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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2007-2008学年度江苏省太仓市第一学期期末考试初二英语听力部分(26分)一、听对话、短文内容,选择最佳答案(共16小题;满分16分)1AHe posted a card BHe made a card CHe got a card2AThe expensive one BTile better one CThe cheap one3AA park BA zoo CA cinema4AWatch TV BTake a walk CDo some reading5A3:55 B4:1 0 C4:056AA restaurant BA park CA bookshop7ANone BOnce CTwice8ASimons BSandys CMarys9AIts easy BIts useful CIts interesting10AIn the shop BAt schoo1 CIn the post office11AGo boating BHave a picnic CStay at home12AListening to the radio BDoing her homework CWatching TV13AMr. Smith BHelen CMikes father14AThe man BNancy Green CThe woman15AWater flowers for himBTake care of the mans families CTake care of the mans garden16ANo,she hasnt BYes,she has CI have no idea二、据所听短文,选择最佳答案(每题2分,共10分)l 7What is MsSmiths telephone number? A51688 B54688 C568818What trouble does Mrs. Smith have? AThere was something wrong with her telephone BShe often got a wrong call CShe had to go to the cinema with her husband at night19Who called Mrs. Smith one evening? AA young girl BA tired woman CA tired man20How did Mrs. Smith feel when she heard the strange call? AShe was angry BShe was in a puzzleCShe was worried21What would possibly happen to the man after the call? AHe felt surprisedBHe had a good restCHe went to the cinema with his wife at once笔试部分(104分)一、单项选择(共16题,每题1分,满分16分)1It rained hard yesterdayThe father made the children in the room Ato stayBstay Cstaying Dstayed2The Smiths have visited two famous citiesOne is in Japan and is in China Athe other Banother Cother Dothers3How long will it you to Guangzhou by train? Aspend;getting Btake;gettingCspend;to getDtake;to get4Who you English? Miss Li Ateach;teaches Bis teach;is Cteaches;does Ddoes teach;does5Everybody me Millie at school Asays Btells Ccalls Dasks6Before they the house,a new great wave came Agot Breached Carrived Dreached to7They saw a tree Aten-meters-highBten meters highCten-meter-highDten-meter-high8Its too difficultWhy the teacher for help? Anot to ask Bnot asking Cdont ask Dnot ask9Everyone looked at each other fear Ain Bon Cfor Dat10Would you like some rice? Yes,just Aa few Bfew Ca little D1ittle11I dont know if it tomorrowIf it we wont go there Arains;rains Bwill rain;rains Crains;will rain Dwill rain; will rain12Wang Ming does and many people are thankful to him Aa important job Ba important work Can important workDan important job13Thank you so muchIts really kind of you ADont mention itBNever mind CIt doesnt matte r DIm not kind14We should people down trees Apreventto cut Bpreventfrom cutting Cpreventof cutting Dpreventcut15I asked my mother she could help me with my homework Awhat Bthat Cwho Dwhen16Toms father seemed with his good results Ahappy Bhappily Cangrily Dangry二、完形填空(共10空,每题1分,满分l 0分) Peter and Mike were in 1 classPeter was born in a 2 familyBut Mikes father was a businessman(商人)and got 3 moneyWhen Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped himPeter liked to have sportsHe was good at 4 He ran 5 than any others in their class It was SundayMike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnicMike took a lot of food thereIt was a 6 ayThe birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowersThey ate and drank then went 7 in the riverThey had a good timeSuddenly they heard a great noiseThey found it was a tiger behind a big treeThey were both very 8 Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run awayMike stopped him and said:”Its no use for usThe tiger runs 9 faster than usLets find a way”“It doesnt matter”said Peter”Im 1 0 Ill run faster than you”1Asame Bdifferent Cdifference Dthe same 2Arich Bhappy Cpoor Dbad 3Amany Blot Cany Dmuch 4Aran Brunning Crun Druns 5Afast Bfaster Cfastest Dbest 6Asun Brain Crained Dsunny 7Afish Bto fishing Cfishing Dfished 8Ah
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