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Unit8 A camping trip一 词组和日常用语1.their teachers 他们的老师 2.near the hill 在小山附近 3.at a camping site 在野营营地4.have a camping trip举行一次野营旅行5.show their things to each other互相展示他们的物品6. have a big tent 有一个大帐篷 7.sit near her tent 坐在她的帐篷旁 8.two blankets两条毛毯9. 10.a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力 11.some fruit 一些水果 12.all the children 所有的儿童13.a tin of fish一罐鱼14.15.some tins of chicken 几罐头鸡肉 16.a lot of toys 许多玩具17.a fat panda一只胖熊猫18.a thin monkey一只瘦猴19.long hair 长头发20.big ears 大耳朵21.with small eyes长着小眼睛22.have a big mouth有一张大嘴23.jump and run 跳和跑 24.like our toys喜欢我们的玩具25.the fish in the fridge 在冰箱里的鱼26.Look,Miss Li and Mr Green are coming .看,李小姐和格林先生过来了。二 句子第一,第二人称及复数(I, you , we , they ,my parents , the boys , the children )肯定句: 主语+ have 否定句:主语+dont have 一般疑问句: Do+主语+have ? 特殊疑问句:What do +主语+have ? 第三人称单数(he, she , it , Miss Li , David , your brother , her sister , the girl )肯定句: 主语+ has 否定句:主语+doesnt have 一般疑问句:Does+主语+have ? 特殊疑问句: What does +主语+ have?1.What do I have ? You have a pot.我有什么?你有一个锅。2.What do you have? I have a towel.你有什么?我有一块毛巾。3.What do you have? We have some flowers.你们有什么?我们有一些花。4.What do they have? They have three toy cars.他们有什么?他们有三辆玩具汽车。5.What does he have?He has a stove.他有什么?他有一个火炉。6.What does she have? She has a tin-opener.她有什么?她有一个开罐器。7.We have a telescope and they have a big tent .我们有一个望远镜,他们有一个大帐篷。三、语法解析 have has的用法:(表示某人有某物)1肯定句:(某人有某物。)单数has复数have ,我有你有是特殊,I have ,you have; 例句:I _ a toy bear . It _ long hair. My brother _ an elephant.It _ big ears. Mike_ a toy bike. My parents _ two children. 2 否定句:(某人没有某物。) 开头单数doesnt have,开头复数dont have,我有你有是特殊,也用dont have 例句:1.我没有一个风筝。I dont have a kite. 我没有任何风筝。I dont have any kites. 2.他的姐姐没有一把扇子。His sister doesnt have a fan. 他的姐姐没有任何扇子。His sister doesnt have any fans. 3.他们没有任何面包。They dont have any bread. 3 一般疑问句:(某人有某物吗?)例句:1.你的父亲有一辆小汽车吗?不,他没有。 Does your father have a car? No, he doesnt. 2.他有一些纸吗?是的,他有。Does he have any paper? Yes, he does.3.他们有一些梨吗?不,他们没有。 Do they have any pears? No, they dont. 4.学生们有一些帐篷吗?不,他们没有。 Do the students have any tents? No, they dont.4 特殊疑问句:(某人有什么?)例句:1.你有什么?我有一些图画书。What do you have? I have some picture books.2.Helen有什么?她有一双鞋子。What does Helen have? She has a pair of shoes. 3.你的母亲有什么?她有一个白色的钱包What does your mother have? She has a white purse.练习一、找出划线部分读音与其他单词发音不同的那个。( )1. A. kite B. fridge C. fish D. tin( )2. A. old B. open C. orange D. clothes( )3. A. wash B. class C. banana D. dance( )4. A. show B. flower C. follow D. know( )5. A. near B. where C. here D. year二 、选词填空,每个词可不止用一次。have, has , there is , there are , there isnt, there arent, is there , are there1.I _many good friends in our class. 2.Tom _big blue eyes. Yang Ling _ small black eyes.3.Jim and I_ some new storybooks. 4.Can I _a cup of tea? Im very thirsty.5.What does she _ ? She _ a Walkman.6.What do the students _ ? They _ some big tents.7.Nancy and Helen _ a lot of toys. Theyre very nice.8.Excuse me, _a study in your house ?yes, next to my bedroom .9._any boys beside the school bus? 10._no milk in the bottle now. Lets go and buy some.11.How many people_in your family?12._some rice in the bowl. 13._ a carton of juice in the fridge?14._an apple and some pears on the table.15._ a spoon. You can use these chopsticks.16._any noodles in the cupboard. Lets g and buy them.三、阅读短文,回答问题The children have a lot of toys . Now they are showing their toys to each other. Liu Tao has a toy plane . It can fly very high(飞得高). Gao Shan has a telescope . Ben has a lion. Its brown and it has long hair. Helens favourite toy is a doll. It has a pretty dress. It can sing and dance. Jim has a bus and six cars. has Mike has three monkeys. They are very thin .They can jump and run. All the toys are very nice. The children like their toys very much.1. What are the children doing ? _.2. Who has a telescope ? _.3. What can the doll do ? _.4. What does Mike have ? _.5Do the children like their toys ? _.Unit9 Shapes一词组和日常用语1.an Art lesson 一堂美术课 2.teach her students about shapes 教她的学生(有关)形状3.learn how to draw them学习怎样画它们4.look at the blackboard 看黑板5.come to the blackboard 到黑板这儿来6.fly a kite/ fly kites 放风筝7.the sun and the moon 太阳和月亮8.how many circles多少圆圈9.draw a square 画一个正方形 10.show us how to do it(示范)给我们看怎么做11. make paper flowers 做纸花12.how to make a card怎么做一
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