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关于珍惜时间英语演讲稿 时间,每天得到的都是24小时,可是一天的时间给勤勉的人带来智慧与力量,给懒散的人只能留下一片悔恨。时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。因此,我们要珍惜时间。下面是小编为大家整理了关于珍惜时间的英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。关于珍惜时间英语演讲稿篇1 dmornn, eveody! In hs orld, hre ionehingh s eyirto everyb, hethr you re amale r fmale, yougr ol, rih or r Dos nyodykw wat it scaled igh Iis tme.Te topic I ging to pret you toai alld “; TreasueEvery Minute”;. To reale th value f NE EAR, a a tudn w aild a grade. T elizete valueofN MONT,ask mther who gae birth to a ematr bay.To reale te vae of ONE WEEK, ask heeitorofweekly nwsaper.To relie the vae of O OUR, sk te lve who arewaiting o et. T elize the lue o OMINUT, aska persn w mse te trai. ralize t vlue o NSECOND, sk a persnh javoednaccent o ralize th vale fOEILLICD, sk the prsonwho wn slve medal inheOympicsTraure evey momnt tat you ave!nd reasure itmrebcaue youshit with omene cial, spcl enog to spnd ou timwh. Andremmber tatme was for no one. Yesteray ishisory. oorow is mysery. Toay git. That's y t's calle e preset!! Thclock is rnnng. Mak th mot of ta.oodluk, eerybod!关于珍惜时间英语演讲稿篇2 im, ws astrnge hig, it ake all sickessnddeat.he there is someg bn oftime, rom ta enhebennngotimehpassed.Ho tweo e can onl ize he opornity to seize ife, todoth mster fheir own desiy. I ae tuht aou poble, w is timI think tha tme is f tein n life whntheuway, n it eponsibe for the cmpleti of ssn o sbdivison.Can not rcoer the ps, ast i agoo tregardles, or ainful n ave to stay i ourmemry,orerien hs enihed and matured r tinking. Occsinally, the mmore, cn regule ur eotons, prfy o hets. Hsbeen rell oesswithd thig s not desirale bcase it i moremoranow. read a ovit rit ichola AlecOtosky&39;s book"How to MakeStel&ut;, I was moed to th etio of he artilesotat impessed me: &qt;ifeblngs to tepeople only oe. one';s lf shold b ent ths ay: when he looack,e oes not gret heye wasted, no ecau f te sme Ths, i eat, e wllbe able tosay : 'Iown whole ledeeris ddicate to he world#3;s most magnifcnt ue - the cus of hmity adthstruge o ibertion.quot; Yes h ie tm wre moe valableit,espcialy theuvenie tie.From owon, I have to cheih I#3;vhe such a stoy: Teesure in theuble adte folloin a grass, it a loig othe sunt rach itth will ofeath,no aterhoheavy stones bov, etweenthe rksnd tones Ho o ar hega,t ws twists adturns, thetgh an u through t the grund. Its rootto th silunder t lon hootto the gound it stnds, tis is an sisble orceof lie,trevnt ts stoneswere rwn h iaocohuvitaiy so get ta eoplcan o hel bu s. es ah, will be like ts,like tegras, maer what ircustces, are makig rogrss wil never bow, th onyway of ife is thebest, the mostmnigu. im is fh ssec, tme i on foreve, and we must rure thi good tim, tudy har, grow up,thefensof he motherland. Itis aothe o-aled&t;oe inh n inch gold time, gold-inch inch ime. Le uscrish he tim with it!关于珍惜时间英语演讲稿篇3 my brother-nl od the tm drr of my sissureauand lifteut issu-wrpped acag. is,he said, is no a slip. thi is linerie. hdicarded the tissean hnde e hesli. it was xquiit, silk, dmand trimm wit obw f ace. he ice agwih a astroical figure on i wasil attached. jan bught thisth firs tie wen to ne yrk,ale 8 or 9 yearsago.he nevr woe it. she was savig t ora special occasion.well, i gus s i h occasionhetokthelip f e ndput t on the bed, ih the othercothes we wrtigto hmortcin. hishnds lngered on the sft materalfr a omen,t he slmmedthrawer shu ad trndto m,doteve avayhing fr speial occason. very day you r lv isa speci occasion i reemberd those words through the funerl and the days that folowe hn helpd m and m nice attend o ll the sad choresthat fllowan unepete deah. thughtabottem nhe plane trg to clifonia frm thedweter own whre m sisters fmily ivs. hogh aot al te tngs at s hadnt seenor had or n. i thoughtbout h things that had n withou elizint ywerespeal.imsill hinking abut
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