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甘肃省武威市七年级英语上册StarterUnit3Whatcolorisit(第2课时)教案(新版)人教新目标版Starter Unit 3 What color is it章节(课题)名 称Starter Unit 3 What color is it?学时2总课时13三维目标知识技能 通过本单元教学,使学生能运用所学英语,正确地描述物体的颜色;同时进一步学习分辨人物的用语,并加以运用。过程方法本单元口语训练应当自始至终在一种鲜明的色彩背景下进行,旨在营造那种为学生所喜爱的欢快气氛,教师应当在十种颜色上大做文章;在使用实物时要使颜色醒目;在组合图画时,要尽量用大色块;在使用投影时要使颜色突出来。教师可以从教室环境上入手营造色彩气氛,如:选取十种颜色的硬色板,剪成各个大写字母;或者将色板剪成各种卡通动物形象,悬挂在教室当中或在墙上,注明各种颜色的英语字块。情感态度与价值观 用各种可以调动学生积极性的活动来提高学生的活跃性,激发他们参与讨论的热情。同时可以对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。学生特征分析本班学生活泼好动,大部分学生喜欢学习英语,喜欢参与课上的教学活动。乐于表现自己,乐于用英语表达的自己的思想。对于本课句型What color? 以前学习过,学生比较熟悉,但在一定的情景中恰当应用,还有待于进一步提高,学生听读资源的能力和习惯还需进一步培养和提高。项目内容解决措施教学重点1、Letters: Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz 并归纳26个字母的发音。2、New Words: red, yellow, green, blue, black,purple, brown, the, now see, can ,say, my and white.3、Sentence patterns:What color is that /this/it? ItsWhat color are these/those/they?They areCan you spell themR-E-DListening 、Speaking、 Writing、 Reading and Practising.教学难点1、New Words: red, yellow, green, blue, black, purple, brown, the, now see, can ,say my and white.2、Sentence patterns;What color is that /this/it? ItsWhat color are these/those/they?They areCan you spell themR-E-D3.Train the good habits .1. Devided the students into four groups , then through the games to recite them. .2.Listening Speaking Writing Reading and Practising 教学过程设计教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图教学札记Step1.Greetings T: Say the Good morning to Ss. Ss;Say the Good morning to T.Step2.Revision1.Read and recite the letters from Aa to Rr.2.Revise the dialogue with real things:A: Excuse me. What is this/that in EnglishB: It is a /anA: Spell it, please./ Can you spell it, please.B: A: Thank you.B: That is all right.Step3. LeadinDo the same steps of the letters list on 2c ,as the teacher did in the introductionMake sure students know an these letters and words in 2e,3astep 4:Listening Do 3b,3a,3b and 3d in page11 (Do exercises by students)Step 4: Pairwork1.Show them a letter, ask: Whats this? Then answer by myself Its A. What color is it? Its red.2.Repeat with another letter.3. Teach the sentence structures .4. Then ask three individual students the questions.5.Say put out your letter cards, work in pairs.6.Some pairs act theirs out.7.Some pairs come to the front and act theirs out.Step 5: Practice1.Show them an orange. Ask Whats this? They should answer Its an orange. Then ask What color is it? Help them to answer Its orange.2.Show them the sentences on the screen. Then they read after me.3.Show them a quilt. They ask me the questions.4.Ask three individual students by using a pen, a key or other things.5.They work in pairs.6.Some pairs act theirs out.Step 6Groupwork1.Point to an orange / a key/ a rulerAsk Whats this? Spell it, please. What color is it?2.Then I ask some individual students.3.They work in groups of four.4.Some groups act theirs out in the front.Blackboard design:Unit 3 What color is it?Red yellow green blue black whiteWhats this in English?Its a ruler.Spell it , please.What color is it?Its yellow.Step7Summary1、Letters: Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz 并归纳26个字母的发音。2、New Words: red, yellow, green, blue, black,purple, brown, the, now see, can ,say, my and white.3、Sentence patterns:What color is that /this/it? ItsWhat color are these/those/they?They areCan you spell themR-E-DStep 7Homework 1、Listen to 2a and read it after the tape.2、Copy the letters Ss-Zz and the letters in 3, write down the Chinese meaning and collect more such letters.(3)Make color letter cards.Read recite and writing. Thinking about some words about colours, then draw the difference colours in the paper.Devide the students into three groups, then ask and answer the questions by themselves.Pair-work, practice the dialogue.Repeat the important points and key points in this class again.Do some exercisesReview the knowledge what we have learned in the last class, then lead- in the topic in this class easily.Introduce the title of this unit3,lead the students to understand and study it better.Master the pronunciation and writing of letters:Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, xX, Yy,Zz then learn some new words of colours and spell them. In the last study sentence patterns of asking and answering what colour a thing is or things are.Consolidate the knowledge in this class.个性化教学为学有余力学生所做的调整句子配对 A B 1Whats this in English? AThe one in blue. 2Is this
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