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试卷代号:169 座位号湖北广播电视大学-年“专升本”考试英语专业高级休闲英语试题26月_I. Choose A, B, C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. (20%)1. Hi, Anita! How are you? Just fine, thanks. Whats new? Nothing much. Whats new with you? _.A. Thats all right. Im coming over tomorrow. B. Well, Im not working at the bank anymore. C. Thanks, thats very kind for you. 2. When you Have directions to the taxi driver, you sounded just like a native. _.A. We decided to move to California last year. B. Well, not quite. I still have trouble expressing myself. C. Which city are you going to stay?3. I need someone to take care of my daughter. _.A. Someone whos good with children. B. I have a friend whose daughter is in kindergarten. C. What kind of person are you looking for?4. Do you know if Johns coming home for dinner? _.A. Hell be late. He said not to wait for him.B. Ill be late for dinner. C. John is going to be at the meeting tomorrow afternoon. 5. You speak English so well. You must be good at learning languages. _.A. I have a hard time learning languages too. B. Ive met lots of interesting people here. C. Im lucky. Ive always found languages easy. 6. Im sorry. Now what were we talking about? _.A. You were saying that you used to be a physical therapist. B. If I had more time, Id have a private practice. C. That tickets for the Sting concert are sold out. 7. _. No, Im going to the post office. A. Well, we could always go tomorrow. B. Rose, did I hear you say youre going to the drugstore?C. Do you think you might go by a post office?8. _.What did you do?A. While I was hiking through the woods, I saw a bear.B. I was hiking through the woods.C. Where are you off to? Perhaps the best way is to take a taxi.9. I havent heard from my brother for six months. _.A. Hes too busy. He hasnt got time for dinner. B. He wont be able to come over later. C. Really? Why doesnt he write more often?10. _. No, I havent. Ive been coughing and sneezing for two weeks. A. Youve been losing your temper a lot lately. B. Have you been getting enough exercises?C. You still havent got rid of that cold, have you?II. Read the following passages and answer questions. (60%)Passage 1Information for Tourists to Singapore Getting the Visa. Travelers can come individually or with a tour group. The travel agencies which organize the tour will go through all the necessary formalities for the group members, while individual travelers should find out if they need a visa to enter Singapore. For nationals of most countries of the would, a visa is granted at the port of entry, but nationals of some countries have to apply for a visa before they travel to Singapore. You should check with the embassy of the Republic of Singapore nearest to you whether or not you need a visa to enter Singapore. You should apply for it well ahead of time if you do need one.Physical Check-up. Tourists should go to their doctors before leaving for Singapore and get some vaccinations or medication according to their doctors advice. Singapore has many well-equipped hospitals, but the medical expenses can become costly for non-residents. In Singapore, it is easy to find doctors who speak English, Chinese, Malay or Tamil. Doctors who speak other languages are more difficult to find. If you do not speak any of the four official languages of the country, you may have the problem of a language barrier when you go to a Singapore hospital for treatment. Money Matters. All hard currencies, for example, US dollars, German marks, French francs, Japanese yen and sterling pounds, are accepted in Singapore. Tourists can use cash, travelers checks and credit cards according to their own needs. Foreign currencies and travelers checks can be changed into Singapore dollars at the exchange desks of the hotels, the major banks, and authorized money changers. Dont change money with any unauthorized money vendors; it is illegal and not safe. The major credit cards, such as Visa, Master Card, American Express, Million, JCB and Diners Club, are accepted in most of the
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