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5%Temperature: 37.0CProtocol: Subcultures are prepared by scraping.For a 75 cm2 flask, remove all but 10 ml culture medium (adjust amount accordingly for other culture vessels).Dislodge cells from the flask substrate with a cell scraper; aspirate and add appropriate aliquots of the cellSubculturing:suspension into new culture vessels.Subculthvtion Ratio: A subcultivation ratio of1:3to 1:6 is recommendedMedium Renewal: Replace or add medium eveiy 2 to 3 days.Preservation:Freeze inedium: Complete growth medium supplemented with 5% W1/) DM SOStorage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phaseRelatedRecommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Me di um): ATCC30-2002Products:recommended serum:ATCC 30-20201135: Ralph P, Nakoinz I. Antibody-dependent killing of eiythrocyte and tumor targets by macrophagecell lines: enhancement by FFD and LPS. J. Immunol. 119: 950-954,1977. PubMed: 8940311207: Raschke WC, et al. Functional macrophage cell lines transformed byAbelson leukemia virus. Cell 15: 261-267.1978. PubMed: 21219832443: Denlinger LC, et al. Regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression by macrophage purinoreceptors and calcium.丄日皿.ChEm. 271: 337-342,1996. FubMed: 855058332466: Hambleton .J, et al. Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase in bacterial lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 2774-2778,1996. PubMed: 861 011632553: Taylor GA, et al. Identification of anovel GTPase, the inducibly expressd GTPase, that accumulates in response to interferon gamma.丄 Eli匸il. Chem. 271: 20399-20405,1996. FubMed: 8702776For-Profit: $2Non-Profit: $2DulbEccos Modified Esigl-s Medium (DMEM) (ATCC卷已0-2002巴Qty:1Add to CartATCC1-1 Number: 30-2002-Quaiitity: 500 mLStorage: Store medium at 2C to &C 川 the dM、w/ien not in use.Applications:Duibeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM modified to contain 4 m/W L-giutamine. 4500 mg/L glucose, 1 m/W sodiumand 1300 mg/L sodium bicarbonate.Formulation: Foe?輛&杯onProduct Format: 500 mLComments:NOTE: This reduced level of sodium bicarbanate (NaHCO3f 1.5 g/Q is intended for use in 5% CO2 in air. Additionai sodium bicarbonate may be required for use in incubators containing higher percentages of CO2.Subculturing ProcedureSubcultures are prepared by scraping For a 75 cm2 flask; remove all but 10 ml culture medium (adjust amount accordingly for other culture vessels). Dislodge cells from the flask substrate with a cell scraper; aspirate and add appropriate aliquots of the cell suspension into new culture vessels.Subcultivation R
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