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晨读系列四 不可不背的高级表达倒计时第天一一写作高级词汇写作词汇升级a way to do sthan approach to doing slh 做某事的方法Wc arc supposed to adopt an appropriate approach to protecting us from the terrible virus.1. all kinds off a variety of/various/a wide range of 各种各样的There is a wide range of local operas around China, such as Beijing Opera and Kun Opera.Whats more, a variety of activities will be involved, including taking photos, recording videos, writing graduation wishes, giving away souvenirs and so on.(2021 昆 明市“三诊一模”高考模拟)good re ward i ng, worthwhile, beneficial, be of great benefit 有益的In conclusion, although I have taken part in many campus activities, I believe the long running for love is the most beneficial one to me.(2021-临川一中高三模拟)very-*more than 非常Once accepted, I will be more than delighted to work harder for my academic performance.(2021 重庆高三全真模拟3)freef available 有空的Please make sure you are available at that time and join us.(2021 东北三省四市二模)be busy with-*be absorbed in/be occupied with/be engaged in ft于Receiving your e-mail is such a refreshing thing since I am fully occupied with making good preparations for the coming exam.7.important一of vilal/great importance/significance 重要(l勺That was a very good opportunity for me to improve my English and know more about the environmental protection which is of great importance to us human beings.8.realize-*raise awareness of/be aware of 意识至U倒计时第天一一续写出彩词句(2)笼统词具体词goodamazing 勿.令人大为惊奇的;terrific o.极好的,绝妙的;outstanding adj.出色的;fabulous s.极好的;fantastic cic.极好的;incredible adj.难以置信的;brilliant adj.5.好的badawful adj.糟糕的,可怕的;unpleasant adj.人不快的;terrible adj. 糟糕的,可怕的;evil adj.邪恶的;disgusting adj.K作呕的happycheerful adj.兴高采烈的;delighted oc.快乐的;pleased adj.高兴;满 意;joyful o勿.快乐的;高兴的;content adj.满意的;thrilled adj.非 常兴奋的;overjoyed adj.大喜过望的saddepressed/blue/down。力.沮丧的,抑郁的;gloomy。力.悲观的,沮丧 的;叩set。#.不高兴的,失望,沮丧的;fearful。勿.可怕的;忧虑的; 担心的;frustrated adjA败的,失意的beautifulappealing adj.吸引力的;cute adj.I爱的,机灵的;elegant雅的;charming。勿.美丽的;迷人的;attractive adj.R.引人的,有魅力的;inviting/fascinatingadj.L人的,有吸引力的likeadmire v.欣赏,仰慕;cherish v.珍爱;treasure/value u.珍视;fancy m 爱慕;desire v.渴望;appreciate s欣赏,感谢;enjoy。.喜爱,欣赏,享受;be fond of/be keen on/be crazy about 喜欢runrush v.冲向,迅速移动;races快速移动;dash v.猛冲;急驰;speed 饥快速前行;hurry v.匆忙;jog”.慢跑walkwandcr/stroll v.闲逛,漫步;pace v.踱步;tiptoe 踮着脚走,蹑手 蹑脚地走;skips边走边跳:march v.行军,走过人物情绪之“高兴”n用笑来体现“高兴”La pleasant/cheerful smile愉快的微笑2. a pleased smile满意的微笑a sweet smile甜蜜的微笑3. burst into laughler/burst out laughing 突然大笑起来smile brightly 笑得灿烂4. force a smile 强颜欢笑7.She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling.她对我咧嘴一笑,眼里闪烁着光芒。8. Their father laughed heartily and told her the twins had prepared breakfast for her.(2021-新高考卷I满分作文)他们的父亲开怀大笑,告诉她双胞胎为她准备了早餐。9. A smile of understanding flashed across his face.(2021-新高考卷 I 满分作文) 他脸上闪过理解的微笑。m描写“高兴”的词块和句式a mixture of excitement and happiness 既兴奋又开心2.in high/cheerful spirits 情绪高涨with a light heart 心情放松3. brighten sb heart使某人心情愉快Hearing this, everybody was wild with joy/on the top of the world.听到这个,大家都欣喜若狂。4. They said “Happy Mothers Day” , with their eyes twinkling withexcitement.(2021-新高考卷I满分作文)他们说“母亲节快乐”,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。5. Hearing the words, so glad was she that her face beamed and her bright smile lit up the room.(2021 新高考卷I满分作文)听到这话,她高兴得满脸笑容,她灿烂的笑容照亮了整个房间。6. Holding the money I earned through tvvo-week hard work, I couldnt contain my joy.(2021-浙江6月卷满分作文)拿着两周辛苦挣来的钱,我抑制不住心中的喜悦。人物情绪之“悲伤与消沉”n用哭来体现“悲伤与消沉”1 .with tears streaming down ones face 泪流满面2. sob with ones face buried in hands 掩面啜泣3.She started to weep uncontrollably.她不由自主地哭了起来。4.She stood silently, (with)tears rolling/streaming down her cheeks.她静静地站着,眼泪顺着脸颊流下来。5. Her hands were shaking, with her eyes Hlled with tears.她手在颤抖,眼里满含着泪水。6. Mary sobbed, hiding her face in her hands.她掩面啜泣。7. Turning around, she burst into tears.转过身去,她大哭起来。8. Her eyes are flooded with tears.她眼里满含泪水。9.She sobbed out the story of her sons unfortunate experiences.她哭诉着说自己儿子的不幸遭遇。10.Tears welled up as I was chewing.(2021 八省市联考满分作文)我一边咀嚼,一边泪流满面。m描写“悲伤与消沉”的词块和句式a flash of grief come upon sb感到一阵悲伤1. be down/low in spirits 情绪低落fall into despair 陷入绝望2. put him into a sentimental mood 让他很伤感make ones heart bleed 使某人悲痛3. cry ones heart out 悲痛欲绝with a heavy/sinking heart 怀着沉重的心情8.1 feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我感觉我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。9. Daniel has his arms crossed, looking upset.丹尼尔双臂交叉抱在胸前,神情沮丧。10. Arriving at his fathers house, suddenly sadness and regret filled his heart.当来到他父亲的家时,他突然感到悲伤和懊悔。11 .Hearing this, a ripple of sadness welled up inside him.听到这一点,他内心涌起一阵阵悲伤。12.Hearing the news, so desperate was he that he drowned sadness in wine.听到这个消息,他绝望地借酒浇愁。倒计时第天一一续写出彩词句(3)人物情绪之“怨怒”n描写人物“怨怒”的高级词块1 .get/annoyed irritated at 对某人生气2. get mad/cross at sb对某人勃然大怒be speechless with anger 气得说不出话3. rage at sb对某人大发脾气flame with anger气得满脸通红4. be displeased at ones conduct对某人的行为感到不满be ea
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