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Unit8 Section A 1a -2c 【学习目标】 1.掌握单词: comment, album, personal, special, present, scarf掌握以下句型: Why dont you Why not+V原形?How about+V-ing/名词 What about+V-ing/名词?2.能用各种表达建议的方式来为别人献计献策,为不同的人选择不同的礼物。如: Why dont you get her a camera? How about some tennis balls? 3.能用英语来表达自己的喜好,并对他人所提供的建议做出评价。如:Thats too boring.4.能正确运用情态动词should来请求帮助。如:What should I get my mom for her birthday? 【重点、难点】 1谈论和比较不同的事物的品质和特征。2.学习就赠送礼物如何给别人提出建议和意见。【课前预习导学】同学们,你们曾经收到过礼物吗?相信在你生日时,肯定收到过很多礼你能说出他们的名称吗?请写在下面的横线上。The more the better!Gifts:_2.其中你最喜欢的礼物是什么?是谁,什么时候送的?_ is my favorite gift. My _ gave it to me _.【课堂研讨展示】(一)词汇1. comment n. 评论;解释;说明 例如:He made few comments on that movie. 对于那部电影他没说什么。No comment! (对于询问)无可奉告!2. personal adj. 私人的,个人的,亲自的,针对个人的 例如:a personal letter 私人信件 personal opinions 个人意见 a personal interview 亲自会见(二)如何给别人提出建议和意见的常用句型1、询问对方意见:What shall we do tonight?询问对方意见的说法还有:What should I?( should表示请求、征询对方意见)e.g.:What should I get my dad for his birthday? 我该送给爸爸什么作为他的生日礼物呢? 2、提出建议:How about (doing something?) going to a movie?e.g. : What shall we do this afternoon? How about going for a walk?提出建议的句型还有: 1)what about? (about是个介词,可跟名词或动名词) 2)How about?e.g.: How/what about the photo album? 一个像册怎么样? How about getting her a scarf? 买条围巾送给她怎么样? 3)Why dont you do something? 4) Why not do something?5) You should/could do something. 6) You should (not) do something. 7) Youd better (not) do something. 8) What about doing sth.?e.g.:Why dont you buy a sweater? Why not get a digital camera? You should/could take me exercise every day. You shouldnt eat too much. Youd better not quarrel with others. What about going out for a picnic?在提出建议做什么事情之后,就会有人发表看法进行比较。如: How about Star Wars? Thats a great movie! I heard the Star Wars is pretty good.3、发表看法时可以用Thats这个句型。e.g.: Thats too personal. 那太个性化了。表示看法或意见的说法还有: Good idea. It sounds good/great. Shell like it. 她会喜欢这个的。在发表看法时,还可以用感叹句来表示:What a lucky girl! 【课内训练巩固】 一、写一写 你能将下列词组及句子准确的写出来吗?1.t p 太个性化 2.not s e 不够特别3.not c e 创意不够 4.not i enough 不够有趣5.b a scarf f me 给我买了条围巾6. you her a scarf ? 你为什么不给她买条围巾?7.- a scarf. 围巾怎么样?-No, thats . 不,那太乏味了。【课后反思质疑】1.谈论和比较不同的事物的品质和特征2.Why dont you Why not+V原形?How about+V-ing/名词 What about+V-ing/名词?【课外拓展延伸】 一、根据我们今天所学的知识在空格处填上适当的词汇吧!Its my friends birthday tomorrow. I want to _ him a gift, but I have no idea. Tony said, “Why _ you give him a pen?” Mary said, “Why _ give him a CD?” Sally said, “What _ a book? ” Jack said, “How about _ him a dictionary?”二、句型转换。改为同义句。 1.Why not come over to join us? over to join us? 2.How about the sweater? do you the sweater? Unit8 Section A 3a-4 【学习目标】1、如何询问对方意见。2、如何提出建议。3、如何就别人的建议发表看法。【重点、难点】1、如何询问对方意见。2、如何提出建议。3、如何就别人的建议发表看法。【课前预习导学】1. 复习Unit8 Section A Grammar Focus 中的句子。2.朗读Unit8的词汇。【课堂研讨展示】和同桌完成Unit8 Section A 3a知识剖析:一、重点词汇1.receive v. 收到;接受。receive sth. from sb. 收到某人送来的某物例句:I received a letter from David last week. 上周我收到了大卫的来信。【辨析】get, receive,与accept的区别:(1)get是一个具有多重意义的动词。它的基本词义是“得到;获得”,可以理解为被动接受或主动争取某物。例句:I got a pet dog from my friend , Jim.我从我的朋友吉姆那儿得到了一只宠物狗(可能是吉姆送给我的,也可能是我主动索取的。)(2)receive v. 收到;接受(强调客观性)。例句:Lucy received many gifts on her birthday.露西生日那天收到了许多礼物。(3) accept接受(强调主观性)。例句:Ive received his present, but I cant accept it.他送的礼物我已经收到了,但我不能接受。二、重点句型1.What a lucky guy! 该句是感叹句。英语中常用的感叹句句型有:(1)What + a + 形容词 + 可数名词单数(+ 主语 + 谓语)!例句:What a bright girl she is! 多么聪明的一个女孩啊!(2)What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数/不可数名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)!例句:What nice weather it is! 多好的天气啊! What beautiful flowers these are! 这些花真漂亮!(3)How + 形容词 (+ a + 可数名词单数)+ 主语 + 谓语!例句:How pretty a cup it is! 这个杯子真漂亮! How clever you are! 你真聪明!(4)How + 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!例句:How quickly Liu Xiang runs! 刘翔跑得真快啊!【课内训练巩固】 ( )1. - Where are you going? - Im going shopping. - _? - Certainly. A. Will you give me pen B. Can I help you C. Could you get a pen for me D. What are you going to buy( )2. Mums birthday is coming. What about _ her some flowers?A. get B. got C. to get D. getting( )3. -Who give it _? -His parents. A. him B. to him C. to he D.he( )4. Whats the best gift Jim has ever _? A. received B accepted C. got D. gets【课后反思质疑】
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