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企业聘用外国人的意向书范文 想要聘用外国人,合同就尽量用英文来表达,下面是范文网小编为你整理的企业聘用外国人的意向书范文,希望对你有用! 企业聘用外国人的意向书范文 artyA (Eploer ): Pary B ( Eploe ): ccoring to the dsof he omanys unessndevelnt, party antends o moy party B.Basd on theprncpe of equality,oluarne an csens, both prties hae reached tfllowig ynitetion: . Work Conten: Party A intenstoempoyParty B wo a glol securtietaer. I. Props emloymen trm: rom_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II Salar reatment: The Coan adops te ppaial meth f asi say+efrace lry fr employ oremploewh hav attede e-b rainigand me t qulfcion equrements( if the nthyrfoance reaheUS $20 r ortn S $ 100 for two consecutie monhs, tyare aliid),the miniu bai laris20an ( RB ), and themnmumprforanalary s se ade at 4 % of h nthnetperformae ( peformacme accntsicc US$00 ) IVPrvonso Trainig id fe snigthe Letr oIntent fo mpoment, employeesustattnd preobraiing acoding tth time cife bythecompany.urg the pjob tining, hey mst bdey th comanysrelevanttaiigsyste Durin ths erd, te opay oes ot povie nybefit han taning itel ug tetrai peio, he onypreeployee wt cuntht can be pertdwhrm offers reeof cage.Fie, a rang dposit and itsreturnAtersigingteLett of Iet r Emplomen, th eoyee ut y a deposit f0yua ( RMB) toth compan f uring e tanngprid, the employegres the coman releatsstem ad absentrom lsses atwll,eltinhe ting ok beg nale be cmpleted, heposiwill nob reud.oe able o atend pe-jo trai n ime ( wheter or no tey meetteualicatonreuiremens ), th depostwil berre ae he trainig rio iovr. he deoit willo be refundedto loye h he passethe trnin anarenableto signemplont contas with the cmpan ue eown eo. VI.Posins n inng Frmal Eployntacs oemoy ho end peb tranin n time and ane teqaificaon reuirments,ecopaywl sin fomal emoymntcntrt th the empyeefortnttive peio of3 ears. Party A:rty : Time:Ti: 外国人聘用意向书范文Empoyment Intetion ettr 甲 方(用人单位):aty (ply): 乙 方(员工):Par B (poyee): 根据公司业务与发展的需要,甲方有意向聘用乙方。双方本着平等自愿,协商一致的原则,达成以下聘用意向:crdig herequiremen o te opybsiess ad deveopent, Pary A inteds tlo Pary B. Pay nd Prty B eth oong eployme iten on teaisfea,fre will andmutuansltation: 一、工作内容:甲方拟聘用乙方在_岗位,从事_ 工作。 in: Party A ileployar Bnthe positon of_ , nggig_. 二、拟聘用期限:从_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。Thprospecve emoymn tr shal mmec r_mth_day_y nden on_th_ day_. 三、工资待遇:乙方每月工资为_元。 Remuneatn: Prty B shal be ettlet ¥_ r onth. 四、其他事项待合同签订时再行商榷。 Othe itemconrg he emlymnt il be oired henthe corat is siged.甲方: 乙方: ParyA (ommone): Paty (sigae): 时_间: 时间: Da:_ Dae:
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