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高二(上)Unit 11.undertake to do sth 许诺/保证做某事undertake that2.be curious about 对 感到好奇 be curious to do sth 极想做be curious wh- 从句 对有兴趣3.seek ones/a fortune 追求财富,碰运气 Seek for / after 寻找,追求 seek ones advice 征求某人的意见4.have sth in common(with) 与有共同之处;和一样 In common with 和一样5.go by (1)经过,走过 (2)(时间)过去,流逝 (3)(机会)失去,被轻易放过 (4)依据作判断,按行事As time goes by, his hair is turning grayWith time going by, his hair is turning gray6.go on with sth 继续某种行为(或某件事)go on doing sth 继续做同一件事go on to do sth 接着做另一件事7. work on 从事,继续工作 work out 设计出,做出,算出,锻炼身体 work over 彻底检查,钻研,重做8. turn out (1)关(煤气,电灯等) (2)生产,培养出,出来 (3)“结果是;证明是;原来是,”后常跟n. adj. adv. to be 或that clause (prove)9.be satisfied with 对感到满意satisfy ones needs/ demands/ requirements 满足某人的需求10. the other way around/ round/ about 相反地;用相反方式11. reach ones goal 达到目的或目标12. make a difference 产生差别,有影响,起重要作用 make no difference 无关紧要13. Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问14. There is no point /sense(in) doing sth 做某事没有意义15. what if 倘使将会怎样,即使又有什么要紧16. be/get engaged(to sb) (与某人)订婚engage(oneself) in sth/ be/get engaged in sth 从事某事,忙于某事17.Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.Unit21. be faced with 面临,面对2. have/ find(much/no/little) difficulty(in) doing sth There is(no/little/much) difficulty(in) doing sthWith/ without difficulty3. inform sb of/ about sth 通知某人某事 keep sb informed 随时向报告情况4.be related to 与有关关系 relate to sb/ sth 理解或同情某人5. addict oneself to sth= be/get/ become addicted to sth /doing sth 沉溺于,醉心于6. be bored with 对感到厌烦为担忧从事于,参与,干涉7. concern oneself about/ for / over be concerned about /for/ overconcern oneself with/ in/ aboutbe concerned with/ in/ aboutas/ so far as be concerned 就而言8. go up 上升,增长,攀登,建成,建造9. burn down (使)烧成平地,烧毁 burn(sth) to the ground 烧成平地10.draw attention to 对表示注意catch/ draw/ attract ones attention 引起某人注意devote ones attention to 专心于Pay attention to 11. on all sides 在各方面,到处12. look up to 尊敬,钦佩 look down up on 轻视,看不起13. fall in love with 爱上(动作) be in love with(状态)14. It/ This/ That is/ was the first/ second/ time that+完成时Unit 31. have/ develop (a) taste for/ in 爱好,喜欢 have/ show taste in 对有很高的鉴赏力to ones taste 合乎某人口味的,中意的2. be convenient to sb 对某人来说方便if(it is) convenient for /to sb 如果某人方便的话3. impress+名词(常用被动语态,不用进行时)Impress sth. on sb = impress sb. with sth 使(某人铭记)be impressed on ones mind/ memory 被印在脑海里4. go against 违背,反对;对不利,与相反,与不符5. act as 充当,起作用,担当work as 从事(某种职业) serve as 用作,作为,充当6. fill up=fill in 填写fillup with 把装满fill up with 挤满了,淤积be filled with 装满了,充满了7. pull down 拆除 pull sb. down 使虚弱,使精神不振8. belong to 属于,归属,为的一员(无被动语态或进行时态)9. set aside 拨出,留出;(暂时) 把放在一边lay aside 储存10.A is to B what C is to D A对B而言正如C对D一样11. be of+ (little/no/ great/ much/ some/)value, use, help, importance, significance, 相当于该名词相应的形容词= be valuable, be useful, be helpful, 12. refer to 参考,涉及Unit 41. by intention=by design 故意地 Have no intention of doing sth 无意做某事 With the intention of 无意地,不是故意地intend (sb) to do sth 打算(让某人)做某事本来打算做某事 had intended to do intended to have done2. apart/ aside from 除之外,除开tell sth. apart 区分,分辨3. recommend sth to sb = recommend sb sth 向某人推荐recommend sb to do sth=advise sb to do sthrecommend doing sth 建议做某事recommend+ that+(should)+v (虚拟)4. contribute to 有助于;为作贡献contribute to 捐助;提供;向投稿make a contribution/ contributions to5. get through 通过考试;(议案)通过;接通电话;(设法)做或完成go through 浏览;经历;通过;仔细查看live through 度过,经受住6. call up 回忆;打电话;征召入伍call at sp 访问(某地) call on/ upon sbcall back 召回,撤销 call for 要求,需求call off 取消 call in 召集,收回7. stand out 突出;杰出;坚决反对(抵抗),主张(要求)stand for 代表 stand by 支持8.light up容光焕发;照亮9.open a/the door to/ for 向开门;为创造条件10. come into being=come into existence 出现,诞生,成立come into effect/force 生效come into use/service 开始使用come into power/office 就职11. look up 查看,翻查,查找;好转,抬头看look over 快速地查看look into 调查,检查,向里看look through 浏览,仔细查看;过目look in=drop in/ call in 顺路走访Unit51. take advantage of 利用Have an advantage over 胜过,优于2. form/ develop a good habit 养成好习惯fill out/in a form 填表in the form of 以的形式 form a line 排成一行3.have(an) influence on/ upon/ over 对有影响4. on a basis/ on the basis of 以为基础5. judge sb/ sth(to be) 认为某人/某事是judge by/ from 根据判断judging by/ from 依来判断(独立状语)pass/ give judgment on sb 对某人审判6. be employed in 从事,忙于7. consist of (主动语态)= be made up of 由组成consist in 在于,存在于8. come to / arrive at/ reach an agreement with sb about/ on sth关于/就某事与某人达成协议9. make up 构成;编造;弥补;凑足;和解;化妆充分利用10. make the most of make the best of make full use oftake full advantage of11. at one point 在某处;一度 at all points 在各方面 to the point 切中要害 off the point 离题12. run over 撞倒并碾过;快速阅读;温习;溢出run across / into 偶然遇到13. in general 大体上,通常 general speaking 一般说来
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