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江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学2017届高三英语一轮复习虚拟语气导学案虚拟语气虚拟语气一直是英语语法的难点之一。由于英汉差异以及中外各语法家对虚拟的不同论述,学生们对这一语法现象经常存有疑惑,学习起来比较困难。 为了有效促进虚拟教学,帮助学生掌握虚拟语气,首先统计出两组学生在各个具体虚拟语法结构中的总体出错情况,然后比较了两组学生在他们都犯错较多的几个虚拟结构中的出错状况。最后依据三大错误类型(语际错误,语内错误和特殊错误)对错误原因做了详细的讨论。研究结果显示学生们比较容易犯语内错误,且他们的出错情况和英语水平无关。通过进一步分析,把语内错误再细分为过度泛化性,规则非完整应用,概念假设和虚拟规则判断错误,并对这些细分的错误类型做了具体的示例解释。为了帮助学生有效应对这些错误,采用测试卷中学生的错题为例,针对三大错误类型,提出了具体的应对方法。 最后得出了教学启示,希望教师能重视虚拟问题并提高自身教学能力,帮助学生提高虚拟应用和交际能力。Teaching aims: 1. Review the different forms of subjunctive mood 2. the use of subjunctive mood of if clauseDifficult points: the use of subjunctive mood of if clauseStep 1 GreetingsStep2 PresentationRead the following essay and pay special attention to the sentences underlined.(你能说出它们的语法结构吗?)Today we buried our 20-year-old son. He was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident yesterday. How I wish I had known when I talked to him last that it would be the last time. If I had only known,I would have said, Jim, I love you and Im so very proud of you. Step3 New materials一、虚拟语气在条件句中的用法: If I _ (be) a superman now, I _ (protect) people who are in danger. If I _ (get) much money, I _ (donate) some to people suffering the earthquake. If I _ (live) on the moon, I _ (see) the beautyChange.思考:观察上面句子中的谓语动词,找出虚拟现在谓语动词的规律?总结:1.Opposite to the present truth (与现在事实相反时,主、从句谓语构成)条件从句谓语动词形式:_主句谓语动词形式:_备注:would intention; plan; expected result (意图;计划;必然结果)could ability; possibility (能够;可能性)might possibility(可能性)should suggestion(建议)课堂操练:Translation 如果我是你,我可能会告诉他真相。 If I _ you, I _him the truth. 要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都会很顺利的. If my brother _ here, everything _ all right.要是我哥哥昨天在这儿,一切都会很顺利的. If my brother _ here, everything _ all right.思考:比较一下两个句子,发现什么不同了吗?_Read and learn1. If the brave old man hadnt helped the lady, he couldnt have been injured.2. If the robber hadnt attacked Mr. Yu, he wouldnt have been killed.3. If they hadnt committed a crime, they wouldnt have been caught by the police.思考:研究一下上面句子的结构,分清楚句子结构有什么不同?总结:2.Opposite to the past truth (与过去事实相反时,主、从句谓语构成) 主句谓语动词结构:_从句谓语动词结构:_课堂操练:1). If he_ (drive) more carefully, he_(not cause) the car accident yesterday.2). If Tom _ (be) more careful in the exam, he _(pass) it already.3). If you_(get) up earlier, you _(catch) the first train. 4). If I _(meet) you yesterday, we _ (go) to the concert together. Read and learn :Would you please help me move house tomorrow?:Id like to, but I have a meeting tomorrow. If I got time tomorrow, I would certainly help you.:Thats all right. Thank you all the same.课堂操练:1). If I _ (have) free time this Friday, I _(go) to the party. However, Ill attend a meeting that day. What a pity! 2). If it _ (be) the Spring Festival tomorrow, I _ (get) some pocket money.总结:比较两个句子谓语动词的结构有什么不同?3. Opposite to the future truth (与将来事实相反时,主、从句谓语构成)从句谓语动词结构:_主句谓语动词结构:_课堂操练:1). 如果明天下雨,运动会将会被推迟。If it rained tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.=If it _tomorrow, the sports meet would be put off.Step4:注意以下几方面 : 1.虚拟语气在非真实条件从句中的倒装情况( )1_ to do the work, I should do it some other day.A. If were IB. I wereC. If I were D. Was I E. Were IIf I were to do the work, I should do it some other day.=Were I to do the work, I should do it some other day.( ) 2. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the park. A. Were B. Should C. Would D. WillShould it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the park.=If it should rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the park.( )3. _ for the doctors careful treatment, he _till last year.A. If it is not, cant live B. Were it not, couldnt liveC. If it hadnt been, couldnt have lived D. Had it not been, couldnt have lived E. If they were not, couldnt live if it is not for(=but for/without) 要不是If it hadnt been for the doctors careful treatment, he couldnt have lived till last year.= Had it not been for the doct
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