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美国国务卿克里在美国-东盟部长级会议英语演讲稿Wll,evryboy, my apoes oreingdlayed, a ank everyyfr thr patiece nd loo ow o very intrstignd omprehensive disusonisening. want o gi by hanngForein Miister winande GovernmetofMnar,chhas done a vrysoi job of leading ASENaschar is yea. A Ialso wnt torecogizeour new mbasadortoASEAN Nina Haigian, ho was onmed jus intetoe hee oday. (Lghterand plase.)We&rsqo;re elightd to a Nina on bard, an nowllofyou will rally enjoy workingwith he. Thented taeeains deeply mmittedtengagin the sia Pcific rio Ithinkyu&rso;ve hear talkng abot our realand Asia an the deinvlvemnt tha wehvetre, worng fothe trade greemen, rkng with respect euity isue and globllim chane– articlarly imrnt had cin b i th Plippiesad se thipa irely o Tphon aiya.And o w have a lot work o do,an e are deeplycommite. resienObama hseinocd ainnd aain is ntnin top the UnStaes fron and enr i th rein sqo;e already taledher– I think i&rso;sfive or six tiesin year and hal.e Presidenrsquo;s been theresevl ies. &so;re looking forwa to beingbk tee shot o hemetings in Otober, oveber, an ere’s obvusly alot tocotinut wok on ASEANad it entaliy etial toupholith rlesbsd ytem roughuthe Aiaacifc, nd itis the bst ay to nse tha l ountris bigand small ave avoices w woktgether to adess hecalg andtke avatagefth opportities. That&squo;s hy tUnitedtates contnuesto investo mcin he rlaiohipt&rquo;s whyw&sqo;r depeninour iesmong orpeple-topople rors, likePret Obama&rq;s YongSutheast Asian eaderInitiativ nd heU.-AEAN Fulbrih ram A t&squo;s wh we flly sppor theformatin te ANEconomic Comuiy n22X.Preidn Obaan I r very much looing frward o eingatte Est s Sumit, tntime werqu;r happto scus afewf t caeges hat wersquo;ve rtnereon,includinur maritimeseci andhe gla thratf ciate change. I hpe we cadiscuss hieving h bet to work on someoth otherglobl isuestat as fae od ndsh; frexample,the gring numers offoreignfigtrsfro all verthe orlw hav cose to goo IIL ad join n teiracivites nd peent adar an ris t ll of us Wealsoovioyface the haenge of Eboa n Wes frca, awened vybody o e ivovedinthe effotto contin i So Ihak you allfr carving utim n wha bee an exordinilybus week ere iNew ork. We&rquo;v o se vry imrtantconverstionsto have, befr weturn to that, wnt to rcognoregnMinis Lwin f s opening ome. FORIGNMSTER IN:Than ver mu, MrSecretar. Elnces, athetsetlteepress my sincere thanks to Scretr erad the Govrnmt o the ied tas ofAmerica f hotng his impotat meting, aking teoportut of al our ASEANcolleagusq;prsce ere in e Yorka eare atteg t 6h ene Asseml f hUndNaons. I m deighted tosee te prgress iASEN-U.S. diogue rlations tht compas ll trepillasofteASAN comunt Weapeciate U.S. rol n mainningpea and crityi the regio, s well as providing techncl assistance or ocio-econoi an soio-culturaleveopment in ASEA meer-taes. a cfident thatASEANan the U. furtr trengthen oopertin troghtheeffectv impemetati of the P ofcto t implemen the JoinViionStatmen ofASAU.S. Ehancd artners SA-.S. Econoi Mnisters ingwas hl on 28 Agust erseing ges fASEAN-U. eoniccooeatio ad findig ws to moe foward on the ottandingsec oE3 Initiative,patiuarly onnnbindinhared picipesof ASA-US. ietment.Ihp wecold be able to seeprogrs n hse mtters durig theucomingseco AEAN-U.S.mit i ovembr ThSANU.S Buine Smmt as sccessfullyonvned n Nyyid n28Aust,provii opprtuies forou business ele to nera andil eworks I lo forwrd toseing ncraedbies ativiesbtween ASA nd the Unted taes. cio-culture neltopties ae alo he as tht weshould focus o rmoteber undrsandigten te pplesofASAN and US The U. pprts o theCtLinks Pilo Patership,which provde cpcit buildingandtechnl (inauble) rgram nclmate changdaptaton mong cities,istielyandffectie s eurgen eed to tcke e egative effes ofclimat cang.
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